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Topics - niserin

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New Sites - General / Colourbox changes the royalty structure
« on: September 30, 2013, 12:08 »
Get up to 9.5 times higher earnings on single downloads

Dear Supplier,

Great images are the most important part of any image bank, and we offer our sincere thanks to you for providing them to us. We understand that being a good stock photographer/creator is demanding and that you should be rewarded fairly for your work.

Colourbox is growing and we would like you to grow with us. We have planned a series of new initiatives, and the first one is to offer you a higher profit on all your images sold on Colourbox.

Starting on September 30, 2013, the payment for all image, vector and video downloads will be 20% of the sales price.

For example:
Single downloads: 9.50
You receive: 1.90
10+ plan download: 3.00
You receive: 0.60

Different subscription plans and campaigns may result in different sales prices. Guaranteed minimum payment: 0.20.

We hope to continue our good relationship and to see many more great images, vectors and videos from you.

Many thanks for being a Supplier!

WOOOW 20% !!! Thank you Colourbox for a generous move.
They forgot to mention: "we pay one of the highest royalty to our valued contributors"  ;D

Btw, I don't have pictures there.

Adobe Stock / Fotolia sales drop ?
« on: August 19, 2013, 15:04 »
I am close to Emerald at Fotolia. In last few days sales/earning dropped about twice.
To my surprise, my 7days ranking remains more or less the same (200 - 300).
Is it the sign that Fotolia is losing its position? If so, to whose advantage ?

Dear developer,

I beg you, this tiny function would make a huge difference !!!


As you know the Prostockmaster can now be used after paying subscription for Lightburner (which I find an absolute nonsense as these are two separate programs and not everybody needs the buggy Lightburner).
I've done some research and I have not found a program which allows you to set keywords in order (needed e.g. for Fotolia that treats first keywords preferentially).

Do you know any ?
I tried Xnview, cushystock, stockphotoexpress but none of them is good for my needs.


Adobe Stock / Do you see your Fotolia ranking anymore ?
« on: February 05, 2013, 18:18 »
Seems like Fotolia quit publishing the stats of our weekly and overall rank among contributors.
The same for you or is it just me ? :)


I am looking for a program which would gather all the keywords from all my stock photos that have metadata.
The keywords would be imported without duplicates and in the number of usages order.

Then, I would like to export it to a txt file.

Do you know such program ?



About two months ago I uploaded a part of my portfolio to FFA, you can see it here:

I've already got one sale with $74 commision for me, but I am thinking about increasing traffic to my site at FFA by creating the Google Adwords campaign.
What do you think about such move? What should I focus on and what budget would give a noticeable effect ?


33 / DT dead since November 12
« on: November 15, 2012, 13:05 »
I got used to ups and downs of DT's sales, but what's been going on for last 3 days is pretty catastrophic. Having the portfolio of over 3000 images, being there 6 years, earning on avarage 250$ monthly (middle tier for me), now, since November 12 I earned 2 dollars!

DT behaves like a capricious child, probably they have made another change in their search algorithm and it sank my portfolio.

Off Topic / The Olympic Games. Do not go to the UK !
« on: July 17, 2012, 17:43 »
10 days to the Olympic Games in the UK and it seems like Poland wants to remind you guys of something ;).
Best regards to BBC.

General Stock Discussion / social media and microstock
« on: May 06, 2012, 08:46 »

I have been wondering what is the point of synchronizing your microstock accounts with social networks like Twitter, Facebook.
I mean for instance the automatic posting on the Facebook wall how many pictures of yours were approved and sold.
Does it have any marketing/financial sense for us stock photographers or is it just a form of free advertising for microstock sites ?


Adobe Stock / some major change in best match search ?
« on: April 17, 2012, 10:31 »
I am a gold member and had several images on first pages searching with words like spring, summer, nature.
Last week out of the blue my sales dropped about 40% and weekly rank from 180 to 350. Also my most popular images are far in the search engine.

Fotolia, why ????


Print on Demand Forum / Worth starting ?
« on: January 25, 2012, 20:21 »
Hi guys,

I am a stock contributor with some years of experience, you can view my portfolio e.g. here

I am constantly seeking new venues to licence my photos and just recently have found out about creating products with desings/images on them.
Do you, more experienced in that field, think it would be worth the time to create products with my kind of stock portfolio ?

Thank you for any support!

General Stock Discussion / own website/gallery for a greenhorn
« on: February 08, 2011, 07:02 »
First of all I apologize if this is not a proper subforum to ask this question but could not find a better one.

So, eventually I've decided to set up my own website featuring my stock portfolio. I do not want to sell through that site, just a gallery and a reference for my clients and models.
Unfortunetaly my skills and knowledge in this topic are close to zero so I need kind of a website/gallery generator, preferably the online one. My website should be neat, simple, but original and stylish with Flash elements allowed (a gallery). I will need to upload let's say about 1000 miniatures which a representative part of my stock portfolio, successively adding more.

