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Topics - chrisbradshaw

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26 / Trouble Logging In
« on: October 11, 2013, 07:57 »
Has anyone else had trouble logging into their account since they upgraded their site?  I get an internal error every time I try to log on. 

27 / Images in a Series
« on: July 12, 2013, 08:43 »
While browsing MP today I noticed that many of the images being returned in the search results now show a block box on the thumbnail showing if that image is part of a series.  Does anyone know how to create a series on MostPhotos?  I've search all over and can't find it.  It is different than putting images in an album.  Any help would be appreaciated.

DepositPhotos / Change in Reviewing Process?
« on: April 26, 2013, 08:15 »
Has anyone else noticed a change in their acceptance ratio at Deposit?  I was at 83% before this week, with most of my batches accepted at over 90%.  This week I uploaded 67 images and 100% were rejected with the reason "This image is not suitable for commercial use".  These were no different than any of the other images that I have submitted to them over the last 3 years.  Has something changed over there?  I sent them a support ticket, but I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else.

GLStock / Trouble Uploading
« on: April 02, 2013, 12:22 »
Is anyone else having trouble uploading to GL today?  My FTP is saying the disc is full, try again later.  And their own upload tool on the site doesn't seem to work either.

GLStock / Total numbe of image views
« on: March 21, 2013, 13:01 »
I noticed that some contributors in earlier posts listed their total number of image views for GL Stock.  Can anyone tell me where you can find this number on the GL site? I know that you can look at an individual image and see the number of views for that particular image, but I haven't seen any numbers for total views of my entire portfolio.  Any help would be appreciated.

GLStock / Galleries
« on: March 09, 2013, 11:50 »
How does a contributor get an image into one of the Galleries?  Is it only at their discretion, or can you email and recommend one of your images for a particular gallery? Or is it like their Collection, and you have to be invited? 

Adobe Stock / Cummulative Sales to date?
« on: November 27, 2012, 11:20 »
Does anyone know how to see your total sales to date on Fotolia?  When I use the Statistics page and set it to credits earned, it tells me that it can only show up to 731 points, and that does not allow for me to see all sales since I signed up with them.  Is there another way to see this figure?

Veer / Changes to Keywords
« on: July 31, 2012, 08:30 »
I have images on over 15 Microstock agencies and I ran an experiment the other day.  I searched for a random sampling of my images on each site to ensure that my images were coming up on the respective searches accurately.  Everyone of my 16 sites came up with flying colors EXCEPT Veer.  Due to their own internal system of modifying the keywords that are uploaded with the images, I was unable to locate over 50% of my images on the first few tries.  And since they do not allow editing to the keywords post review process, you can not control the keywords to your own images.  I am sure this contributes to my low sales on Veer, as I don't think my images are coming up in searches the way they should.  When you add this to the many other faults of Veer, including the LONGEST revieiw times by far of any other site out there, it's a wonder they are still alive and kicking.  The fact that they are owned by Corbis amazes me, as you would think they would be cutting edge and not at the bottom of the pile.  And I see from older posts here that they don't even bother to monitor and respond to feedback on this site any longer.  I guess it's time to reconsider uploading there. 

StockFresh / Number of Image Views
« on: July 18, 2012, 08:15 »
Does anyone know if there is a place on Stockfresh to see the number of views per image?

Does anyone know if Microsoft Photo Info (free IPTC eding tool) is still available and compatible with Windows 7?  I have been using it for 5 years and LOVE the program...I think it's the easiest way by far to enter IPTC data onto your images.  I recently upgraded my computer and I can't find the program anywhere to download.  I am currently using IrfanView but it is just not as easy to use as Microsoft Photo Info.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Adobe Stock / Where to find rejection reasons with Fotolia
« on: June 01, 2012, 15:21 »
Is there an easier way to find out your rejection reasons on Fotolia other than your Inbox?  It seems so cumbersome to have to look at the Inbox message, find the image number, go back to My Files, click Show deleted files,  and find the image that matches up with that image number from the message in order to see why that image was rejected.  Is there an easier way? Thanks.

37 / Duplicates
« on: April 30, 2012, 16:54 »
Has anyone else noticed a large number of duplicate images at MostPhotos?  It seems like an awful lot of contributors upload images twice by mistake. There are also a lot of photographers that upload the same image but with a minor change (a cloud in the sky, etc).  I found one image that had over a dozen variations to it. I emailed the admin to ask about these but haven't heard back.

38 / Review times at Crestock slowing down?
« on: October 08, 2008, 15:28 »
Has anyone else been experiencing slower than average review times for your uploads at Crestock?  I've been uploading there for about 6 months and it usually only takes a few days for them to be reviewed.  With my last batch I've been waiting over two weeks.  Sent them an email and haven't received a response yet.

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