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Author Topic: Zoonar is launching Zoonar.Express  (Read 16824 times)

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« on: August 24, 2020, 07:43 »
Picture agency Zoonar is launching new RF licence portal Zoonar Express

Hamburg based picture agency Zoonar launched the beta version of its new license portal Zoonar Express today. This new site makes purchases of royalty free photos faster and simpler. The new portal features a high performance modern responsive design.

Zoonar wants to reach new groups of buyers with the new site. The purchase process on Zoonar Express is simple and fast and only a minimum of user data is required on the site. For example, it won't be necessary to create a user account, you can pay with PayPal. The licensing agreements use easy to understand language, prices are identical to those on Zoonar. Photographers receive a fair 50% commission rate, which is well above the average for stock agencies.

There are currently 7 million RF photos, vectors and illustrations available on Zoonar Express. The agency has plans to gradually expand the number of available images.



« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2020, 02:46 »
I think that what also interest the users of this forum is an easier upload process.
The actual one is a pain in the

« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2020, 04:20 »
How often or how many downloads, you sell on zooner?

« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2020, 04:24 »
I have a portfolio of 1200 pics on zoonar for about 14 months now and havent sold a single pic yet.
Not worth the effort.

« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2020, 08:16 »
I have a portfolio of 1200 pics on zoonar for about 14 months now and havent sold a single pic yet.
Not worth the effort.

Please check:

Do you have set Model and Property Release Information? (we are not sell Photos with an "unknown" status). You can do that at "Manage images" as a batch process
Do you have activate our Distribution Channels? You can do that at "Distributor Management" (we use APIS/Picturemaxx with DPA and DDP for the german Publishing Houses)

« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2020, 13:40 »
I have a portfolio of 1200 pics on zoonar for about 14 months now and havent sold a single pic yet.
Not worth the effort.

Please check:

Do you have set Model and Property Release Information? (we are not sell Photos with an "unknown" status). You can do that at "Manage images" as a batch process
Do you have activate our Distribution Channels? You can do that at "Distributor Management" (we use APIS/Picturemaxx with DPA and DDP for the german Publishing Houses)

All Release Informations are set.
I activated 7 partners but ddp images is the only agency that reviewed my pics and accepted them. DPA picture alliance reviewed a few, accepted a few and denied several.
All the other agencies like picturemaxx, fotofinder, getty images, universal images group, imagebroker all never reviewed my pics and keep them on the waiting list for 14 months now.
I have pictures with 68 views but not a single sale. The same pics do well with other agencies like Adobe and Alamy.
My user name is TeleMakro - maybe you can find out whats wrong with my portfolio......

« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2020, 17:27 »
I think that what also interest the users of this forum is an easier upload process.
The actual one is a pain in the
or tax form submission process (right now it is mission impossible). I've stopped uploading when taxes were introduced. I don't like double taxation - in Germany and in my country.

« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2020, 01:32 »
I have a portfolio of 1200 pics on zoonar for about 14 months now and havent sold a single pic yet.
Not worth the effort.

Please check:

Do you have set Model and Property Release Information? (we are not sell Photos with an "unknown" status). You can do that at "Manage images" as a batch process
Do you have activate our Distribution Channels? You can do that at "Distributor Management" (we use APIS/Picturemaxx with DPA and DDP for the german Publishing Houses)

All Release Informations are set.
I activated 7 partners but ddp images is the only agency that reviewed my pics and accepted them. DPA picture alliance reviewed a few, accepted a few and denied several.
All the other agencies like picturemaxx, fotofinder, getty images, universal images group, imagebroker all never reviewed my pics and keep them on the waiting list for 14 months now.
I have pictures with 68 views but not a single sale. The same pics do well with other agencies like Adobe and Alamy.
My user name is TeleMakro - maybe you can find out whats wrong with my portfolio......

