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Messages - melastmohican

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1626 / Poor Lighting???
« on: April 21, 2008, 14:39 »
"Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect."

Is this because I am using CPL filter for my outdoor shots?

General Stock Discussion / Upload quotas?
« on: April 21, 2008, 12:09 »
Are there any monthly limits of files you can upload? Besides IS I cannot figure out if other site impose any limits...

Adobe Stock / FTP timeouts
« on: April 21, 2008, 12:05 »
Recently I cannot upload anything due to timeouts. What's wrong?

1629 / Shutdown?
« on: April 21, 2008, 12:04 »
FTP upload was shut down cuase they want to reduce queues but why I cannot access my photos waiting for description at this time. It does not make any sense...

General Stock Discussion / Re: Critical Mass
« on: April 18, 2008, 20:07 »
@Paulie: Judging by my IS portfolio is wrong. Building portfolio there will be long and painful even if I got 10 different categories it would take months to have many pictures there :-)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Flickr API
« on: April 18, 2008, 19:47 »
You can turn of download of full size images so others can only view...

General Stock Discussion / Tag clouds
« on: April 18, 2008, 19:44 »
I think I sow it on one website but I forgot which one.

General Stock Discussion / Flickr API
« on: April 18, 2008, 19:25 »
Are there any site that support fetching pictures from Flickr?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Is shutterstock a prophet
« on: April 18, 2008, 17:51 »
For me it must be Nostradamus cause I probably predicts sales in next century on other sites :-)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Critical Mass
« on: April 18, 2008, 17:50 »
I am just asking what is a critical mass for newbie. I haven't seem many downloads so far...

Yes, great comments. I would only add ImageKind to the list of art selling website. They support Flickr API so It's easy for me to get pictures upload but I do not have highest resolution photos on Flickr so maybe why I am not selling much.

General Stock Discussion / Critical Mass
« on: April 18, 2008, 13:32 »
I got 1 download after one month on FT with 80 pictures accepted and 94 on SS with 162 images and it's quite funny 2 downloads on 123RF with 400 images accepted.

Thanks Tom. It is a hobby for me but I decided to try sell some of the stuff that was sitting idle on my hard drive for last 5 years. I got 100 gigs of photos to look thru :-) Some of them from time when I scanned slides :-)

Hmm, I do not have this photo on any microsites but somebody found it on Flickr and asked my permission to publish it in French textbook:

General Stock Discussion / what kind of photographs do sell?
« on: April 17, 2008, 15:56 »
Since I started last it seems like uploading my landscapes is not really working. I do want to play with model releases so I cannot photograph people. I do not know Photoshop so I cannot really do so called "concept shots".  Maybe I need to invest in lighting setup and start doing macros of objects?

General Stock Discussion / Most anal reviewers?
« on: April 17, 2008, 14:55 »
So far it seems like SS, FT, BS, DT are pretty consistent for me. IS and 123RF are quite liberal, I got above 50% acceptance rate. Only Crestock is way below my average.

Adobe Stock / Re: Some little anoyances
« on: April 16, 2008, 19:24 »
Yes I can do that but why should I do the work which can be easily done by computer and give to me on stats panel. I have to click on this link, then sort by status, then pages multiple time until I will get number of files = #pages x 10. In addition you cannot tell the difference between rejected and deleted files. Both are in one bucket here. Same story for pending files, lot of clicks and manual counting.

Adobe Stock / Some little anoyances
« on: April 16, 2008, 16:23 »
I do not know maybe I am blind but I cannot see any statistics about how many photos are declined, pending for review or pending for describing. In addition I would like to see a link to a photo or thumbnail in emails they send to me. Photo ID does not make any sense to me if I cannot click it and see what photo is associated with it.

I just started. I went thru my pictures, selected around 500 and now I am trying to upload them for last 4 weeks. I just want to have statistics what sells and what is not so I can shoot more suitable photos in present time.

Right now only SS and 123RF got reasonable turn around time. User interface is good and review times short all other cannot really deal with volume of photos they receive :-)
My queue sizes:
Dreamstime -  532
BigStockPhoto - 518
Crestock - 374
Fotolia - 284

1646 / Login problems
« on: April 15, 2008, 14:29 »
Most of the time I got Instructions page instead of My Account page. There is no error so I guess my credentials are correct. Sometimes I can login after few attempts. No error messages but I cannot see my portfolio.

General Stock Discussion / Best User Interface (workflow)
« on: April 14, 2008, 19:20 »
So far I believed that Crestock got best user experience but I found pre-launch site called YAYMicro and their UI simply rocks.

Weird, it's only option on their Software Downloads page (

Thanks. I will try DeepMeta

1649 / ImageManager cannot properly import keyword
« on: April 14, 2008, 16:26 »
I am adding comma separated tags in LR and IM imports them as one keyword where word are separated by space. Am I doing something wrong? I have to edit each picture after adding it to IM.

General Stock Discussion / First 3 weeks :-)
« on: April 10, 2008, 15:43 »
I am still infant of microstock photography :-) Most of all I cooled down, it's going to be long an painful process. My first goal to have 100+ pictures on every site will take more than I expected. I could only reach this mark on SS and 123RF. Average approval rate is around 30% so I have to upload 500 photos to each site. How long it would take with site without FTP support or with daily limits :-)

Couple lessons learned:
1. Never upload full sized images. It's just to easy to get rejections. It's kind of difficult cause probably I have to resize photos to 1,2,3 and 4 megapixels for different sites.
2. Small batches. Even if there are no limits it seems that on most sites reviewer gets whole batch from one person instead of random photos which would be more fair.
3. Different subjects. Since I do not know what sells on particular website I put same batch on every one. My first was just a bunch of landscapes from my trip. Sometimes they are rejected for similarity.

102 pictures sold (101 on SS and 1 on 123RF). Some site got quite high acceptance rates but completely no sales. My best sellers is so far shot of lighthhouse, christmas ornaments, street shot from Manhattan, Crater Lake view and Machu Picchu shot. Landscapes are what I mostly do so it was probably majority of uploaded photos.

Rejected from SX, still waiting for approval at LO and SV.

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