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Messages - increasingdifficulty

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Never used one but I hear they're good, especially the autofocus if you're doing walk and talk stuff.

You just cant let that NASA thing go, can you? LOL.

Since that's where world maps come from for stock use, no. Sometimes you have to think one step further.

Quite relevant when the OP is looking for... a world map. :)

The OP didnt ask about NASA or public domain images. They asked about downloading other peoples images and using those.

They asked about world maps. Since basically all world map imagery is based on or use the original NASA images, it felt relevant. :)

Not too many people have been up in space to see for themselves.

And it's still not true that you have to own the copyright to everything in your images since you in fact are allowed to use NASA images.

"You must own or control the copyright to all content you submit"

Copyright ownership and license for resale aren't the same.

Btw, they also say this:

"Public domain content cannot be submitted under any circumstances. If you do not have complete rights to the content, you may not submit it."

Have no idea why they accept it then :)

Well, you should also read this:

No. Everything in a video or image that you upload to a stock site to sell, you need to own copyright to. You wont be the copyright holder of the image you download.

Not true, as evidenced by the thousands of images and videos using these maps from NASA.

Since most people aren't spending a lot of time up in space, they all use or base their images on maps from NASA.

Which map do you want to buy? Do you have a link?

I have a question : I would like to create a video with camera flying over world maps.
Do I have the right to buy a stock image of a world map and then use it in my stock videos and put it for sale in stock agencies ?
Or do I have to sell a specific licence ?

You use the same free map (this is allowed) used by everyone else, including the people selling them unchanged as their own.

This old thread popped up, and I realized it might be relevant for some. Same old comments even 9 years ago... Race to the bottom, too much competition, evil agencies...

So, anyone still doing stock from the beginning of this thread (2010)?

Pond5 / Re: It's official, you are exclusive.
« on: March 28, 2019, 07:57 »
But if you think that you are able to pull out footage than can have hundred of sales

Well, I don't have to think it, since I already have many clips with several hundred sales around the web. I also have multiple sales on the same clips for around $200 at Pond5, but that's not where the biggest market is anymore.

If you have very unique clips that are only likely to see 1-2 lifetime sales, of course price high. But I like to focus on things that have a broad variety of uses and can sell hundreds, if not thousands of times.

Pond5 / Re: It's official, you are exclusive.
« on: March 28, 2019, 07:51 »
No it is not. You are producing something and it has a cost for you. It does not matter if it is a hammer,a photograph or a clip.

Oh, it matters a great deal. Look into it.

Pond5 / Re: It's official, you are exclusive.
« on: March 28, 2019, 03:44 »
There are millions that would love to buy an Iphone X and can't so what.

Comparing digital goods to physical goods is beyond irrelevant.

No, the volume was like 10 times higher.

Which can be rephrased as "the competition was 1% or less compared to today".

Today there is a lot of oversupply, so even a very good series will have a difficult time bringing in production costs.

There, you said it.

The price is just an EFFECT of a supply that is incredibly large. Prices aren't lowered for no reason. And as we can see here, they haven't even really changed the last 10 years...

What can you do about it? Nothing. Unless you ban companies from making affordable cameras that now most people can buy.

Pond5 / Re: It's official, you are exclusive.
« on: March 28, 2019, 03:22 »
On other statements you made...the race to the bottom in prices is very real as proved again and again...

What is your average $ earnings per clip, per month? That is all that matters.

Pond5 / Re: Letter to pond5 and quick Poll for contributors
« on: March 26, 2019, 05:36 »
You are calling 20% reduction masive. But you write 40% is just as bad as 30%.

40% is about 31% more than 30%!

So 40% is extremely massive more than 30% in your math!

40% is 33.3% more than 30%. And a 20% reduction is of course massive. If you're making $5,000 a month that's $1,000 gone, just like that!

And just because someone offers 10% doesn't make 40% good, does it? Anything below 50% is quite frankly an insult, and 70% for us should be the standard.