Dont`t worry there is nothing wrong with your Portfolio. Some Partners needs a lot of time because we have to add essential Keywords, Categories or german Translations. Some other Partners are deleted like UIG or Getty because different reasons (to small fees or no sales reports). We are currently using Picturemaxx with DPA and DDP. Other Partners just accepted special kind of Content and we have to pick the Photos manually... We are specialized to do all this work for our Partners and Photographers. With Zoonar.Express we want to try now to sell more directly in the future. But our prices are higher, we are a regional company and we are not a subscription agency. So you will never have the same sales like at the big 5...
« Last Edit: August 30, 2020, 01:37 by Michael Krabs »

« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2020, 01:36 »
I think that what also interest the users of this forum is an easier upload process.
The actual one is a pain in the
or tax form submission process (right now it is mission impossible). I've stopped uploading when taxes were introduced. I don't like double taxation - in Germany and in my country.

This is true. I`ll  post it if we find a solution for it in the future...


« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2020, 10:46 »
I have a portfolio of 1200 pics on zoonar for about 14 months now and havent sold a single pic yet.
Not worth the effort.

I have 6000 images on Zoonar.
My last sale was in February 2020.
The previous one was in November 2019

Yes, not worth the effort
« Last Edit: September 04, 2020, 10:48 by Chichikov »

« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2020, 02:45 »
I have a portfolio of 1200 pics on zoonar for about 14 months now and havent sold a single pic yet.
Not worth the effort.

I have 6000 images on Zoonar.
My last sale was in February 2020.
The previous one was in November 2019

Yes, not worth the effort

I do not understand this post. This was a press release about the fact that an agency had founded a new (second) license portal to sell more photos itself in the future. It's no logic to say they haven't sold much so far, so they don't have to do anything to sell more in the future. The attempt in itself is worth it. It is always better than doing nothing or increasing your profit by reducing photo fees. It is clear that no miracles are to be expected. The market no longer produces miracles. It is shrinking ...

« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2020, 08:46 »
I have a portfolio of 1200 pics on zoonar for about 14 months now and havent sold a single pic yet.
Not worth the effort.

I have 6000 images on Zoonar.
My last sale was in February 2020.
The previous one was in November 2019

Yes, not worth the effort

I do not understand this post. This was a press release about the fact that an agency had founded a new (second) license portal to sell more photos itself in the future. It's no logic to say they haven't sold much so far, so they don't have to do anything to sell more in the future. The attempt in itself is worth it. It is always better than doing nothing or increasing your profit by reducing photo fees. It is clear that no miracles are to be expected. The market no longer produces miracles. It is shrinking ...

He is saying that Zoonar as a whole is not worth the effort. There are little to no sales on the main platform and it's easy to correlate that there would be equally little to no sales with the Express approach.  I have personally never uploaded to Zoonar just because they report so low on the earnings potential scale.  But that's just me.


« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2020, 00:12 »
I took the time and Looked at the work. which I seldom do Nowdays. Im sorry and don't mean to offend anyone But being Honest......I see a whole bunch Of Low interest/Done to death so /so Boring Uninteresting work from folks who  Just take Pictures, Not make Photographs. And Most of all "stock" Pictures. My friends Stock has a certain Look and feel. It doesn't have to be art BUT.....It is a art unto itself If done correctly.........................

It really is.

« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2020, 13:33 »
I took the time and Looked at the work. which I seldom do Nowdays. Im sorry and don't mean to offend anyone But being Honest......I see a whole bunch Of Low interest/Done to death so /so Boring Uninteresting work from folks who  Just take Pictures, Not make Photographs. And Most of all "stock" Pictures. My friends Stock has a certain Look and feel. It doesn't have to be art BUT.....It is a art unto itself If done correctly.........................

It really is.

So why do they then sell on Adobe and Deposit (and Shutterstock formerly), were used on stamps, bookcovers and authority flyers? Dont seem to be that useless with other agencies....

