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Messages - Jonathan Ross

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101 / Re: D-Day (Deactivation Day) on Istock - Feb 2
« on: January 22, 2013, 18:24 »
Hi Sean,

 I cannot speak for Rick but he is very approachable if you wanted to contact him directly, he is very open to share what he can when he can. I am in no position to speak for someone else or to get involved with our boards business. I can tell you that the agency I own does not have any images in this collection. Want to talk to me about my agency I am all ears if you want to talk to Blend you will have to go through the appropriate channels. Not blowing you off I just have to follow protocol, we vote in a board and we leave all business to them. Like I said Rick is a very warm friendly and an extremely knowledgable individual about the stock industry. I will say what you read on the internet is open for all ears so you never hear what is truly taking place behind closed doors. Good Luck Sean, are you pulling your entire collection from Istock and leaving exclusivity? Kudos to you if you are I know it will cost you a great deal of money and security to your future.


102 / Re: D-Day (Deactivation Day) on Istock - Feb 2
« on: January 22, 2013, 15:38 »
Hi Leaf,

 Yes of coarse I am aware. The best part of that is I have an agency that will go to bat for me and wields a great deal more power than I do as an individual. There are many third party agencies that are speaking to Getty right now and they will be heard much quicker than a handful of Istock Exclusives. One person does not get the same ear time as a leading agency does. My point from the start is  " DO NOT JOIN AN EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT " . The other end is Blend as well as Spaces is represented by 90 agencies around the world so Getty is not our only income by any measure. We could leave them in a matter of days if we wanted and still have all our content available through every other vendor without any down time.


103 / Re: D-Day (Deactivation Day) on Istock - Feb 2
« on: January 22, 2013, 14:48 »
Hi All,

  I have mentioned this here for years about the stock industry " Do not sign an exclusive contract ". Now you see why you must diversify, those that chose the carrot at the beginning are now getting the stick for being Exclusive. Best of luck I hope you can pull out of this with little to no damage and please stay away from exclusive contracts in the future. It is like working for the man instead of being your own boss.


Great stuff Card Maverick.


Hi Yuri,

 I haven't read all the posts so this may be redundant but their was a french designer furniture company ( Le Corbusier ) last year that won just such a battle and every image with their furniture in it had to be pulled ( Getty is still trying to fight it ). It took our agency a lot of work but that was the final verdict, now their furniture is not in any of our stock agencies. This case sounds very similar and I am afraid might be the catalyst that will cause a great deal of stock imagery to be removed by copy written products. Best of luck I hope this isn't the beginning of the end for stock, please keep us posted. Here is a link to the topic.


P.S. All props should be purchased at Walmart  ;D

General Stock Discussion / Re: become a full timer?
« on: November 15, 2012, 15:43 »
Awesome news! I have to say if my house was paid off I would be happy with 100k a year and only working half as hard. Life is to short to chase the illusive dollar over the cliff.

Congrats and leave that day job ;D


Thank you Grafix04 great effort and solid info.


General Stock Discussion / Re: A list of partner programs
« on: November 15, 2012, 15:37 »
Great effort, thank you very much for all your work to help make things clearer for all of us.


109 / Re: RC Levels 2012
« on: September 03, 2012, 21:39 »
Hi All,

 I have to agree with Sean on this one. I also agree with what was expressed by Lisa and the one comment about knowing your price break in owning a restaurant from another poster. Thanks for the feedback, I think we are all feeling that the cut is getting a bit low for the return the companies are producing yet they themselves are having stellar years in sales. Spread the love, make photographers enough money so they can continue to produce at the level they did when the agency first thought they were good enough to represent. Just my two cents.


110 / Re: RC Levels 2012
« on: September 02, 2012, 22:08 »
 Hi All,

 Here is a question that may not be relevant but I suppose it depends on how you look at running a business. How much money do you think an agency can pay out in percentage and still make a whopping good profit. Do you think an 80/20 split will sustain the distributors business or do you think they will have to ask for more percentage to keep the business running? Bottom line, we need our distributors to sustain their business in order to represent us but when is it more than necessary and starts to decrease the quality of the product from the content providers and eventually hurts the entire industry? Just throwing it out there. I still believe that Corepics has put far more effort into finding fact based answers than anyone else on this post and I appreciate their effort.


111 / Re: RC Levels 2012
« on: August 31, 2012, 13:53 »
Hi All,

 Not surprised at all by this new change that will keep on changing as long as their profits continue to grow. I believe that Corepics had the best information on this topic so far, great feedback. IS are making very large changes and there will be more to come until they see their return start to drop. Hope ya all are doing well, it's been a while.


Normal people... I love that term it is so grey.


General Stock Discussion / Re: The wave is breaking
« on: March 02, 2012, 19:23 »
Hey Warren,

Great opportunity to use that word. :D


Hi Wut,

 My location for the shoot usually drives my shot list as well as my casting.


General Stock Discussion / Re: Good Basic posing from Peter Hurley
« on: February 18, 2012, 14:24 »
Hi Wut,

 I agree with the turtle look. This is a basic video on a very old trick that does work excellently with straight portraits. The problem that Peter has was he was showing us with to short a lens. If he had extended it to 150-200mm the head and shoulders would compress taking away the turtle look but still pulling the skin back. If the video was reshot I would use a longer focal length to truly show off what a difference a forehead push can make.

