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Messages - Astonished

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Some animal species have latin names in which the first and second name are the same, is that considered spam?
Anyway SS better come up with the files involved, I'm not going through all my files, since I never change my titles after approval. If my account gets suspended so be it, it's not like SS is my biggest earner.

Has anybody's additional info been "approved" after they requested it?
Haven't heard back from them yet. I refused to give them any of my social media links.

Who needs Game of thrones when you have the latest British news

I replied that I don't have any files of orange, orange, orange or icon arrow, icon arrow, icon arrow.

I think there will be a general election before article 50 is activated. If the Liberal Democrats have any sense they will run on a platform of staying in the EU based on fraudulent claims made by the out campaign. As elections are won with much smaller numbers they walk into number 10 and the uk stays in the eu. Brussels is finally frightened into some real reform. Everyone kisses and makes up.

There's my bit of fan fic for the day.
That would be the farce of the century if you ask me. It's like nobody takes the referendum seriously, voters and politicians. I guess UK residents got scared by Osborne's speech of spending cut and higher taxes.
EU reform was already planned before the British referendum btw.

31 / Re: DT is Dead??? Not for me!!!
« on: June 28, 2016, 14:35 »
On DT since 2006, still waiting for my first payout.

To be fair, I had 10 images from 2006 to 2014. Now I have 430 online and 65$.

Guess I'll just wait another 10 years.
It could be worse, just saw on Dreamtime blogs: "1000 Images on Dreamstime" with 48 sales or "300 IMAGES IN PORTFOLIO - MILESTONE" with 6 (!?!) sales

32 / Re: DT is Dead??? Not for me!!!
« on: June 28, 2016, 07:08 »
$75 for a sr-el, but what worries me is that there was only 1 sale this month, last month 3 sales. No point in uploading more.

from what i just read, those who are from Canada, Europe,etc will have a bigger pay-cheque this month due to the rise of the US $ foreigh exchange due to this issue.
and the UK of course
People with pound as their local currency will benefit the most, until the prices of everyday living rise also called inflation.

Off Topic / Re: Tips on how to FAIL in this business
« on: June 27, 2016, 17:07 »
Buy the latest Hasselblad and lenses for $15k and party like there's no tomorrow when you make a 25c sale.

The English football players have just voted to exit also the European Championship. UNBELIEVABLE! Enxit!
I think 10% of Iceland's population was there in the stadium to witness it. Respect to the Icelandic team

Keep calm and wait two years.  It will be at least that long before the paper work is done and anything happens.  After that everyone will adapt.
Businesses can't wait for 2 years, they want stability. It seems everyone in the UK politics want to drag this on as long as possible, the perfect recipe to chase all the foreign companies away. Maybe by then the UK market value is as tiny as Belgium.

Pond5 / Re: Upload Query
« on: June 27, 2016, 12:16 »
Hi ladies and gents,

I haven't uploaded files to Pond5 for a while - have just been concentrating mainly on Shutterstock and Fotolia etc..  I have to catch up and submit the rest of my portfolio to Pond 5 but I just have one query about submitting to them.  When I've uploaded the files, all of my Titles and Descriptions lose all of their capital letters.  Do you go into each file and amend this? or is it okay just to leave it?  I'm probably just being a bit OCD about it to be honest but I'm just curious to know what you all do?  Does the lack of Capital letters in the titles and descriptions annoy you?


Chris. :)
Don't bother, they will reject everything, cause P5 doesn't know what they want.

Off Topic / Re: Tips on how to FAIL in this business
« on: June 27, 2016, 12:11 »
after getting accepted by ss with 1/10 approved
invite the friends to the bar and call out, "drinks on me, i am a professional !!!"

a month later after receiving the credit card statement and the balance does not
merge with your first shutterstock payout,
go to the washroom, put your head in the can and flush !!! 8)
Seriously, you need to pass only 1 at SS nowadays? Wow what has to world come to

The Brexit campaign conveniently took Norway and Switzerland as an example how good it can be outside the EU, but the truth is that the UK will never be a Norway, nor a Switzerland.