« Reply #14 on: December 25, 2020, 07:43 »
Is it possible to opt out from Zoonar express?

My idea was to get highest RPD on Zoonar, thats why I wanted to give them a month or so exclusive before I upload them to other agencies.
With this idea I could later on opt in into Zoonar express? - But first opt out - possible?

« Reply #15 on: December 25, 2020, 11:51 »
Zoonar.Express is faster and with new responsive design but it has the same prices...

You should chose the Premium-Price-Level for your Photos if they are not available at Microstock Agencies. We sell those Photos even with the Premium Prices at Zoonar.Express too


« Reply #16 on: December 25, 2020, 13:58 »
Hi Michael,

first of all thank you for your answer - even it is Christmasday.

I set all my photos on premium and most of them RF and found them for

Web8.00 $
2.04 MP
1750x1167 px
50.00 $
19.96 MP
5472x3648 px

« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2020, 14:02 »
Oops, sorry, I clicked wrong

8.00 $
2.04 MP
1750x1167 px

50.00 $
19.96 MP
5472x3648 px

So for High REs I would get 50% = 25 $
Cheapest price would be the small size for 8 makes for me 4$

And I couldnt find the price for merch on Zoonar express. Seems like the customer has to ask for it and then will be able to buy for your standard merch price as you wrote Premium Price.
Did I get you right?

« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2020, 08:22 »
Hello Kall3bu,

I think that's true. We do not offer merchandising licenses at Express. This is only possible on our main page. The new site should not offer all the functions of the old one. It is intended for quick, global image licensing.

You can only pay with PayPal there, purchase on account is not possible. One of the reasons for the newly launched Express variant was that we had problems with international licensing. For example, foreign buyers always had to have a sales tax ID. This is not necessary with Express.

Professional picture buyers will not choose the express option. Publishers need the data first and then invoice them later by sending receipts. You never buy in advance with PayPal. So this will all continue to run through Zoonar. Therefore, the larger licensing at Zoonar will continue to exist. We want to address a new target group with Express. For example, small companies that want to purchase individual image licenses.

And by the way: Merry Christmas!

« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2020, 03:30 »
I have started uploading at Zoonar in 2016.
Four (04) years have past and still even the first ever uploaded photo is being "checked" for partners, other than Zoonar and that another German agency I can't remember it's name.
I am not disclosing personal correspondence I had with the agency but the gist is that Zoonar replied they do that manually and it takes time.
I asked Zoonar again and the reply at a language i would not personally interpret as the most polite of any customer service I was told again it takes time.
Well, time might be a relevant measuring unit but in human and stock years more than 1.000 days (from mid 2016) is a long time.
If Zoonar is reading this here at this forum, they know my case.
I am not hiding behind a fake alias.
I just wanted to see If I am the only one that waits for years (more than one or two, up to four depending on photo) for his Zoonar assets to be send to partners.
If you have the same experience, please share.
Isn't that the purpose?
Share personal experience and ask stock relevant questions seeking for the contributor's input?

« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2020, 06:49 »
Hello Kall3bu,

I think that's true. We do not offer merchandising licenses at Express. This is only possible on our main page. The new site should not offer all the functions of the old one. It is intended for quick, global image licensing.

You can only pay with PayPal there, purchase on account is not possible. One of the reasons for the newly launched Express variant was that we had problems with international licensing. For example, foreign buyers always had to have a sales tax ID. This is not necessary with Express.

Professional picture buyers will not choose the express option. Publishers need the data first and then invoice them later by sending receipts. You never buy in advance with PayPal. So this will all continue to run through Zoonar. Therefore, the larger licensing at Zoonar will continue to exist. We want to address a new target group with Express. For example, small companies that want to purchase individual image licenses.

And by the way: Merry Christmas!

Hi Kall3bu,

sorry, I was wrong. I talked with our Developers: There will be an opt-out-function for Zoonar.Express. They are working on it....

« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2020, 06:54 »
I have started uploading at Zoonar in 2016.
Four (04) years have past and still even the first ever uploaded photo is being "checked" for partners, other than Zoonar and that another German agency I can't remember it's name.
I am not disclosing personal correspondence I had with the agency but the gist is that Zoonar replied they do that manually and it takes time.
I asked Zoonar again and the reply at a language i would not personally interpret as the most polite of any customer service I was told again it takes time.
Well, time might be a relevant measuring unit but in human and stock years more than 1.000 days (from mid 2016) is a long time.
If Zoonar is reading this here at this forum, they know my case.
I am not hiding behind a fake alias.
I just wanted to see If I am the only one that waits for years (more than one or two, up to four depending on photo) for his Zoonar assets to be send to partners.
If you have the same experience, please share.
Isn't that the purpose?
Share personal experience and ask stock relevant questions seeking for the contributor's input?

Hello Bestravelvideo,

releasing the photos to partners takes a long time. This is manual work that our editors do. As an example: Photos for Alamy are assigned essential keywords and categories. But it's a lot of work. We also take on such activities for other partners. That is exactly the purpose of our agency. As a picture distributor, we offer to take over the complex workflow. This also includes selection. This means photos that are not suitable will be rejected or processed subordinately. Only photos that have received information about property and model release from the photographer are processed. If this information is not entered, then we cannot pass the photos on to partners, let alone offer them for sale at Zoonar.

« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2020, 07:16 »
I went back just now to have a look at my Zoonar portfolio.
Let's give you an example.
I have a cherry blossom photo with blurred blue sky background that needs no model or property release.
A photo uploaded in 2016.
It mentions it will be checked for pixuremaxx and age photostock soon.
The photo has a title and keywords.
When will this be reviewed for other agencies?
Four years pending are not enough?
Is Zoonar so busy that has not still reviewed a pic form 2016? We will be in 2021 soon.
This goes on for all my pics.
Not a single creative one was ever sent to another agency.
Not rejected, pending for four years.
I could mention my cherry pic needs a model or property release, but that would be a joke.
All my landscape pics that neeed no release are still pending for 4 years.
I never got a time specific response as for the time taken.
I am still not reading a reply for the 4 four years it took and my pics are not reviewed.

« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2020, 07:24 »
I went back just now to have a look at my Zoonar portfolio.
Let's give you an example.
I have a cherry blossom photo with blurred blue sky background that needs no model or property release.
A photo uploaded in 2016.
It mentions it will be checked for pixuremaxx and age photostock soon.
The photo has a title and keywords.
When will this be reviewed for other agencies?
Four years pending are not enough?
Is Zoonar so busy that has not still reviewed a pic form 2016? We will be in 2021 soon.
This goes on for all my pics.
Not a single creative one was ever sent to another agency.
Not rejected, pending for four years.
I could mention my cherry pic needs a model or property release, but that would be a joke.
All my landscape pics that neeed no release are still pending for 4 years.
I never got a time specific response as for the time taken.
I am still not reading a reply for the 4 four years it took and my pics are not reviewed.

First: Did you set "Model Release not necessary" and Property Release not necessary"? This is always the first step. Our Database cannot know if a cherry didn`t need to have such Release. You need to set it. Currently we have started to set this with our editor-team, if its clear. But this is very expensive work. And we did this just since three months... If you didn`t set this, your Photo cannot go to the Partner-Network all the time before...
« Last Edit: December 27, 2020, 07:29 by Michael Krabs »

« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2020, 07:29 »
I went back just now to have a look at my Zoonar portfolio.
Let's give you an example.
I have a cherry blossom photo with blurred blue sky background that needs no model or property release.
A photo uploaded in 2016.
It mentions it will be checked for pixuremaxx and age photostock soon.
The photo has a title and keywords.
When will this be reviewed for other agencies?
Four years pending are not enough?
Is Zoonar so busy that has not still reviewed a pic form 2016? We will be in 2021 soon.
This goes on for all my pics.
Not a single creative one was ever sent to another agency.
Not rejected, pending for four years.
I could mention my cherry pic needs a model or property release, but that would be a joke.
All my landscape pics that neeed no release are still pending for 4 years.
I never got a time specific response as for the time taken.
I am still not reading a reply for the 4 four years it took and my pics are not reviewed.