Take care,

General Stock Discussion / Good Basic posing from Peter Hurley
« on: February 17, 2012, 22:51 »
Hi All,

 This is a great basic lesson on posing people for photography. I think that Peter Hurley has done a great job presenting it I hope you get something out of it.


Hi All,

 I think what Leaf is trying to accomplish is very honorable and helpful as is everything he does here for all of us. The one issue with these kind of polls is they are generated by people not drawn on from an actual polling system where people are approached directly for their information or gathered directly from agency data, so these numbers I believe are skewed to the high side. The people that " generally " are going to add to this poll are most likely people that do above average in the industry. These are the people that take the time to answer such poles as they are more involved in the process at a professional level. Great info to have but I think you have to take it as a fun addition and track your own numbers more than anyone else's, or get straight information from stock agencies that have very accurate info on this topic. Just my two cents, and thanks again Leaf you rock..


General Stock Discussion / Re: Arcurs Bootcamp video
« on: February 12, 2012, 14:18 »
Hi Yuri,

 Good for you mate, take it to the next level.


General Stock Discussion / Re: Building up a RM Portfolio
« on: February 05, 2012, 16:25 »
Hi velocicarpo,

 I own and operate an RM/RF stock agency I am also an owner of another RM/RF agency Both are multi distributed through all the top agencies. From Getty to Masterfile to Corbis as well as the rest of the worlds leading agencies. If you are interested in hearing more please feel welcome to contact me through a PM.

All my best,

120 / Re: Layoffs at istock
« on: January 19, 2012, 21:42 »
Hi All,

 Whatever the outcome I say plan for the worst and hope for the best so now is a time to think about the future of stock and how to stay three moves ahead of your opponent, the game goes on. Stay sharp and listen to your gut then do lots of investigating and think about tomorrow if you are serious about stock photography being your full time income.
 Its been like this going way back and isn't about to stop, its a wild ride and some days I wonder what it would be like to just get a check and go home at the end of the day. These are definitely strange days but definitely not boring. This was written on the wall a couple of years ago if you are reading between the lines it was obvious the day they assimilate Istock,. Check out all their other collections that at one time were huge all on their own now just a portion under the Getty umbrella. Do not stand around and wait for changes to hit you smack between the eyes, that is always going to be to late.


Off Topic / Re: 100 reasons to be happy
« on: January 10, 2012, 15:48 »
Hi Rubyroo,

 Thank you for the detailed message. I don't share my past a great deal because I don't want to use it as an excuse, if anything it has made me who I am today and I like myself so everything that has been served up was for a reason. I agree completely with you about the people that help the less fortunate, these are the truly giving people and they should all be commended. I met several of them that day and they were all so supportive, many of them started on the streets and the missions made it possible for them to get back on their feet and now they give back to the missions through their helping. Giving back is a wonderful gift and I think it can also put your own life in a better perspective especially during a recession when a lot of us are facing changes that we were not prepared for. I am not a follower of any one particular religious philosophy but I do believe in what John Bradford said  " There but for the grace of God go I ". Spread the love, it makes you the happiest person of all.


Off Topic / Re: 100 reasons to be happy
« on: January 10, 2012, 01:24 »
Hi digitalexpressionimages,

 Thank you for the critique, I will have my friend that did the editing fix it. This is a perfect example of someone that didn't go to school and spent to much time on the streets in my youth, grammar is one of my worst subjects. Thank you for the help if you see something else please let me know.


Off Topic / Re: 100 reasons to be happy
« on: January 07, 2012, 19:29 »
Hi Mantis,

 I really was the one that gained the most those two days. It made my own issues so much easier to deal with and I received so many hugs and hand shakes from truly kind people. I wish I could afford to do this kind of thing for a living. Maybe when I retire but being I am involved in stock photography it is hard to say when that day will come. :)


Off Topic / Re: 100 reasons to be happy
« on: January 06, 2012, 19:02 »
Hi Lthan,

Yes, I made a $1000 dollar donation to two of the cities homeless shelters and I pass out food and socks to the Seattle homeless every year for going on twenty years now, my sons are now old enough to help now so they come along as well. I spent a tough childhood and spent many days on the streets so my passion to share this comes from personal experience, my father also lived on the streets from the age of 14 until he made it back into the working class society. I do not want to glorify myself through the hardship of others I want to empower the people that maybe do not see or realize the hardships of the homeless and try to educate others to think of their fellow man. Not everything people do is to benefit themselves financially.


Off Topic / 100 reasons to be happy
« on: January 06, 2012, 18:17 »
Hi All,

 I spent a couple of days this holiday making a short video on the people that live on the streets of Seattle. Interviews with the homeless folks that are just trying to make it from one day to the next, shot on my Iphone. I asked 100 homeless people what they were happy for in 2011 I think you might find some of their answers inspiring. Please remember all the people you pass every day and what we might be able to learn from them. Thanks for watching and please share if you can this is a non profit project.

100 Reasons to be Happy


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