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Messages - wiser

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
26 / Re: Istock now accepting cellphone pics.
« on: April 15, 2012, 20:20 »
^^  ??? Que  ???

27 / Re: IS/Getty, hotshots!
« on: February 28, 2012, 20:00 »
I have lost count on how many times I have photographed everything from heart-transplants, autopsies, brain-surgery, the lot, I know the real thing. I have also been a qualified veternary surgeon for over 25 years and yes, instruments are held in the same way, to avoid them from falling, among others.

Ofcourse I have always been a full time photographer but it does help to be medically trained, even if it concerns animals.

Sean is right though, I bet they sell but that wasnt my point here and yes the IS shots are better then Gettys.

This is not anything against Getty/IS, who cares really? but it does show there are some fields where stock simply cant get inside the doors. :)

I totally am envisioning you as the most interesting man in the world.   :)

Stay thirsty my friends!

 ;D thanks for the laugh. Had a craptastic day and this made me LOL.

The roulette wheel, the crabs and the Christmas illistartion are the best ones. They show some diversification, which is what the application looks for. The application is not that fussy re: perfect lines and tech issues.

 The application imeages will however be rejected if  there are open paths or rasterazation of objects or transparencies, etc. Best bet is so send the cleanest files possible for your application so as to avoid a quick reject for technical glitches.

However, once you are accepted you will need to submit your application illustrations again and they can be rejected for technical issues like clean lines, etc.


29 / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: December 09, 2011, 22:20 »
^ yes, because as Sean states moving the slider all the way done eliminates the large and xl sizes that we generally buy as we are mainly print.

If it's too hard for you to click a dot to get what you want, I'm not sure checkboxes or anything else would help you.

Yep, that's me.. Lazy and stoopid. I guess I will be shopping elsewhere. Doh'

30 / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: December 08, 2011, 20:57 »
^ yes, because as Sean states moving the slider all the way done eliminates the large and xl sizes that we generally buy as we are mainly print.

31 / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: December 08, 2011, 19:59 »
Ok, tell me how to make a price slider.  Someone, please. 

Buyers didn't ask for a price slider. They asked for a way to exclude Vetta and Agency images. iStock wouldn't give them that so the price slider - dot slider - was the result. If you gave the buyers what they were asking for back when search results were all Vetta/Agency up front, there'd be no request for a price slider.

The checkboxes for collections UI is simple, used on Getty and many other places (including the downstream bargain bins of Thinkstock and

Asking how to make a price slider work is the wrong question.

As usual you have hit the nail on the head.

 I AM a buyer and that is what we wanted, a button to exclude Vetta AND Photo plus. I tried using the slider, and to be blunt, it sucks. I continue to search the way I did before the slider by looking for those tiny little Vetta and photo plus icons. If the thumbnail has one I just don't look any further. Yeah it takes longer and that is why my company now has subscriptions to both SS and TS. We only buy from IS when we can't find what we need elsewhere, and that happens rarely. My company use to buy exclusively from IS, but those days are over.

32 / Re: Cutting off their nose
« on: December 06, 2011, 19:14 »
I'm just uploading an image, and noticed a mistake (mis-spelling) in a DA of an important keyword. I was just about to post a note in the keywording forum about it when I noticed that my two most recent posts have also been deleted.

What on earth is the point of that?
Why do I even bother?
You shouldn't bother.

It seems pretty obvious that Lobo has a personal vendetta against you, and whatever you post will be deleted, regardless of how helpful or useful it might be. You can't mess with The Lobo.

True actually. I know some angry people who are digging into his past. Will be interesting to see what they come up with.

You mean like a background check? I agree that the guy is a douche but what good can this possibly do?

33 / Re: Thinkstock, downloads not being paid.
« on: October 08, 2011, 21:32 »
Could these "unpaid" downloads be re-downloads?

My company has a TS subscription and sometimes we re-download an image (accidentally and on purpose). It does not subtract from our 25 a day total, so I can only assume the contributor does not get paid twice either.

34 / Re: Simplified ingestion/inspection process
« on: October 06, 2011, 13:37 »
rogermexico's post about 32 minutes ago:

Okay, here's what 'Creative Resources' means and what I'll be doing now at iStockphoto.

Outside of a very brief 'Needs' list in the training manual, iStock has never provided much in the way of direction. We haven't said 'We would like more pictures of this or that subject.'

My new job is to now come to you and say 'we would like more pictures of this or that subject.' Basically, I'll be highlighting our needs - letting you know what subjects our clients need more of, and giving advice on different ways of producing those subjects. I'll be publishing articles and briefs for you covering as many different topics as I can manage.

We want you all to keep providing us with the same kinds of content that you currently do. You already have an excellent understanding of the general client base here at iStock and what to produce for them. Keep doing that and don't change - you are the experts.

What I'll be doing is highlighting all the little niche growth areas where there's room for more, and provide additional creative direction for interested contributors about emerging trends and areas with opportunities.

That's it in a nutshell. I've been working the last month here planning and preparing and look forward to getting rolling over the next while. I'm excited to work with all of you on the images you create and providing you with as much inspiration and direction as I can. Thanks for all the well wishes everyone - it's good to be back.

35 / Re: Simplified ingestion/inspection process
« on: September 28, 2011, 15:52 »
Ugh and sigh. The way they announce things. 5 paragraphs that say absolutely nothing. yadda, yadda, yadda, the only part that was intelligible was that rogermexico was coming back.

