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Author Topic: Copying keywords from Shutterstock?  (Read 6667 times)

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« on: June 03, 2015, 00:58 »

I have so far keyworded my photos after submitting to Shutterstock, but started just to keyword before submitting by editing IPTC data.

I tried to copy keywords from my already accepted photos from shutterstock, but run into troubles.  This is what a copied set of keywords look

cold, freezing, form, natural, white, new, sample, seasonal, hol
celebration, frosty, icicle, black, ice, abstract, macro, snowfl
hoarfrost, season, stiffened, decorative, cool, design, color, w
weather, crystal, frost, decorating, background, snow, nature, p
structure, glass

There seems to be an issue with line changes.  Is there a way to copy keywords from shutterstock without messing the set of keywords? 

Thanks in advance.


« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2015, 02:29 »
Use the "Keyword research tool" in the Tools section of this website. That connects to SS files and if you use some of your own terms to search for the file you may be able to find your pictures.
You just "copy" and "paste" once you have all the keywords you want - and you may find some others from other people's images, too.

« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2015, 02:38 »
Thanks BaldricksTrousers,

I might try your suggestions.

I wonder if this problem is due to Shutterstock or maybe it is just my IPTC editing software that is defunct.


« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2015, 05:12 »
Thanks BaldricksTrousers,

I might try your suggestions.

I wonder if this problem is due to Shutterstock or maybe it is just my IPTC editing software that is defunct.


Using the same keywords in every file is rarely a good idea as well.  Vary them a little bit between images to have a broader reach.  if you use the keyword tool that Baldrick mentioned it is very easy to add and remove keywords quickly and not have to check if you are writing a keywords twice

« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2015, 11:28 »
Thanks Leaf,

I did what you and Baldrick suggested and it works very nicely.

After some experiments I now believe that there is a bug in the software I used for editing IPTC data. 

Thank you both for your advice.



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