And it looks like UK's economy is heading for a recession because of the Brexit and when the pound drops some more, France has a bigger market than the UK. Sacre bleu is that what the Brexit campaign wanted?
On top of that the government wants to wait a while before filing for article 50 in the EU, leaving all the markets in uncertainty, nobody wants to invest in the UK anymore, British and foreign. Not to mention financial institutions leaving London for Frankfurt, Dublin, Amsterdam etc. This will mark London's end as Europe's financial capital and if economy is bad in London it's going to be worse in the rest of the UK.
True eventually UK will recover, but not in my lifetime or the next generation's.
Don't worry about Johnson and Falange, they can easily get jobs as comedians or con men.

Off Topic / Re: Tips on how to FAIL in this business
« on: June 27, 2016, 05:35 »
Submit to microstock

Double post

1) i am not one much for politics, but i would think if you're brit and travel to the rest of EC
regularly, you no longer get to travel as easily without red tape as if UK is out of EC.
would that be so???
and this would affect your business for sure.

2) everywhere there ENGLAND vs the rest of the world, you will always find trouble between
the english and the rest.
it's just that way it is. Limeys don't like taking orders from euro .. esp French, Germans, ..(you fill in the rest wherever you're from...).
UK opt out of Schengen area, nothing will change much. Switzerland, Iceland and Norway are Schengen countries and all Schengen countries have the same visa policy and no passport and border controls, except individual countries can change the controls in case of terrorists attacks and other threats.
For business there will probably be import duties imposed between UK and EU and vice versa

It's getting old, local news are reporting about Spanish elections now.
Besides, UK has to sort out their own problems first, Scotland wants to block Brexit, Labour crisis, UK citizens with Irish parents or grandparents considering Irish citizenship, 3.2 mil people petitioning for a 2nd referendum, people regretting their vote, people in Scotland and London wanting independence and what else?
Good luck out there

44 / Re: One month for photos to get approved
« on: June 26, 2016, 16:38 »
A few months ago, it only took a few days. I wonder what is happening at Getty corporate. Maybe they're cutting spending by letting go some of the review staff.

SS by comparison is reviewing images within minutes of upload.
Actually review at Getty Images has never been this fast before at 6-8 days, it happened around the same time when people at IS started complaining about long review times. Now you know why and how.

so people in the uk are anry because they cant buy a 100w bulb or eggs by the dozen and send a whole country down the hole. i understand what the eu has done for the people in the eu, yes you probably will have to suck up not being able to buy a 5000 watt vacuum cleaner, but voting to leave was silly, to say the least
Just look on amazon uk and there are 100w bulbs for sale.  I have seen them in the high street shops as well.  There was never a time when we couldn't buy eggs by the dozen.  For some reason, the EU gets blamed for everything.
Yes, I blame the EU for the many cloudy and rainy days this year.
Although I haven't uploaded much lately but I also blame the EU for the drop in sales in microstock.
We should all leave the EU for that.


True, but in the Brexit campaign all they mention is Norway and Switzerland.
It's about the EEA, Norway and Iceland are in it, Switzerland rejected it, but has bilateral agreements with the EU. Brexit campaign didn't mention about the 1.3bn EEA and Norway grants Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein have to pay without having any vote or representation in the EU.
Still sounds good?

Quite honestly the Brexit campaign was an absolute disgrace. I hadn't made my mind up how to vote until I got in the booth, largely because I didn't want to be on the same side as so many dubious characters that had spouted so much nonsense (largely xenophobic nonsense at that) in the campaign.

Then again I also I didn't like being threatened by other member states in the EU with punishment on the event of a Brexit or the scaremongering by some of the Remain campaign.