The warm and fuzzy days are over, yet they insist on using that tactic before bringing out the big stick (and the Vaseline). I don't have a vested interest (my apologies to those that do) so I find it all very amusing.

I'm surprised that all these people posting lately about getting laid off don't seem to want to find jobs in their career field, instead choosing what everyone here thinks is something really unstable.

I got laid off two years ago, started uploading illos to assorted sites in hope to earn some extra cash in-between freelance gigs. I now have a full-time job in my chosen field and have not uploaded anything in a year. There is no way I could make a living at micro. The field is too bloated and too many people better than me.

37 / Re: shutterstock forum
« on: August 20, 2011, 08:36 »
Torquay. Makes me think of Fawlty Towers, now that is funny. You not so much.

38 / Re: New Survey...
« on: August 18, 2011, 14:46 »
I thought it was a pretty good survey too. Gave you plenty of chances for comments.

Since I have nothing to lose I gave my very honest opinion in both the positive and negative.

I thought the fact that they had questions on the forum and it's moderators was telling. What it tells is yet to be seen.

39 / Re: Big Change at IS
« on: August 13, 2011, 17:19 »
Perhaps laundry is a more interesting topic. ;)

40 / Re: Big Change at IS
« on: August 11, 2011, 12:34 »

41 / Re: Is Lobo getting out of control.......?
« on: August 09, 2011, 20:23 »
I love fan threads :)

Whoa, a cameo appearance of the man himself. Did we strike a nerve?  ;)

42 / Re: Big Change at IS
« on: August 09, 2011, 20:04 »
I love to iron. I find it relaxing. I do it while watching TV.

How weird does that make me?

It's only weird if you are doing it naked too. :D

LOL. Gawd, I would never iron naked, that would not be relaxing for anyone.  ;D

43 / Re: Big Change at IS
« on: August 09, 2011, 12:45 »
I love to iron. I find it relaxing. I do it while watching TV.

How weird does that make me?

Off Topic / Re: Why are you anonymous?
« on: August 09, 2011, 09:36 »
Thank you for some concise and thoughtful answers from both sides of the aisle.

I rarely post about sales or statistics. I don't give advice or share my knowledge of the nuances of the microstock business, as I have very little. I have a microscopic portfolio and and I am a part-part-timer.

However, I will post about my human experience, as it relates to this business. No matter the size of your port or the sales that you have achieved I think that one should always be able to comment and express an honest, non-baiting, opinion without being shut-down by some who come right out and tell you, "you are small potatoes, your opinion holds no weight". I think that is elitism and just plain rude. You can disagree with me and tell me why, but being a small-timer is not a good enough reason, IMO.

I read voraciously the posts of those who have been around forever and are making a living in this crazy business. I roll my eyes at the trolls, but even trolls have a place, as I feel their roles are to keep my perspectives in check, and to not behave like them.

Hope some more folks post on this topic.

I really enjoy this forum, there is often some real debate here and without censorship, and I like reading it. Keep it coming.

Off Topic / Re: Why are you anonymous?
« on: August 09, 2011, 09:15 »
I was harassed by another member

shank aint here anymore  ;D

It was not him, but someone who is just as two-faced and/or schizophrenic.  ;)

Off Topic / Why are you anonymous?
« on: August 08, 2011, 20:16 »
I keep my identity unknown here because I was harassed by another member under a previous username where I was not anonymous.

Two questions:

1. If you care to share, why do you (if you do) keep your identity unknown?
2. Do you think less of the posts of people who are anonymous?


47 / Re: Is Lobo getting out of control.......?
« on: August 08, 2011, 19:52 »
Back on topic, I notice JJRD has said:
"Moderators are fair.
People going Downtown around here go beyond expressing themselves."

I didn't get what he meant by this. It sounds dirty, ya know like going down-town on someone. I rarely understand the things JJRD says but this one really has me confused. Does anyone speak JJRDish and perhaps enlighten me?

48 / Re: Is Lobo getting out of control.......?
« on: August 07, 2011, 14:54 »
Lobo is immature and his frustration is not hidden.

It is his job to moderate and close inappropriate, duplicate threads. It is his job to keep threads on topic and delete offensive posts.

It is not his job to belittle posters, especially newbies, and infrequent posters. Just lock the dam thread with a simple forthright explanation. But he insists on having the last snotty word.

 I don't give a crap that he is a nice guy in person and those who have met him defend him. 98% of forum poster have never met him and probably never will, so we will never know that. What people know of him is what he says in the forums. He is NOT funny. He is arrogant, rude and very unprofessional. If IS wants to get away from the warm fuzzies and get down to the business of business, then they need to curb this dog.

There are plenty of other arrogant rude posters on the IS forums, but they are not representatives of IS nor being paid by IS to moderate the forums. Lobo should look up the word moderator and read the definition of it's root word moderate, and repeat it like a mantra.

I find Suljo's rages in themselves funny (like black comedy) it's his/her grammar, syntax and spelling that really bug me. If he/she is not a native English speaker I will give it a bit more leeway, but come on.

Anyhoo to answer the OP
IS positive: I earn the most money from them
IS negatives: they tell half-truths a lot and Lobo

I think calling Kim a cow is rude, but I do agree with your assessment. Plus I think the lawsuit is petty and not sure it will get on the docket, not much substance.

It is great ad though, very catchy.

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