Today a buyer wrote to me that he downloaded my music for four days. He wanted to know if music was in Adrev. But the problem is different ... in the statistics this month this track was not downloaded. I uploaded it to the site two years ago. Erie does not play fair ((

I've heard many times about situations where people who download assets illegally from pirate sites have the nerve to ask the original authors for help.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Pond5 "Good News"!
« on: March 25, 2019, 14:46 »
Well, adding "refuges" next to hospital leads to 23 results in the link above.
Among those, some chickens and goats. No kidding of course.

Everything is relevant I guess.


Edit: answered not in defence of Pond5 but while thinking that anyone with a smartphone if have clearance to a refuges hospital can have some unique shots.

That just means 23 people can't spell "refugees", just like you. ;)


How many videos of racially diverse families can you find in front of the eiffel tower?  Lots of people from all over the world travel to France to see the Eiffel Tower but not much content represents them.

It would be interesting to see the demand vs. supply for different ethinicities.

I don't do any work with models, but if you do, this might be an area to work in.

Eitherway if i got it right, it will end up editorial. No sales to Benetton Group SpA :P :D

Only the light show at night is protected. The Eiffel Tower during daytime you can sell as commercial all you want. :)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Pond5 "Good News"!
« on: March 25, 2019, 12:21 »
How are they going to promote Exclusive collection and making sure their exclusive artists make enough income (because of course, they care so much about artists)... So how will they promote them except their newsletter?

No idea, but they'd better do some serious promotion to make it worth it.

You could monitor the sales of some of the top names that are going exclusive if you have the time (and interest), like VIAFilms and hotelfoxtrot.

I might do it, if I feel I have some downtime, but better if more do it. :)

There are lots of subjects out there where there are no good images or videos and a buyer can't really just use something close.

Can you give an example of something? It would be interesting to see what you have in mind.
How many videos of racially diverse families can you find in front of the eiffel tower?  Lots of people from all over the world travel to France to see the Eiffel Tower but not much content represents them.

It would be interesting to see the demand vs. supply for different ethinicities.

I don't do any work with models, but if you do, this might be an area to work in.

There are lots of subjects out there where there are no good images or videos and a buyer can't really just use something close.

Can you give an example of something? It would be interesting to see what you have in mind.

Thank you,
I didn't know that the GoPro is auto only.
I agree that shooting in auto causes a lot of problems
Auto exposure and auto white balance has ruined a lot of what otherwise would have been great footage. It doesn't work so it's best to learn manual techniques.

Then you're not using the GoPro where a GoPro is supposed to be used. Good luck being in manual when you film that POV jumping off a cliff into dark water. ;)

Different type of camera and mode of filming for different situations.

That being said, for drones, manual is generally the best, yes. But not always.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Pond5 "Good News"!
« on: March 23, 2019, 08:13 »
Think about it. You "were" iStock exclusive.

Let the guys who want to be exclusive be exclusive.

It means it will be less crowded for the rest of us.

I would encourage everyone to go exclusive!

Pond5 / Re: Letter to pond5 and quick Poll for contributors
« on: March 21, 2019, 15:29 »
Which proves my point they're not doing this for contributors, only for their own good. I.e. greed.


The thing is that instead of making up this elaborate story, they could have been honest.

"Guys, revenue is decreasing, this is what it costs to run the site, we are losing market share, etc. In order to keep the site alive, we regretfully have to lower the commission."

Sure, this would also suck, but it would be done in a more honest way.

Being played for fools makes few people happy.

Pond5 / Re: Letter to pond5 and quick Poll for contributors
« on: March 21, 2019, 15:19 »
It's not just marketing though.  If you need a specific video and it's only on Pond5 then you need to go to Pond5 to get it.

Obviously. But that doesn't make it more valuable to the customer. Or us.
If they pay 60% rather than 30,35, or 40% it does.

Really? Since you have to remove your clips from every other site it definitely does not.

About 90% of my earnings comes from other sites. So would that 60% suddenly increase my P5 sales to astronomical levels? I think not.
If you're happy getting 90% of sales at 30-35% then what's the problem getting the last ten at 40%?  How many people will quit uploading to a site that pays better than most?  By putting the same clips at sites that pay 30-35% you've told them that is how much they should pay out.

My biggest earners all pay 50%. Which really should be the minimum everywhere. Even that is somewhat insulting.

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