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Messages - bunhill

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iStockPhoto.com / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: April 23, 2011, 13:58 »
There is no way of knowing whether iStockphoto is losing customers either to other parts of the Getty model or to other sites. I doubt it personally but there is no way of knowing. Its daft trying to extrapolate from a few forum posts. And the vast majority of opinion about iStockphoto which I pick up is either positive or very positive.

Anyhow its margins rather than market share which ultimately determines the long term success and sustainability of a company. That pretty much also echos what Paulie Walnuts was saying above from a contributor perspective. Some prices need to be higher.

Ever wondered why Apple don't make cheapo netbooks ?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: April 23, 2011, 07:25 »
Musicians get 10-20% typically AFAIK. The rates for stock photographers and photographers with big agencies are typically roughly in the same area I think.

The little agencies and co-ops pay more or profit share but often struggle to survive as businesses. Do you want a big royalty of not many sales or a sustainable royalty of many sales ?

Also remember that the agencies are increasingly competing with people who want to give their images away for free.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: April 23, 2011, 06:26 »
With respect, the 'fair trade' argument is inappropriate in this context IMO. We are not starving farmers or the exploited with no other options.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: April 22, 2011, 15:25 »
it's not a perfect analogy but really I was reponding to the orange juice metaphor. Also, more than that, it's about branding.

And when we go in a shop - the thing which costs the most isn't always necessarily these best fit in all cases. No system is perfect.

Personally I can very much see the point of branding different images within different collections, lightboxes etc. When the collection is so huge especially there needs to be other ways of drilling down interestingly. It is definitely the way I would go if I was running the shop. Maybe the way in which those images get presented needs to be continually reviewed. And iStockphoto do  more or less say that it is under continual review.

The people (eta: buyers I mean)  I talk to are still saying that they think iStockphoto is great. This whole debate since last September has completely passed them by. And they like Vetta. Also - 1 of those people is someone I also shoot pictures for regularly. I can say for certain that one of the smallest costs of any project is still the images (to the extent that on occassions she has more or less told me to quote higher for jobs).

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Another best match shift 14/4/2011
« on: April 21, 2011, 11:55 »
I think that some people sometimes miss some of the issues when they talk about microstock.

It is about much more than just having started out cheap. Much more significant  IMO  was the crowd sourced, anyone can join model ---> which makes it possible to have huge collections from a much larger pool and for people to learn as they go along . And the contributors do so much of the work (selection, keywording, captioning, descriptions even QC to some extent and especially if you consider that inspection is essentially crowd sourced). All of that was previously work which involved staff. The iStockphoto / microstock model was surely much more streamlined.

The model was just about up and running slightly ahead of 6MP digital SLRs becoming affordable + ubiquitous broadband. It would be daft to pretend that many people could have predicted the stock model changing so dramatically, so quickly.

It really undermines lots of great work to think that it is all or only about price.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: April 21, 2011, 07:26 »
Instead of the generic orange juice shopping analogy try it with olive oil instead.

When I go to the supermarket looking for olive oil - well I might be after something quite cheap to use for roasting or as a base for a sauce. But then again I might be after something very expensive with a particular distinct flavor which I am going to want to actually taste. I expect to find both products in the store at different prices. Most likely the expensive stuff will be at eye level. Because not everything can be at eye level.

I tend to avoid the stores which only sell cheap stuff because both products are important.

I get the impression here sometimes than some people can only see the negatives. And yet it seems obvious to me that getting the right mix of stuff in front of clients is something for continual tweaking. The same as shops get rearranged and the windows re dressed regularly.

Like stock photographers, developers of smart phone apps currently have no way to sell direct.  

Android developers can sell direct. Android users are not locked into downloading and installing apps only from the Android marketplace or the Amazon app store.

But if you were an app developer would you prefer to sell a few copies direct to Android users or to potentially sell many more by developing for IOS and being on the Apple app store ? An end user is far more likely to find your product if it is in a store and there is also the perception that content at a store has been vetted to some degree (if only by user review). That's why what Amazon is doing is probably very important for Android as a platform.

It's definitely analagous. I would be far more likely to buy content to use commercially from an agent than direct from someone claiming to be the photographer. An agent potentially provides a layer of validation and authority.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Another best match shift 14/4/2011
« on: April 14, 2011, 15:44 »
Maybe department store has a different meaning to you. I think of say Selfridges or the Galleries Laffayette or even Brown Thomas. Often you go in for the atmosphere but just buy a coffee or a tee shirt.

Not to labour the point.

Adobe software is starting to look very over-priced IMO.

Compare the price of Lightroom vs Aperture. Aperture is $80 on the App Store now. And the new version of Final Cut Pro is going to be $299 on the App Store.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Another best match shift 14/4/2011
« on: April 14, 2011, 14:43 »
Yes but in a department store it is usually easy to find the cheaper stuff if that is what you want.

They maybe need a few more signs, but it's not hard at iStock.

Lots of times stores will put sale stuff in the windows to entice people to come in and buy the more expensive stuff.

Destination stores always want the windows and entrances to look fantastic. Think of the big stores in any capital city.

Or think of the Apple website for that matter. You really have to hunt to find the refurb stuff. It's there if you search.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Another best match shift 14/4/2011
« on: April 14, 2011, 08:56 »
Still only one non V/A horse in the top 200, more or less dead centre, where it was before.

Horses are one of those subjects with a long tradition and probably which very much favour Vetta and Agency collection work. You would surely have to agree that the results do look really good. Those are some great images.

