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Messages - mtilghma

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Yes, to me it's silly to complain about it.  It is incredibly obvious that there will be exactly as many photos that benefit as there are photos lose out.  The only reason to complain is if poor photos are being artificially moved up front due to what collection their in, etc, like at istock, but htat doesnt appear to be the case here.  The photos near the beginning, while different, still seem to be good.

FYI, i seem to have lost out mildly on this.  Definitely most photos are a little further back, but nothing huge.

I never submitted to Vetta back when I was exclusive, but they did randomly select some of my prior images / new normal submissions from time to time, and I let most of them stay there just to test it.  They did indeed sell fairly well (back then, it may have changed... this was about a year ago or more).  In fact a large decrease in my income when I rescinded exclusivity was due to my vetta files becoming normal files, which represented about as much of a decrease in earnings as did my royalty reduction.

128 / Re: Sales have tanked big time
« on: October 18, 2011, 23:36 »
When I read lagereek's shout, I really had no idea if he meant that we are spitting on the agencies' hands, or if they are spitting on our hands.  Don't know if he intended this catch-22, but it sure made me think.

General Stock Discussion / Re: What is the point of credits?
« on: October 12, 2011, 15:04 »
Mostly I think it started as a way to eliminate lots of little transactions and to reward/encourage large purchases of credits. The smoke and mirrors is just a bonus for sites like Fotolia that play exchange rate games etc. etc. (or for DT that pay lower %ages for different level pics).

Agreed.  Also, it creates a disconnect - you may be more likely to spend 10 "credits" then 10 dollars, as well as being able to raise the credit prices in addition to raising what the credits can purchase.

Exactly.  A tactic stolen from the tried and true business model employed by casinos.  You cash in your hard earned dollars for chips, but then once you get the chips, you throw them everywhere like they don't matter at all.  I've done it myself.  When you're playing a game like craps or roulette, ask yourself "if this were a ten dollar bill, would I really be throwing it on the table?" But it's this disconnect that gets people to spend way more money than they normally would.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Do you 'seasonal shoot'
« on: October 12, 2011, 14:50 »
ok I got the SS tool to work:

that links to my search (i hope).  flower was searched, because thats often stated as "the #1 search."  "christmas" was searched, and the third keyword is "uniball" (because I wanted to make sure the bottom of the graph was basically zero, so I looked around and saw a uniball pen next to me).

If you look at the area under the curve, aka total searches, ... well I'm not getting out my ruler but it looks like flower is about four "boxes", and and christmas seems to be well over four "boxes".  So this means total demand throughout the year for christmas is greater, even though for much of the year it is below flower.  I know its dangerous to link searches with sales, but this is the best I can do.  If you want to follow the "peak" metric, it also surpasses the "6x" yardstick, it looks to be about 7.5x as popular.  Thoughts?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Do you 'seasonal shoot'
« on: October 12, 2011, 12:50 »
My question was a qualified No, because I do all nature/landscapes.  So I don't target the holidays, but when the leaves start turning colors, or when the grass starts getting green, I do go out and capture that, which I suppose is seasonal.  But I don't think that was the point of the question, so I answered No.

But I'm curious about the point gostwyck was making.  I don't have any 'santa claus hats' or 'mistletoe kisses' in my portfolio, so I don't really know, but is it virtually impossible that during those 2 months the photos will sell 6x faster, like you said was necessary?  Is that a phenomenon that anyone actually DOES see?  I'm asking because I remember on the keyword trend tool on SS, 'christmas' shot WAY up.  Perhaps well above 6x higher than many other keywords you might be reaping.  I'd love to use some numbers here, but that SS tool doesnt seem to be working right now for me.  Does it work for anyone else?

RacePhoto:  Rinder might have easily had the longest post, but ironically, in your post complaining about how he put you out of the running, you failed to notice that you easily had the WIDEST post of the year  :)

133 / Re: Simplified ingestion/inspection process
« on: October 06, 2011, 17:06 »
I had a different take than you all.  I assumed they were going to make it way easier, like SS, and also way easier to get accepted.  This will all be in anticipation of a change down the road where they can put any photo of anyones on PPs but NOT have it on istock, so they have a slough of mediocre images you thought were lucky to get accepted, but then they move them to their much newer, bigger, shinier dollar bin.

134 / Re: Simplified ingestion/inspection process
« on: September 29, 2011, 14:52 »
I don't know if it has fully dawned on istock yet, but I think it is probably dawning.  It HAS to be, right??

