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Messages - videomaker

Pages: [1]
Pond5 / Re: Pond5 down 403 error
« on: May 10, 2024, 09:12 »
Got replay from support:

"Please accept our apologies for any confusion or frustration this has caused. We are aware of the issue mentioned, and our technology teams are working quickly to have these features restored.
Please note this issue only affects Safari - Google Chrome works fine!
Although we do not have an estimated resolution date, rest assured we should have this corrected soon. If you need any further assistance please let us know, we're happy to help.

So I have to switch browser it look like  ::)

Pond5 / Re: Pond5 down 403 error
« on: May 10, 2024, 08:55 »
Seems like it's blocking VPN access.  Access without VPN from USA is no problem.
I am not using any VPN access, using a regular ISP connection. Based in Norway, Europe.
Everything worked without issues until this morning local time. I was uploading footage when it suddenly stopped. So I have not done any change to this at my place!
Have asked Pond5 support but not any answer yet

Pond5 / Re: Pond5 down 403 error
« on: May 10, 2024, 06:03 »
i keep getting these time outs for over a week now. Sometimes everything works just fine, then I cannot get on the site.
Strange way of doing business  ::) Could be the reason for lack of sales...

Pond5 / Pond5 down 403 error
« on: May 10, 2024, 05:11 »
What is happening to Pond5, been unable to access for many hours
403 error message to the site

5 / Re: Unable to access SS Contributor site
« on: August 09, 2022, 12:54 »
Thanks, working now for me too, dont know what the issue could have been!

6 / Unable to access SS Contributor site
« on: August 09, 2022, 12:25 »
Anybody get access for the ss contributor site today? Been unable for me for hours

Pond5 / Re: Unable to connect to Pond5
« on: May 10, 2019, 15:29 »
Never mind, sorted it out
Seem to be something with my network connection, switched it and it is working now!

Pond5 / Unable to connect to Pond5
« on: May 10, 2019, 13:31 »
Others unable to connect to Pond5 today
Only got a blank page. Cleared cache. Tried different browser and Mac and Pc. Nothing helps

Just want to notice artist who have uploaded videoclips to Pond5 that selected thumbnails has been reset to default which can be very bad for clips with lot of movement
At least clips uploaded from spring 2017 has changed to default thumbnail. Just a thought that this can be the reason for slow sales on new clips. Most of my sales have been old clips recently. Not sure how long this has been the case with wrong thumbnails!
I have many clips where default thumbnails not showing the value of the clip to a customer, which could lead to a lost sale I think!
I have sendt a notice to support at Pond5, but haven't got any answer back yet. Hopefully if other artist experience this problem and send a note to support, they will look into this faster, as I am afraid we could loose many sales with the current status!

Pond5 / Re: pond5 contributor site on Safari
« on: November 07, 2016, 07:11 »
Works flawless here. Can navigate clip details tech and sales, change details, price etc
Iam on OSX Yosemite v10.10.5 and Safari 10.0.1

VideoBlocks / Unable to log in to VB contributor account
« on: September 09, 2016, 07:32 »
Any other have this problem? Cant get into my contributor account since yesterday!
Get the message "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again." Have contacted support but no replay from them yet :(

Wonder how this will affect the future for Pond5!

Some strange things going on there, with change of upload rules for artists, massive rejections and clips review takes more than 2 months!
P5 used to be the most artist friendly in the industry, hope this will stay like this in the future too, but Im not sure!

Pages: [1]


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