Second: For years we have been sending automatic emails to all photographers who do not make any release settings. Why did you ignore these emails? Other photographers (over 95%) have their photos in the complete network within 1-2 years). It's not always the other's fault. As a photographer, YOU have to see how an agency works. Some just upload photos and don't control what the next steps are. When you log in, there are also bold warnings in red, which indicate that release information must be set so that the photos can be distributed. This too was apparently ignored ...

« Reply #25 on: December 27, 2020, 07:31 »
Happy to see this is 3 months new.
Let's say it has started from September 2020.
In the past, from 2016 to August 2020 according to that, this was not active.
So, why when there was no need for that, not a single photo uploaded 4 years ago was never reviewed?

« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2020, 07:31 »
I went back just now to have a look at my Zoonar portfolio.
Let's give you an example.
I have a cherry blossom photo with blurred blue sky background that needs no model or property release.
A photo uploaded in 2016.
It mentions it will be checked for pixuremaxx and age photostock soon.
The photo has a title and keywords.
When will this be reviewed for other agencies?
Four years pending are not enough?
Is Zoonar so busy that has not still reviewed a pic form 2016? We will be in 2021 soon.
This goes on for all my pics.
Not a single creative one was ever sent to another agency.
Not rejected, pending for four years.
I could mention my cherry pic needs a model or property release, but that would be a joke.
All my landscape pics that neeed no release are still pending for 4 years.
I never got a time specific response as for the time taken.
I am still not reading a reply for the 4 four years it took and my pics are not reviewed.

Second: For years we have been sending automatic emails to all photographers who do not make any release settings. Why did you ignore these emails? Other photographers (over 95%) have their photos in the complete network within 1-2 years). It's not always the other's fault. As a photographer, YOU have to see how an agency works. Some just upload photos and don't control what the next steps are. When you log in, there are also bold warnings in red, which indicate that release information must be set so that the photos can be distributed. This too was apparently ignored ...

Just to be on the safe side: our editors have been doing this job for three months now. So it may be that you no longer see the warnings. All photos are now fully distributed within 3-6 months. There are exceptions, however: We do not currently supply some partners. For example, we supply Picturemaxx via our channels at DDP and Picture Alliance and currently not a third time directly.

« Reply #27 on: December 27, 2020, 07:33 »
Happy to see this is 3 months new.
Let's say it has started from September 2020.
In the past, from 2016 to August 2020 according to that, this was not active.
So, why when there was no need for that, not a single photo uploaded 4 years ago was never reviewed?

Off course. Once again: How should a Database know if a Release is necessary or not?? Only the Photographer can know this. One example: In germany you need a Property Release if you made a Photo of a cherry tree on a private ground. Only YOU can know if you was on private property or not !!

« Reply #28 on: December 27, 2020, 07:40 »
It is interesting to see a non English person replying using "!!" and capital letters, like "YOU".
This is a text forum and shouting cannot be heard.
I would please ask you (not YOU or !!-as you respond sir) to keep calm and maintain a civilised tone of reply.
Since you represent Zoonar please help me find out how I can be paid my less than 35 euros credit,
including details in how to close my Zoonar acount.

« Reply #29 on: December 27, 2020, 07:49 »
It is interesting to see a non English person replying using "!!" and capital letters, like "YOU".
This is a text forum and shouting cannot be heard.
I would please ask you (not YOU or !!-as you respond sir) to keep calm and maintain a civilised tone of reply.
Since you represent Zoonar please help me find out how I can be paid my less than 35 euros credit,
including details in how to close my Zoonar acount.

