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Author Topic: Poor photography students need your old gear  (Read 4078 times)

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« on: October 27, 2008, 01:06 »
I just found a site of an Australian photographer who goes to New Guinea and is after old camera gear to teach students.

I figure, since some of you guys are probably like me and hoarding old bits and pieces we could never sell in a fit, it might be a good thing if you looked at that locally. This fella is www.pidgin.com.au but I am sure there would be something like it where you live.

The other thing I thought of, was I sent my Nikon D1 off to a university because I remember being a broke journo student and never having anything to use.

Been trying to sell the old Nikon and get sick of dealing with people. I figure it is more value to a student, just to learn all the buttons and stuff.

« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2008, 01:49 »
You're absolutely right about giving away old and beaten equipment rather than selling it. I'm doing the same cause I remember how difficult it was for me to obtain it and would like to help out some poor students who are just starting out with photography. Great topic.

« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2008, 11:42 »
If you don't want to ship to far off lands, it's also a good idea to check college newspapers etc. Sometimes these can be picked up at diners, coffee shops, that the students frequent. I got rid of an old TLR last year and the student was very appreciative. Also gave him some old circa 1970s books that I no longer referenced. On the local meetup he bought me coffee and a pastry. Was payment enough for me, and now the old beloved cam doesn't sit in the closet.


« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2008, 12:10 »
I'm poor - donate your old gear to me :D


« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2008, 13:29 »
I'm poor - donate your old gear to me :D
I'm poor, and OLD, donate your NEW gear to me.
 ;D no seriously, i am looking for a new gear this christmas, and like your opinion. it's on a new thread .
i welcome all your suggestions.

« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2008, 17:38 »

The other thing I thought of, was I sent my Nikon D1 off to a university because I remember being a broke journo student and never having anything to use.

You kidding?  When I lived with my ex and he was at university, he had more money to throw around with his student loan and part time job than I did working a 37 hour week.

It's no coincidence that most students are poor, but also spend most of their time in the pub.  Guess where the money goes?

(Before anyone complains, I lived with a uni student for two years, and after that a Doctorate student, and was surrounded by students the whole four years in a university town).

« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2008, 19:19 »
You kidding?  When I lived with my ex and he was at university, he had more money to throw around with his student loan and part time job than I did working a 37 hour week.

Like in any donation, we should check who is going to get it and how it is going to be used. In the example cited by Litifeta, the equipment will be used in New Guinea. Not necessarily a university student there needs this help, but I suppose the guy is lending it, not giving it, to students of any social class who join his project.

There is a NGO here with photographers taking cameras in low-class areas, teaching kids how to use them and portrait their environment. Though not technically sound, the results are interesting, with an inside view of these areas often forgotten by governments and the daily life of their residents.

Another NGO here that uses old PC parts to teach computer assembly and technical assistance. They also use complete PCs for software training.  I always donate my old PCs (or what is left of them...) to them.



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