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Messages - Redneck

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Never mind. I found it in the database table oby_usermeta. Well, at least I know not to mess with it again.

I have a little problem. I wanted to "Reprocess" all images applying a new watermark.

Went to "Royalty Free Images" in my admin area (/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=image). Then I clicked on "Screen Options" to raise the number of Symbiostock images displayed to a maximum of 999. After I did that I couldn't access any images anymore. My guess is that 999 images to load puts too much load on the server. Whenever I click on "Royalty Free Images" the screen will be completely white (empty).
I can still access the admin area but not "Royalty Free Images".

Any ideas how to solve the issue? Any ideas where to find and alter it in the database?

Symbiostock - Suggestions / Re: Feature Request List
« on: August 19, 2013, 09:01 »
I'd like the links to increase from the current 10 to at least 20 other sites.
While at it I'd like the option for the networked images to come in as a single group so it looks like a single large site like it appears on the Global Symbiostock Search Engine site rather than split into 10 or (hopefully) more individual sites.

Actually, that is possible already and maybe something to think about doing on every SYS site.
We could throw out all existing network partners and only add/keep there. This would list the search results of all SYS sites (with networking enabled) in only one block instead of up to 10.
Doesn't that make a lot more sense than having multiple blocks with possibly repeating search results?

Symbiostock - General / Re: Image Pricing?
« on: August 19, 2013, 07:53 »
I think it's very important not to forget to add to your list of network partners inside your Symbiostock admin area. This way every SYS site will be searched for the right image.

Symbiostock - Suggestions / Re: Feature Request List
« on: August 18, 2013, 12:01 »
I can't figure out a way to bulk add that there is a release for a number of images. If anyone knows a way please let me know, if not, this is a VERY important feature request.

To add to this. I marked an image as Model Released in the administration area but cannot find it anywhere on the client side. I've looked at people on a few other Sym sites and and again could not find any MR info showing. Any ideas?

I second that request. The release status needs to be available on the frontend image page. This goes hand in hand with the ability to offer Non-RF licensing.

Symbiostock - Suggestions / Re: Feature Request List
« on: August 18, 2013, 10:21 »
Same result. A "Reprocess" will leave the data parts untouched.

Symbiostock - Suggestions / Re: Feature Request List
« on: August 18, 2013, 10:18 »
Does anybody know if the "Reprocess" will only affect the graphic part of the image (creating the different sizes, applying watermark etc) or will it also change some or all database values (release status, exclusivity, pricing etc)?

You can try it out on one image.  If you do, please let us know what you find out.

I just tried it and it did NOT apply the default settings but it kept all custom database values like release status, image categories etc.

Just to be sure, I'll try it again with two images.

Symbiostock - Suggestions / Re: Feature Request List
« on: August 18, 2013, 10:00 »
Does anybody know if the "Reprocess" will only affect the graphic part of the image (creating the different sizes, applying watermark etc) or will it also change some or all database values (release status, exclusivity, pricing etc)?

Symbiostock - General / Re: Image Pricing?
« on: August 18, 2013, 09:11 »
these comments are not addressed to/at anyone here... but I've often noted that there are many photographers who haven't kept pace with the modern world -- many pictures that sold for $100 or $1000 30 years ago, or even 10 years ago did not sell because of their intrinsic value, but because of the market.  today, there are many sources of free images, so for many of us, our images are just not going to sell at those higher price levels - and they shouldn't!  as buyers become smarter and features like google Images become more powerful, stock images will be much more a commodity than a fine art market.  More power to those who can sell their images at $100 or more from a sym site, but I don't think that's going to be the norm

meanwhile, even at low prices of $5 - $10 with symbiostrock we are going to be getting 10x to 50x what the agencies pay.  and that's ignoring those subscriptions that give away XL sized images for 1 credit.

The fact that people WANT cheap images does not mean that photographers have to deliver them. I think we need to break free from the "I can only sell something if I'm as cheap as possible" thinking because it will only go downwards from there. Cut yourself lose from competing over pricing only. Images are as unique as their buyers. I would not buy an image just because because it's cheap. I'd buy it because I think it works for my purpose. And it has been said before, print campaigns requiring full size images have a certain budget. Why not use it?

OK guys, am sticking out my neck here, so PLZ do not chop off my head!! While my daughter has been at kiddies theatre i have been sitting in the cafeteria, trying to get started with symbiostock. I followed amandas tution, as suggested, and i got point 1, the hosting part. Although i already have another host for my own website, i dont mind using the recommended site, and i understand that i can have my own photostock site registered in just a few minutes, very exciting indeed.'

BUT then i go to step 2:  downloading symbiostock, and really sorry, but i am lost here... Donloading from the link from step 2, does it mean that i will download a template that i can then use? Or will i download some kind of program to which i then later hook up a template which i buy separately?

I also found a link to someone offering to set up my symbiostock site for 200 dollars/500 pics. As i am already stuck on step 2 this sounds like a really good deal for me. But who is the person offering, there is no name or presentation supplied. And what about the look on my site - again: is it one look for all, or do i chose a wordpress template that i supply to the mystery guy who then uploads it all for me?

Sorry if these are basic retard questions, but i know that this is the forum for the bighearted, kind people who understands and only answers if they want to help and ignores and moves on if irritated by my ignorance!! Now i need to find my daughter, as i am starting to wonder if the clown abducted her...