Could you recommend any companies/websites that offer such a service ?

Thank you,

I have got like 500 photos to upload after holidays. They are of various categories - some are tourist pics, some are isolations on white, what's more, portraits and strictly conceptual pictures and landscapes.
Do you think it's better to upload the series of the same category at once or totally mix these photos into let's say 5 baskets and send them in 5 turns - each batch consisting of mix of photos from various categories.   ?

What do you think ? I'm asking especially people who have had similar situation/s and have experience which strategy proves to be the most effective.

Thank you in advance,

40 / how many MegaPixels for Alamy after the change ?
« on: August 19, 2010, 06:45 »
6 MP ? 8 MP ?
Has anybody counted precisely ?

Thanks ;)

Software - General / best HDR software - your choice
« on: August 12, 2010, 15:30 »
I am looking for THE BEST hdr software which means quality, reality etc. The most expensive program I have found costs 119$, Photomatix of course, but does it mean it is the best ? I would be able to pay these 119 bucks if I were sure that it is really THE BEST (I'll keep repeating myself ;) ). One time investment, however high, might work for a long time.
What do you think ?

DepositPhotos / Very slow FTP upload
« on: February 08, 2010, 08:08 »
Are their servers overwhelmed ? Today, I am uploading with about 18 KB/s to Deposit, whereas on the other sites it is around 60 KB/s.

I am asking experienced contributors with at least 1000 images in port and being in micro over 1,5 year.
If you don't mind please share your experience whether you have noticed a decrease or increase in your revenue for last some months let's say.
As for me I see the gradual decrease in Dreamstime revenue, especially RPD which now is below 1$ in my case. It's the biggest dissapointment
Fotolia works pretty steady (with about 15 download daily), however, this month is worse.
Shutterstock - it's a different agency than it was 4, 3 or even 1 year ago. 40 regular downloads a day + ODs often gives about 20$. 3 or 2 years ago I was avaraging over 100 regular downloads + some ODs...
Istock - works very steady but my sales have never been good there.
The rest agencies have their up and downs, but it's The Big 4 that counts.

It leads me to several question - what is the future of microstock? More and more big players from macro come to micro and the competition is getting fiercer.
What kind of pictures does it worth to upload nowadays?
Maybe it's time to look for new markets ?
Generally - what's the way WE photographers with not bad and not small ports should go to keep our businesses alive ?


General - Top Sites / Slow start of the October?
« on: October 02, 2009, 11:27 »
I have noticed that when a month begins on the last days of the week (Thursday, Friday), then these 2 days are slower than normal. This month things looks the same at least for me. Maybe people though that they will start buying from the new week ;) ?

I am generally an optimist but what have noticed is that the industry called microstock is on the edge of some big change or even collapse. Much as the agencies themselves might survive, the photographers will get burned in the search engines among millions of other pictures and it will become non-profitable business for an individual.
I have already seen that the vast majority of my sales are pictures 2 or 3 years old which established good positions in the search engines. And here I come to the point - Is there a sense in sending new pictures to agencies like Fotolia, Dreamstime (except Shutterstock because it's a different model) ?
I hear voices - take better, more commercial pictures. Actually I do send prime quality, commercial pictures which I believe would do very very good 2 years ago, but now they end up unnoticed.
What are your views ?


General - Top Sites / the beggining of summer breakdown
« on: July 10, 2009, 04:08 »
Have you noticed it already ? I HAVE. Almost in all agencies. Just look on the poll on right side - 5 arrows are downwards.

47 / it's not the same Shutterstock anymore
« on: May 04, 2009, 12:46 »
Very sad... Things are getting worse and worse there. Now, with 80,000 photos added weekly it's a daunting task to keep the stable level of sales.
I wasn't uploading for 3 weeks and my income has decreased about 50%. Now I uploaded about 80 good quality stock pictures (here is a link: and there is almost no bigger rush noticable.
I don't want to make this post look like unproductive complaining but I am just a litte anxious and doubting whether any efforts make sense.

48 / I love the new DT search engine !
« on: April 05, 2009, 05:19 »
Just to oppose the posts below that are ranting and raving ;).
It really works GREAT for me since the change in search engine has been implemented.
Dreamstime - keep it up !

Adobe Stock / how to keyword in the most effective way....
« on: February 12, 2009, 05:52 »
How ? ;) Do you have any clues - less better / more better?
How do the first 7 keywords influence on the search results? Do categories matter, maybe even with some combination of keywords?
Or at last, might the reviewers give some kind of rank to newly accepted images, in orded to make the relevence search starting form the best (in reviewers personal opinion of course)?

I ask because I am really confused. Most of my income on Fotolia is produced by about 5 photos, which are of course high in the search.


Photo Critique / Is collage like this good ?
« on: February 11, 2009, 14:14 »
I did recently my very first collage. What I have heard about them is that they are good sellers.
However, I am not sure if I did it well ...
Here is one:

Should I send it like that or change something? Or even maybe send these pictures separately ?

Thank you for opinions

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