No Problem SIR !
go to "my Profile / edit Profile" (second tab)....

« Reply #30 on: December 27, 2020, 07:51 »
As for the emails ( I am still keeping my agreement with Zoonar and do not disclose them) almost all are in German!
I am Greek, have studied at an American College, I have a Porficiency Certificate Degree in English and a legally recognised title from UK that enables me to teach English at a primary education school, but my German knowledge limits to "ich spreche kein Deutch", (no used !! or capitals here) from my last trip to Berlin!

« Reply #31 on: December 27, 2020, 07:52 »
As for the emails ( I am still keeping my agreement with Zoonar and do not disclose them) almost all are in German!
I am Greek, have studied at an American College, I have a Porficiency Certificate Degree in English and a legally recognised title from UK that enables me to teach English at a primary education school, but my German knowledge limits to "ich spreche kein Deutch", (no used !! or capitals here) from my last trip to Berlin!

No, we sent english Mails. Maybe you have used a german address. Then you get an german mail

« Reply #32 on: December 27, 2020, 07:56 »
It is interesting to see a non English person replying using "!!" and capital letters, like "YOU".
This is a text forum and shouting cannot be heard.
I would please ask you (not YOU or !!-as you respond sir) to keep calm and maintain a civilised tone of reply.
Since you represent Zoonar please help me find out how I can be paid my less than 35 euros credit,
including details in how to close my Zoonar acount.
The capitalized "YOU" shouldn't be an insult. But i don't understand why i can't say you just because i'm not from england? Here it is at least as common to say "you" in forums. As I said, insulting was not my intention ...

« Reply #33 on: December 27, 2020, 08:01 »
No, I did not use a Germam email but that is not the case. (copies and dates available)
Also, out of my total portfolio only 2 pics are missing model or release status.
The rest were never forwarded to other agencies.
In fact, my only Zoonar sales are with editorial photos.
I log in to my Zoonar acount and request a payout.
Since as I said I am below the 35 minimum, it responds with an error.
Please respond how I can be paid and then close my acount.

« Reply #34 on: December 27, 2020, 08:04 »
No, I did not use a Germam email but that is not the case. (copies and dates available)
Also, out of my total portfolio only 2 pics are missing model or release status.
The rest were never forwarded to other agencies.
In fact, my only Zoonar sales are with editorial photos.
I log in to my Zoonar acount and request a payout.
Since as I said I am below the 35 minimum, it responds with an error.
Please respond how I can be paid and then close my acount.

If you cancel your account, the money will be transferred at the end.

« Reply #35 on: December 27, 2020, 08:07 »
Thank you for your reply.
Just a final question then, so the rest of the contributors can benefit.
What is the time estimate, the longest it will take for the small money acount to be paid?

« Reply #36 on: December 27, 2020, 08:11 »
Please also explain how I can close my acount.
I am logged in but only see the option to edit pics.

« Reply #37 on: December 27, 2020, 10:55 »
# Hi Kall3bu,

sorry, I was wrong. I talked with our Developers: There will be an opt-out-function for Zoonar.Express. They are working on it.... #

No matter! nobody is perfect. Thank you for asking your developers.

In my case: My new strategy will be uploading/submitting new images to that agencies in follow that gives highest RPD for contributors first. I leave them exclusive on the first agency for a month , maybe 2 month, before I further submit them to the next agency with second high RPD. And so on. If I got a sale on the first agency, I delay submit to the next agency another month or 2.
The agencies with lowest RPD will get that images around 1 year later than the first agency - if nowhere the image got sold yet.

With this way I support first the more fair agencies with my time limited exclusive images and I support my ego, who does not want to submit my best images directly to the agencies, who treat their contributors by cutting our RPD massively.