The "mystery guy" is Leo, the creator of Symbiostock. Look him up and send him a message if you'd like to take his offer ($200 for set up).
Otherwise, you can ask any question in this forum whenever you get stuck. The SYS people are very helpful.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Image Pricing?
« on: August 17, 2013, 14:46 »
...They don't need to be priced at lowest microstock level, IMO. Print campaigns have a budget. Why make one of the most efficient parts of the campaign the cheapest one? There's no practical reason for it, IMO...

Remember that even at standard microstock prices, Symbiostock site owners are still making out better than with the microstock agencies by not having to give up 50-80% of the cost of the image.

For me, the sweet spot for my vectors seems to be around $10-12. Sure that's pretty standard microstock fare, but in keeping 100% of each sale I'm doing far better than anywhere else while still keeping things within a reasonable range as compared to microstock.

Let's face it, people are well aware of microstock these days. I don't think we're going to attract a lot of buyers if we're pricing our stuff at double or more of what it goes for elsewhere.

I actually think an image will be purchased because the buyer likes/needs it. The price is not the main criteria.
And you can't really compare images since every one is unique. I also believe starting to price products aggressively will create a race to the bottom. We should instead price our products the way that both parties, artist and customer, get something with a certain value. With full sized images at 20 bucks or less the customer will probably pay more for the shipping of his products than for the image that has been printed a thousand times. How can he value what he purchased from you?

Symbiostock - General / Re: Image Pricing?
« on: August 17, 2013, 14:35 »
Won't that also change exclusivity status?

I have some non exclusive and exclusive images

No, I don't think so. I was afraid it would change the release status when I did this but it left it untouched.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Image Pricing?
« on: August 17, 2013, 13:54 »
I want to take off this 40% discount, but cant unless i do each file individually or when the premium plugin becomes available.

Yes you can. Just set the discount back to "00" and then "apply to all images".

Symbiostock - General / Image Pricing?
« on: August 16, 2013, 20:11 »
Would anybody like to discuss the pricing of image licenses?

I have seen many very good Symbiostock sites and yet I hesitate to add them to my network because I think they don't value their work enough. Why do most of you price a full size image at 300 dpi, which will obviously qualify for most print campaigns at $20 or less?
Whoever wants to do any prints will probably pay more for the printer (ink, labor, offset etc) than you charge for the most important part of the campaign. Why do you sell yourself that cheap?
I do understand the need for cheap blog sized images. Most bloggers are privateers and don't have the budget to pay double digit amounts for pictures.
But full sized print quality images?
They don't need to be priced at lowest microstock level, IMO. Print campaigns have a budget. Why make one of the most efficient parts of the campaign the cheapest one? There's no practical reason for it, IMO.

Let me hear what you guys think.

I believe I removed it by replacing that menu section in the header.php with my own custom links to the login and the customer area pages.

But keep in mind the following scenario. Let's say a potential buyer has been browsing and searching your site for the one image he wants to buy. Redirecting him from this image page to a login/register page might not be the best idea. A popup window which will disappear after login/registration is probably more sales efficient.

FB registration worked at Cathy's site.
What I wouldn't like is the fact that you depend on another website ( to make it work.

Somehow the login popup became a victim of my customization. Visitors will be directed to the full login page instead which might be annoying when the person just found an image he wanted to buy.

Can anybody give me pointers how to reactivate/re-install the popup login window?

Why not use Wordpress Multisite? It's probably a lot easier to have certain links and pages that apply to all sites and still be able to create individual content.

I've no idea where that trackback is being generated, someone seems to be accessing the generic post format for the image rather than the normal custom format.

That 'Royalty Free Content:' text is generated in symbiostock_image_processor.php at line 917.

Thanks for the information. I'm thinking the "generic post" page is probably part of the sitemaps and therefore can be found by all kinds of bots, crawlers and spiders.
The first question would be do we "need" the generic post page - and if we don't, how can we disable it?
Second, if we "need" it, how to disable the comments on this page?

Altering the symbiostock_image_processor.php will probably also alter the links and therefore the sitemaps which means it will create lots of crawling errors at Google Webmaster Tools.

The Royalty Free Image addition to the title, is built into the SY template to find it, go to your dashboard select Symbiostock>Author Options, scroll down the page to Append Text to Title :Royalty Free Image   you can change whats in the box.

No, that's not the one.

The YOAST WP SEO is just that, SEO.
To use Google Analytics, you need to install the "Google Analytics for WordPress" by Yoast.

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Help me understand Wordpress
« on: August 15, 2013, 08:22 »
I need help understanding Wordpress.

I received a notification about a "trackback" today. First, I don't know what a trackback or pingback is and how somebody can trigger it.

Second, that notification pointed me to a page where the trackback was left:
Where is this page coming from? Where does that text "Royalty Free Content" come from, again?

The original image page is
I have disabled comments and discussions on image pages and therefore I'm wondering how somebody can still leave that "trackback"?

Any help is appreciated.

148 - see

@Redneck - wrong links? Don't know anything about it, any examples please?

@Kerioak~Christine - yes we need to work on that, because I don't see those effects on your test site (tulip), just the public one

Yes, the plugin generates links from the thumbnail to the image page looking like ''.
However, I have changed permalinks in my wordpress to a custom structure and that's not working with your plugin.

And the automatic zoom previews didn't work either.

It's not working properly on my site either. It will generate wrong links from the thumbnail to the image page and therefore redirect to a 404 error page.

Try adding this to your child theme CSS.

.attachment-post-thumbnail {
vertical-align: bottom;

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