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Topics - Shuttershock

Pages: [1]
Adobe Stock / Adobe bonus program 2024
« on: May 02, 2024, 11:50 »
Does anybody know what has happened to the Adobe scheme where they buy the rights of your images for 12 months for 2024? I have not seen it mentioned anywhere? And how do you know if you still have imagines held by Adobe with them having full rights still from 2023? Thanks

2 / Pictoright Collective Payment
« on: January 23, 2024, 12:58 »
I received an unexpected payment today from iStock titled Pictoright Collective Payment Licensing payback, anyone else received this? It was for $1.71 !

Make sure you get you final payment requests in by 30th September 2023......payment 'should' be made by 31st December 2023.........before they disappear for good, apparently due to AI :-o

4 / Bigstock Payment Adjustment
« on: June 22, 2023, 14:58 »
Has anyone had a payment adjustment on Bigstock? On the 'image earnings' page I have a payment adjustment of $26.64 (additional money not a subtraction) but only states payment adjustment with no explanation what it is for......

Adobe Stock / Adobe Phone App
« on: June 21, 2023, 04:58 »
Should be about time Adobe released a phone app for stock contributors similar to the shutterstock one. As well as seeing your sales, balance etc I find it very useful to see your images being approved or rejected - don't think I have ever used the website so see if any images have been rejected.

6 / Race to level 2
« on: January 11, 2023, 10:01 »
Anyone reached level 2 yet?  :D
Im at 51 so far......

Newbie Discussion / Sole Trader or Limited Company
« on: February 07, 2021, 17:19 »
I was wondering what people in similar situation to myself do in terms of declaring tax if they are doing this as a second job to their main job which you pay 40% tax on your salary.
Whether you just do an online self assessment as a sole trader or have set up a limited company and pay an accountant to do your return and only pay the 19% tax?
From what I have read online a limited company involves a bit of paperwork only an accountant can do which you would have to pay for but on the flip side you only pay 19% tax as opposed to a sole trader I would have to pay 40% due to my main income salary of my main job (loosing 40% of such a small side income would be very painful!). Thanks, appreciate any replies.

Adobe Stock / Adobe upload issue from Microstock Plus
« on: December 19, 2020, 19:33 »
Is anyone else experiencing upload issues to Adobe Stock via Microstock Plus? Basically on upload a pop up box says enter code from email or text message to continue upload but no email or text message has been received (in any inbox, junk mail etc). Anyone know how to solve this issue? I've not seen this before.

Pages: [1]


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