My take is that all of this downward spiral is due from pressure from Getty to grow.  It's an incredibly well entrenched, though I believe old-fashioned and out-dated, business belief that a company must grow in order to survive.  Companies aren't allowed to remain static, but rather must grow... if they aren't growing, they are dying.  I'm not sure I think business model really applies to microstock, though I'm sure some people here will say otherwise.  But if you have the market share that iS once did, I don't think its possible to grow much, in this business.  Getty pressured them to grow or get slapped on the wrist, and that forced their hand with all these changes.

Some might call attention to the fact that SS is growing without these changes, but that's because it didn't have the marketshare iS once had, so it is growing by stealing its market share.  If it once reaches that near-monopoly status, I don't think it can grow anymore (besides the things stated in the SS forum like exclusivity options, etc).  My hope is that if and when it reaches that status, it is happy with sitting on that throne, and does not feel immense (outside or inside) pressure to grow.  Because if it does, that's when we get screwed.

135 / Re: Help me, I'm new to Alamy
« on: September 28, 2011, 17:51 »
Thanks Perry.

Also, I'm new here and have been reading tons of older, long threads, and have seen your posts and have been waiting for the right occasion to tell you, and this seems to be it:

I LOVE your avatar.  I think it is brilliant.  Also, it might be time to securely place FT in the bottom with iS

136 / Help me, I'm new to Alamy
« on: September 28, 2011, 17:42 »
Hey all, just started uploading to Alamy a few days ago.  When I got to the "image manager 2.4" or whatever, I can sort my images by "images not ready", "images ready", and "images for sale".  I have some images "ready" but none "for sale".  Where can I find the button, if there is one, to move them from ready to for sale.  Or do I just have to wait for them to be automatically catalogued or something.

Microstock News / Re: Wow~talk about race to the sad
« on: September 26, 2011, 20:46 »
And the lead story was funny: Spotted this shirt, titled Analog Retirement, over at BustedTees. The design might be cute and creative, but it was obviously created by someone who isnt a photographer. Sure the photographic film industry hasnt been doing so hot over the past decade, but you cant compare film with cassette tapes, VHS tapes, and floppy disks. Those technologies offer no advantages over the ones that replaced them, while analog photography does. As long as there are people passionate about shooting film, the medium should do just fine."

I didn't read the article, and perhaps that person actually knows more than me, but....

cassette tapes and floppy disks are still bits stored on magnetic ribbon.  That's digital to me.  An older, crappier version of digital, but digital.

Yep, I was right.

General Stock Discussion / Help me write a description
« on: September 23, 2011, 17:41 »
Hi all, very new here, not too new to microstock or photography, but it's always been a hobby.  Photography, a very large and influential hobby...  submitting to stock, more of a footnote.  Please don't take that as any sort of smug superiority, it's just meant to serve as an excuse for why I've never really taken the time to nail down exactly what to write in a description.

I have read many threads here in the past few days, and have learned a TON, even though Ive been on istock for 6 years.  But, most of you tend to submit, for the most part, different types of photos than me.  I submit almost entirely landscapes and nature.  So I haven't really found the answer I've been looking for in old threads.

Sorry for beating around the bush.  My main question is this: for landscapes like mine, should I include the exact location in the description?  Right now I've been: never including it in the title (unless, like SS, there is only one title/description field), sometimes including it in the description, and always including it in the keywords.  This really is more just hedging my bets though, as I'm not sure what the best tactic is.  For stock photos of a waterfall or meadow, say (which I have many of), would knowing the exact location scare off some buyers?  For instance, I have some very popular "rain forest waterfall" images, which I have seen advertised all over the place, including tourism brochures for places that are NOT where my photo was taken.  Or advertising tropical rain forests, when in fact the waterfall was a temperate rain forest.  Any thoughts on this?  Has this been discussed before?

For instance, take my "Hidden rain forest waterfall with lush foliage and mossy rocks"... this thing is all OVER the place in rain forest ads, tropical and temperate.  Would adding "taken in North Carolina" diminish its value?

Please let me know if this should go in critique.  Since it is more about general landscape strategy, I thought it should go here.

139 / Re: keywording on DT
« on: September 23, 2011, 17:23 »
Dt's system is the opposite of disambiguation.

I always thought DA is going to be the only way to deliver the best possible search results in the future.

Me too.  It is the ONLY part of the iStock process which I like better than the rest (in fact probably the only part that isn't the WORST of them all!).  Sure it takes extra time when uploading, but I know that people who want to see my image are going to get to see my image (best match sorting aside :) )

That's a good point, I hadn't really thought of it that way.  I guess I'm not that concerned.  I'm more concerned about some of the more obscure places I shoot though, which are only known by name to regional people.  I guess they probably aren't a huge portion of the sales, but they are something.  One example is this place shown below, for instance.  It is a park around here called "Russian Ridge."  So I now have the keyword 'russian' in there, which definitely makes me look like a keyword spammer :(

I suppose I could avoid looking like a spammer by putting "taken at Russian Ridge" or something in the description, and sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.  I'm never sure if the exact location might put off some buyers who are looking for the "anonymous typical California grassland".  Thoughts?

