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Topics - pixsol

Pages: [1]
Shutterstock.com / Large image previews on SS ?
« on: October 21, 2015, 09:41 »
Just about 30 minutes ago, I am beginning to see an icon in the shape of an eye named 'Preview' appear on the bottom right of each image in SS on the detail page. On click, it brings a real large preview. Anyone else see it ?

Alamy.com / Clarity on Attributes to make an image ready
« on: October 07, 2015, 00:15 »
I have been submitting a good % of my RF images to Alamy (as RF). I have a few images that I have to add keywords and make the right choices in the 'Attributes' tab. I have a few questions that pertain to the 'people' and 'property' aspects:

a. I have an image of a photographer's shadow on beach sand. For 'people' (How many people are in this image), I should choose '0 people'; right ? My reason is that it is not the silhouette; just the shadow. Please let me know if I should not choose '0 people' even though it is a shadow.

b. I have other images on the same public beach (no people). For 'property' (Does this image contain property that needs a release for commercial use ?), I should choose 'No'; right ? Or should I choose 'Yes' since the image is of a property (public beach in this case).

Thanks in advance for any additional clarity and answers  :)

iStockPhoto.com / PP Sales for Jun 2014 have started
« on: July 10, 2014, 13:05 »
I see one for 30-Jun

Hi all - In the SS forum, there was a post where the contributor was urging folks to stop complaining about sales and go out and shoot. And in his/her words shoot as much as possible when the sun is up and the trees have leaves. Definitely good advice. :)

My question is as we shoot more and more, do we continue to upload or reduce the uploads or stop them totally until the slowdown stops (apparently in September) ? To me it seems that unless the images are summer themed, it perhaps is a good idea to stop the uploads until September. At a time, when new uploads seem to get hardly any sales during peak time, it seems to be a greater risk to upload new ones and hope for sales during the slowdown.

Shutterstock.com / Unable to submit uploaded vectors
« on: June 16, 2014, 06:40 »
Hi everyone - I have been trying to submit 2 vectors since today morning. I have attempted about 5 times. I am able to upload (via WebForm), add description, keywords and categories. After adding a note to the reviewer, when I submit, I get a message "An error occurred while submitting your photos". I use Google Chrome. So, I tried using Internet Explorer and I am getting the same message.

Is anyone else facing a similar situation ? Or am I doing something wrong ?

Thanks in advance for any help :)

iStockPhoto.com / "Copy Tags" and Keywords in IS ?
« on: June 08, 2014, 09:01 »
I have been trying to correct/fine tune my keywords in IS. When I try to edit an image, other than the standard tabs "Keywords" and "Detailed Categories" a third tab "Copy Tags" appears. If I select the tab, I see a list of keywords and it appears that it is the list post disambiguation. BUT, there is a button "update" that appears at the end of the keywords. Could anyone please tell me:
1. What are these "Copy Tags" and why do they appear only during "Edit" ?
2. What is the purpose of the "update" button in the "Copy Tags" tab ?

Thanks in advance for any responses :)

I have an image which is less than a month old in IS which has in the image specific page showing 1 download against it (with 1 view). But, I see only 0$ against that image in the Royalties column in the 'my Uploads' page. Has anyone seen something similar happen before ? Is there any other place in  IS that I can check ? Thanks in advance.

Dreamstime.com / dreamstime.com site - is it down ?
« on: November 10, 2013, 22:57 »
Hi all

For some reason, the DT website appears to be down and I am unable to access the website for more than 24 hours now. Is anyone else facing this problem ? I am able to access other sites (SS, FT, IS, 1RF, Pond5 etc)


Software / Suggestion/Help on buying Adobe products from this site
« on: November 03, 2013, 08:46 »
Hi all

I came across this website (http://6898ob.programsdeals.net/) which claims to be a online reseller for Adobe and other products. The software is cheaper. For example Adobe Illustrator CS5 is $99.95

If anyone have used this site in the past or know about these sites, please let me know if:
a. They are a legal source to buy Adobe software
b. Are they reliable and provide the software that they claim to sell.

If there are better alternatives, please let me know.

Thanks in advance !

Hi all -

I am aware that SS requires a Property release for images of private Christmas ornaments (or any art work for that matter).

But, if I use any of my department store procured Christmas ornaments (from Target or Macy's) in my Christmas theme images, is a Property release required ?

If the answer to my above question is a "YES", then if the ornament is shown more as a background on a narrow DOF image, is a Property release still required ?

Thanks !

Pond5 / Disable/Delete an image in Pond5
« on: July 20, 2013, 12:00 »
Hi - Could anyone please tell me how to disable/delete an 'Online' image in Pond5 ? I need to remove one of my images from my port out there.

I tried the 'delete' option. Nothing happened. I also selected the image and tried the 'remove from collection' at the bottom of the page. Nothing happened again.

Thanks in advance :-)

Pond5 / No Tax Forms at Pond5
« on: July 12, 2013, 01:20 »
I am only three months into the world of Microstock and still in the process of understanding the various nuances. I have a question about the fact that there were no tax forms (W9 or W8-BEN) to fill at Pond5.

My limited understanding of the stock agencies tell me that all US-based ones will mandate a tax form. This is what happened to me with SS, DT and FT. The non-US-based ones will not have to do that and I did not have to fill any for iStock, CanStock or 123RF.

Based on what I gathered from Pond5, they appear to be an US-agency. But they do not have a Tax section to fill out W9 or W8-BEN forms. My question is:
1. Am I correct in my understanding that Pond5 is a US Agency ?
2. If #1 is 'YES', then what should non US-persons (like me) do about the US withholding tax as Pond5 clarified that they will NOT do any withholding ?

Thanks in advance for any additional clarity.

Hi all

I am new to Shutterstock. I have a query regarding the use of keyword phrases and its impact on the search results. What would happen in the following three scenarios if the user searched using the two words - clay & pot:
1. The image has two separate keywords -> clay & pot
2. The image has the keyword phrase -> clay pot
3. The image has the keyword phrase in quotation marks -> "clay pot"

Thanks for any clarity on this.

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