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Messages - Toms45

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Any other thoughts?

Newbie Discussion / Re: Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 20, 2013, 21:41 »
You just have to make something that attracts contributors and offers something that buyers want.

This would seem to suggest something innovative...

Newbie Discussion / Re: Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 20, 2013, 21:13 »
I mean, maybe you guys are right. Still, when I look at a site like Fiickr, I see so much potential.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 20, 2013, 20:06 »
I don't understand. Why is everyone here so pessimistic about trying to do something innovative in this industry?

Is there anything innovative that can be done in this industry?

Newbie Discussion / Re: Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 20, 2013, 19:43 »

I'm thinking of starting the company. I wanted to hear people's feedback. What do you think of the idea? It's not a get-rich scheme. It would be a long-term open platform for people to sell their work, and make a fair price.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 20, 2013, 19:05 »
Nothing personal. I read this:

And it seems there are a lot of images rejected, that are good.

Any one else have any thoughts?

No one thinks that 500px will make a good marketplace? They CEO said it's a 5 year plan. That's a lot of time to get it right.

Any other thoughts on ranking?

Newbie Discussion / Re: Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 20, 2013, 15:26 »
I mean, I agree with you that the article is old. There are also a lot of updated articles, with similar information, from not too long ago.

I'm just asking for people's opinions. I'm not sure it's true or not. My initial thought is that making a site like Flickr, but with a marketplace could be huge. Why did Flickr abandon their marketplace plans and make a plan with Getty anyways?

When I stroll through Flickr, I see so much content that is so good. If there was a way to sort through all of it, and license it, I think it could make a lot of money.

These are just my thoughts of course.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 20, 2013, 13:52 »
I don't know really. I think the article above also discusses that there's a very large consumer market (not art director/agency, etc. driven) that most people dont' know about. Maybe this is where all search through Google is coming?

Anyone else have any thoughts on this or the size of licensing market?

So, for example, do you think 500px new market will fail? I look at the content there, and there's a lot of good stuff and a lot of stock (ranked poorly). They recently brought on some new executives from iStock, etc. Do you think their market won't fair well? And why?

Newbie Discussion / Re: Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 20, 2013, 08:26 »

I'm just stating my opinion. I asked because I value other's opinions here. Any other thoughts?

Newbie Discussion / Re: Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 19, 2013, 22:14 »

I realize this. There are several other articles later on that support this.

Do you agree/disagree? How do you think things have changed?

Newbie Discussion / Re: Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 19, 2013, 20:55 »
I've read this elsewhere. I'll try to dig up the sources later on.

It may be a time sink, but it's true. Is it that hard to imagine? If some random person needs an image, their first thought is to "google" it.

So do agencies currently decide what shows up first in search, etc.?

Newbie Discussion / Re: Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 19, 2013, 19:46 »
61% of image buyers go to google when they go to buy images. See below. [nofollow] [nofollow]
Modify message

Any other thoughts?


I'm not sure how they normally select. I think it could be better this way, to let users rank images, rather than having editors. Any other thoughts?

Newbie Discussion / Re: Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 19, 2013, 19:17 »
@Sean Locke Photography

I've read a lot that this is true. Most buyers go to google and then follow an image from there.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 19, 2013, 19:03 »
@Sean Locke,

Most searching comes through Google Images first though, no? So, buyers first find the image in google and then go from there.

Doesn't this defeat your argument? thoughts?

Newbie Discussion / Re: Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 19, 2013, 18:57 »

I think iStock accepts far less than 50% of photos. At least, my friends and I were rejected. I was just thinking about the possibility for the company. I do think that it may spread it thin amongst contributors, but it would give many more photographers the chance to sell their work, ie, it would open the floodgates.

I'm just saying that I think that if you made a site like Flickr, with a marketplace. You would get a lot more contributors. You would also get a lot, *a lot* of buyers, just because of how much traffic the site would get.

So, I think it would be useful to have a Flickr/eBay type entity for photography. The users would set their own prices.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 19, 2013, 18:34 »
I mean, all those points , loop, you mention licensing, releases, etc. could be made with a Flickr like website. As well as search. I would say that Flickr could even do better on search, as it could include social, geotagging, etc.

Any other thoughts? For or against?

Newbie Discussion / Size of Licensing Market
« on: October 19, 2013, 18:02 »
I'm relatively new to stock. I've done a bunch of digging around though at many sites, industry analysis, etc. I came across this interesting article, that argues that the licensing market is actually much greater than anyone ever though of: It argues that the licensing market could be as large as 20 billion dollars if a company just accepted most photographers that tried to sell. I tried to sell at several agencies and was rejected. While I know that some of my work is not that great, I think it does hold some commercial value. Does anyone think that if a large social network company like Flickr made a marketplace, that they could make a billion plus dollar company, by just accepting everyone?


I've seen a lot of social-stock sites, like 500px, pixoto, viewbug, photorankr, 1x, etc. Even does this I think. The goal of these sites it seems it to rank content in someway that is useful to buyers. Other than filtering out bad photos, does ranking hold any value? Is it a real problem in how stock sites sort their content right now? Is adding a social element better for any kind of stock photography?


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