But my very best images are still on my hard disc, because I researched one year with my other images first, what works where and why.

Thats why I was first shocked about Zoonar.express and my images online there.

It would be indeed great, if we can opt out first and later when I arrived with that images on agencies with similar RPD like I would get from Zoonar.express. Then I would like to opt in.
Do you think that will be possible? Or do we contributors have to decide only one time: opt in or opt out, but no change later on?

Maybe I open your eyes for contributors need and maybe some contributors here get a new idea for their upload sequence in kind of agencies.

If all contributors would do it like my plan above: The fairer agencies will benefit from it by getting the images first. Buyers will recognize that one time and search on that fairer agencies first, to get the freshest images.

« Reply #38 on: December 28, 2020, 12:52 »
# Hi Kall3bu,

sorry, I was wrong. I talked with our Developers: There will be an opt-out-function for Zoonar.Express. They are working on it.... #

No matter! nobody is perfect. Thank you for asking your developers.

In my case: My new strategy will be uploading/submitting new images to that agencies in follow that gives highest RPD for contributors first. I leave them exclusive on the first agency for a month , maybe 2 month, before I further submit them to the next agency with second high RPD. And so on. If I got a sale on the first agency, I delay submit to the next agency another month or 2.
The agencies with lowest RPD will get that images around 1 year later than the first agency - if nowhere the image got sold yet.

With this way I support first the more fair agencies with my time limited exclusive images and I support my ego, who does not want to submit my best images directly to the agencies, who treat their contributors by cutting our RPD massively.

But my very best images are still on my hard disc, because I researched one year with my other images first, what works where and why.

Thats why I was first shocked about Zoonar.express and my images online there.

It would be indeed great, if we can opt out first and later when I arrived with that images on agencies with similar RPD like I would get from Zoonar.express. Then I would like to opt in.
Do you think that will be possible? Or do we contributors have to decide only one time: opt in or opt out, but no change later on?

Maybe I open your eyes for contributors need and maybe some contributors here get a new idea for their upload sequence in kind of agencies.

If all contributors would do it like my plan above: The fairer agencies will benefit from it by getting the images first. Buyers will recognize that one time and search on that fairer agencies first, to get the freshest images.

Hello again, which is not a problem: We can take photos out at Zoonar.Express for the photographer at any time and put them back in later at any time. An email to: [email protected] is sufficient

This will be possible in 2-3 days.

However, I don't think your strategy makes sense. I would like to explain this with an example: Most image sales at traditional agencies are different from those at microstock agencies. The publishers load data and then design a layout. If this is accepted by the editor-in-chief, the product is printed and comes onto the market about 3-6 months later. We will then receive a receipt and issue an invoice. This means that it takes 3-6 months before the first licensing can occur after the upload of new photos. It is also the reason why many agencies have a deletion period of 6 months for photos. Otherwise these sales could no longer be booked.

Many people think that it always works like this, that customers license photos immediately. However, this is often not possible with professional designs, since there has to be an acceptance and sample layouts are often rejected. We have many such customers. However, if we use them, we often achieve good fees, for example very high fees for cover images.

« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2020, 07:30 »
Thank you very much for giving that background information. I guess, most contributors didnt know about it.

But it helps me for my strategy. Instead of waiting that 6 month, I submit them to other agencies with good RPD on same time.
Mostly costumer even not searching on different agencies - I think this is more value for customers, who buy on Zoonar and macrostock agenices. Maybe on microstock agencies costumers more searching on different agencies, but not sure also.


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Started by gustyx « 1 2 3  All » New Sites - General

50 Replies
Last post December 23, 2009, 08:42
by oboy
0 Replies
Last post July 11, 2010, 03:37
by mtkang
23 Replies
Last post September 26, 2011, 05:14
by Carl
3 Replies
Last post May 07, 2012, 13:30
by CD123
6 Replies
Last post August 20, 2012, 10:16
by Michael


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