If you go to a department store the fancy stuff is always in the window. I guess it's like that ?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Has the best match Dust Settled??
« on: April 13, 2011, 13:06 »
I think the suggestion about a price-oriented client-specific search result is interesting. but it would actually be the reverse of what we want. the search, AFAIK, is meant to produce regional results.

I am very skeptical of regional search.

If I was king - there would be a more clearly delineated sense of identity attached to the different collections. And as well as the big search it would be possible to search and browse within the various collections. And there would be more collections. Perhaps we could even apply to start our own - like an extension of lightboxing.

And I would try to think about reinventing search a little too. There would be something like --- "show me more stuff which potentially has the same feel or style as this". That would be algorithmically tied to lightboxing, previous choices etc. In that way it would be possible not only to drill down --- but also to sort of go sideways too. A bit like how people browse ffffound. This would enable users to more easily find stuff by accident when they don't know what they are looking for.

I would also introduce some sort of system of 'liking' (buyers only) - so you could follow through all the stuff which different people had liked. Bringing in the social aspect of search. Which is pretty much the holy grail, many believe. And that might well also feed into the threaded idea.

IMO old fashioned search fails when there is too much stuff. Looking for images I think many people almost want to see stuff which is more mood based. Small selections even.

ETA: and I would launch a Flipboard content stream with pages and pages of images for people to browse on the iPad, magazine style.

Dreamstime.com / Re: Dreamstime's ridiculous restrictions
« on: April 12, 2011, 07:28 »
They may ultimately be doing this to protect you as a contributor. And to potentially protect buyers. You should trust them on this since they would not randomly do it just for the fun of it. Therefore they have a reason.

The rules in general with regard to what can and cannot be sold as stock for commercial use are getting tighter (or perhaps becoming more clear would be a better description). All of the sites are tackling this in their own ways. The practicalities of how these things work inevitably mean that content which needs to be pulled does not all get disabled at once.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Has the best match Dust Settled??
« on: April 12, 2011, 06:24 »
Have your sales at other sites made up for that ?

There are TONS of other threads here on the home page having nothing to do with istock. If someone is tired of reading about it, why even click on the thread?

There are a few posters here who seem to have a tendency towards taking every thread here in the same inevitable direction whatever the thread title.

I just don't see how it is useful to hold such partisan opinions. Surely it's more useful to be more neutral and to try to take a longer view.

incessantly going on about not liking iStockphoto does seem a bit pointless. Not just you.

And I think it has the potential to somewhat undermine this forum TBH. I think this forum is at its best when it is more to do with trends and the picture industry in general.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Entire threads disappearing?
« on: April 09, 2011, 12:18 »

My guess is that even if it were all to be sold not much would change.

Right. Because *nothing* changed after Getty bought it...

AFAIK nobody is suggesting that Getty is planning to sell iStockphoto.

Sean and Stacey are sometimes critical of iStockphoto. When someone is often positive then I take more notice of them if they are sometimes critical. That seems like a much more neutral position.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Entire threads disappearing?
« on: April 09, 2011, 08:35 »
To be fair to Istock, I have ZERO knowledge of anything like this happening over there, only that the symptoms of a sale do exist.

You mean they want the business to be ticking along nicely, optimized and running properly ? If so then surely that makes sense anyhow, sale or no sale?

If I paint my house and fix the fence it doesn't mean I'm planning to sell it.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Entire threads disappearing?
« on: April 09, 2011, 08:26 »
Nah! Nobody is going to buy a company by mistake. That's daft :)

EDIT: sorry not responding to the post immediately above

Think about it. You don't buy things because they are rubbish.

If it were to be sold then that would surely be a vote of confidence. And it will be all about continuity. My guess is that even if it were all to be sold not much would change.

I wish google would lead image requests there, but I guess everyone is trying to figure out how to get traffic to their website.

Photoshelter recently published a pdf document about SEO in relation specifically to their sites: SEO Cookbook.

Personally I am inherently cautious of SEO because it always seems a little too close to spamming however I know that Photoshelter is very well respected within the world of photography in general even beyond the tighter world of stock. So it might be a useful read for someone.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Entire threads disappearing?
« on: April 09, 2011, 04:30 »
I suppose you guys could be right about a sale sometime soon. But I should have thought that an IPO would be very unlikely.

Why would they sell it as a part finished transformation ? Why not wait until the transformation is more complete?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Entire threads disappearing?
« on: April 08, 2011, 17:15 »
How would  any buyer achieve sustainable growth on their investment ? Put the prices up even higher ? Cut royalties to 10% ? Either of those risk what could be fatal backlash.

Or suppose there was an IPO ? How could stock holder expectations of real growth ever be achieved long term in the current economy ?

Point surely is that the whole thing needs a few year of stability starting sooner or later or else it risks imploding. Which would be a huge shame.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Entire threads disappearing?
« on: April 08, 2011, 16:49 »
Also, with Getty most likely for sale

What makes you say it is for sale ? I think you hinted that on a previous thread too. Is it just a hunch?

I know that you might be right - but surely any potential buyer would be looking at any growth over the previous period and knowing full well that this had been achieved by cutting royalties and increasing prices. Is there much else left to do in terms of growing the business unless the economy actually starts to improve?

Well i suppose they could tweak the search engines to push more lower commission work ?

Also - if the business is profitable and genuinely growing then why sell it ?

Ive been following the getty forum as well and concur that I am a little suprised why they have a forum if they are not intending to have a real dialogue with the contributors.

In general terms perhaps they prefer any debate to be taking place on a private moderated forum (which could even ultimately be deleted) instead of somewhere out there.

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