In the end I voted based on what I felt would be best for the country in the long run without letting my vote be pulled in direction or the other by dislike of those on either side. In the end I think fear would would have been what made me vote to Remain, and I didn't think that was a good enough reason.
It's all over Europe, populist parties are winning everywhere and they all want to get out of the EU. Financially it would be a disaster, the market is too much integrated already. Time will tell what happens.

True, but in the Brexit campaign all they mention is Norway and Switzerland.
It's about the EEA, Norway and Iceland are in it, Switzerland rejected it, but has bilateral agreements with the EU. Brexit campaign didn't mention about the 1.3bn EEA and Norway grants Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein have to pay without having any vote or representation in the EU.
Still sounds good?

But of course none of those countries have anything like the population of that Britain has, and presumably don't represent such a good market for the EU to sell to.
Perhaps we could charge the EU for selling their goods and services here.

Whatever. The die is cast. We are out of the rather tarnished gilded cage that the EU has  (or had) become.
I know I'm not alone in wondering how long the monster can survive now.
The only thing in common is that all of these countries are importing a lot from the EU. More than the other way around.
You can bet there will be import charges on both side. At the end the consumer will notice the prices of these goods are going up.

Back to the topic question, I don't think it will change much. EU oriented businesses will move from the UK to the EU, but they will still need images, to me it doesn't matter if the sale is from the UK or Germany or Ireland. Sales from the UK will probably be less in the short future because of economic slowdown or recession, but the EU won't be affected by the Brexit like it does for the UK, so sales in the EU is expected to be the same or maybe higher when businesses move to the EU.
Agencies pay out in USD so no change there, except FT which pays in if you're UK based, that will mean a pay cut for UK contributors. How this will affect USD paying UK agencies remains a question, they may have to change payout currency or lower commissions if the agencies are more UK sales oriented.

In case you have a stock or bond portfolio for your pension, I got rid of UK companies and companies doing most of their business in the UK a couple of months ago, cause then I thought Brexit will win. I also got rid of European financials and automotive and I never had UK bonds.
At the end of trading on Friday my whole portfolio went up with 6.7% thanks to put options in UK financials which got hit hard Friday.

The funny thing is that the regions voting for Brexit are the poor regions in England and Wales, regions which are getting subsidies from EU. I guess they have to suffer for their own choice.
Comparing the UK with Norway and Switzerland is not smart since both countries are far richer than the UK. Excluding London the UK is only at 80% of the average wages in EU which is lower now thanks to the weak pound. Iceland can't jiin the EU because of the EU fishing regulations. Fishing is a huge industry which they won't give up. It's all about the territorial fishing waters if you want to know more about it

Regarding areas that benefit most from EU being most likely to vote to leave. That is almost always the case in these things. Same as in the US the states that benefit most from Federal funding hate the Federal government the most and vote for cuts. Whether that is because they are also the poorest people, so most need the aid and are therefore simultaneously the ones most being left behind and the ones benefiting the most from benefits or whether it is because people generally resent having to rely on handouts I don't know.

As far as Norway and Switzerland. Norway is a very special case, tiny country who's prosperity is almost entirely down to oil. Iceland also absolutely tiny. Switzerland, much smaller than the UK but there is some validity to the comparison. You can't dismiss it because Switzerland is more prosperous if the whole debate is about whether the UK can be prosperous outside the EU. Will you only accept comparison with countries that are failing outside the EU? if that's the case than the argument is sort of over before it begins isn't it?
True, but in the Brexit campaign all they mention is Norway and Switzerland.
It's about the EEA, Norway and Iceland are in it, Switzerland rejected it, but has bilateral agreements with the EU. Brexit campaign didn't mention about the 1.3bn EEA and Norway grants Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein have to pay without having any vote or representation in the EU.
Still sounds good?

Norway and Switzerland outside and richer hmm that tells me something. Yep exclude London which is about 15% of the population and that skews all the stats...perhaps you can do the same with Paris and Berlin?
Even with London Norway and Switzerland are still richer.
Exclude Berlin would be flattering Germany's stats.
Anyway that's not the point.

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