If someone does a search for Golden Gate bridge they will find your image as long as golden, gate and bridge are in the keywords. They'll also see your image if they search for golden bridge or golden gate which means in an international market where a buyer might not know the full name of the bridge, they still have a fair chance of finding it. It's not really a bad approach. The only issue is when people who don't know the subtlety of the english language flag words like golden when it's an image of a bridge. You just have to learn to ignore those flags.

140 / Re: keywording on DT
« on: September 23, 2011, 16:04 »
Dt's system is the opposite of disambiguation.

I always thought DA is going to be the only way to deliver the best possible search results in the future.

Me too.  It is the ONLY part of the iStock process which I like better than the rest (in fact probably the only part that isn't the WORST of them all!).  Sure it takes extra time when uploading, but I know that people who want to see my image are going to get to see my image (best match sorting aside :) )

141 / Re: Is it not just a tad ironic....
« on: September 22, 2011, 19:44 »
Ok guys I think I'm a few days (weeks) late, but I HAVE to say something.

People were singing the song 'ironic' earlier.  If you've every sung or heard that song around anyone even remotely snobbish or smug, you have undoubtedly been told "not a single thing in that song is ironic, it's so stupid."  While this may be true, isn't that fact.... ironic?  So doesn't she win, after all? Alanis Morissette: the world's first meta hipster troll.  I love it.

142 / Re: keywording on DT
« on: September 22, 2011, 13:32 »
Right, that is what I'm talking about.  So there's absolutely no way to get "golden gate bridge" for example as a singular keyword?

Newbie Discussion / Re: Hi all, new here!
« on: September 22, 2011, 12:26 »
trying to be photographers and we spend all day here, playing with ourselves. ;D

you spend all day playing with yourself, too??  I should fit right in!!  ;D

144 / keywording on DT
« on: September 22, 2011, 12:24 »
Hey guys, I have a question about keywording on DT.  I ran a search and came across lots of little issues, but surprisingly not the one I'm confused by.

My question is simple (so simple, in fact, that I will probably look like an idiot): What is their keywording method?  I've tried comma-delineated, and I've tried space-delineated with quotes around compound keywords.  In either case, if I import keywords from a previous upload, all the compound keywords always get split up.  So for instance, when I keyword with either "..., golden gate bridge, ..." or "... "golden gate bridge" ...", and then use this file to import metadata to the next, I find all three words separated and strewn about.


Newbie Discussion / Re: Hi all, new here!
« on: September 22, 2011, 12:08 »
WOW, I just realized I started 3 paragraphs in a row with the word "anyways," (which some of my grammar-obsessed friends say isn't even a word)... talk about a broken record!

Newbie Discussion / Hi all, new here!
« on: September 22, 2011, 12:05 »
Hey guys, I'm brand new to this site, but not to the microstock world.  I joined IS in 2005, and made some good earnings there (not living wage, but quite profitable as a hobby I guess).  I have a pretty small portfolio, though I like to think high-ish quality (don't we all) of landscapes and nature scenics, as that is my true passion.  What with my small portfolio, IS's new royalty structure really hit me hard, and so I rescinded exclusivity about 4 months ago, which made the hit twice as hard.  For instance, august 2010 vs 2011 saw a 20% increase in downloads, but a 65% decrease in earnings!  65%!!.  In addition to the two obvious reasons stated already, I think this was also because of best match loss (though honestly I think most of my sales come from the 'popular' sorting), but also because I had a lot of images in Vetta that were selling.  Which perhaps made it a dumb decision to rescind exclusivity.

Anyways, now that I've started uploading more places, I see a very slow but steady crawl back upwards.  It might take me a while to reach where I once was, but honestly I'm very happy with my decision.  It has, believe it or not, been fun to upload more places, and I find it spurring my creative blood.  Also, I feel more at ease without having to worry quite as much about the endless stream of unsettling news coming from IS.  So that's that.

Anyways, I've spent the past 4 months strolling around the forums on several of the big 4, but each forum has its own way of bugging me.  Then I found this place, have lurked for 2 or 3 days, and think I've found the right forum for me.  This place looks great.  I also recognize lots of familiar names here.

Anyways, long story short: Hi!

Newbie Discussion / Re: New here
« on: September 22, 2011, 11:54 »

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