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Messages - Snufkin

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you yould definitely make more $$$ as an IS exclusive.

Maybe yes, but that would be unsustainable  :P
'Less' is the new 'more' at Istock.

ALL modern video cameras and camcorders that shoot in h.264 or mpeg2, come with a license agreement that says that you can only use that camera to shoot video for "personal use and non-commercial" purposes (go on, read your manuals)."

Well, shouldn't this agreement  then be signed at the moment of purchasing the camera?
They advertize that the cam has video capability, can I not assume that I am allowed to sell those videos just like I'm allowed to sell the photos that the camera produces?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Does exclusivity at IS provide a bump?
« on: November 09, 2010, 13:52 »
And if one ignores the loss of sales (potential or real) at other agencies and takes into account the impending wallop to commission rates, can a bump in sales be expected after going exclusive?  In terms of $$$ and number of downloads (not that the number of downloads really matters if the $$$ are coming in).

So, my friend, you would like to earn more money at Istock?
You see, Istock management has a major problem with that...

I doesn't matter if you're exclusive or not. My advice is "do not count on Istock income in the future".
You want more income? Find ways to replace or complement Istock.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Who has had sales at Graphic Leftovers?
« on: November 08, 2010, 13:46 »
Many people here are pleased with the site and it is great that Danoph visits our forum.
I am not a contributor (yet) but I have a question.
As far as I can tell, GL sells commercial RF licences. Yet, I found a picture of the Eiffel tower at night.
The illumination of the Eiffel tower is copyrighted, this is a very well known issue, and commercial licensing of such images is asking for trouble. Also, I found a photo of skyscrapers where logos are recognizable even in the preview image.
Was it a reviewer's mistake or something else?

Software - General / Re: Problem with Lightroom 2.5
« on: November 07, 2010, 18:04 »
You can try optimizing the catalog.
If you have older backups you can try loading an older version of the catalog.
Maybe it got corrupted somehow.

GLStock / Re: GraphicLeftovers big news
« on: November 03, 2010, 13:52 »
Looks like a very fair agency. How are your sales?
I shoot many European cityscapes and landmarks (they sell OK on IS, SS and midstock) , is it worthwile to contribute them to GL? Are your sales significantly below 123 or Canstock? Or maybe above?

I am not a native speaker of English, but if you ask me, I think the agency name kind of sucks...
However, if they are a decent earner, I would prefer them than a parasitic site with a cool name.

Veer / Re: Veer pays less than 17% commision!
« on: November 01, 2010, 14:34 »
very disappointing

General Stock Discussion / Re: New microstock agency.
« on: October 25, 2010, 13:17 »
Hallo Herr Zag,

gibt es in der Schweiz keine Impressumspflicht?


Thumbs up for James

Austrian copyright law:

Werke der Baukunst nach einem ausgefhrten Bau oder andere Werke der bildenden Knste nach Werkstcken, die dazu angefertigt wurden, sich bleibend an einem ffentlichen Ort zu befinden, zu vervielfltigen, zu verbreiten, durch optische Einrichtungen ffentlich vorzufhren, durch Rundfunk zu senden und der ffentlichkeit zur Verfgung zu stellen; ausgenommen sind das Nachbauen von Werken der Baukunst, die Vervielfltigung eines Werkes der Malkunst oder der graphischen Knste zur bleibenden Anbringung an einem Orte der genannten Art sowie die Vervielfltigung von Werken der Plastik durch die Plastik.
     54 Abs. 1 Z 5 UrhG (Source: German Wikipedia)

Basically, if a building or work of art is permanently in public space, you can create and distribute its images.
You cannot: build copies of buildings, create copies of paintings, etc.

As I understand it, a 2-dimensional image of a 3-dimensional work of art is not considered a copy, and therefore there is no copyright infringement. Creating an image of an image or a copy of a sculpture would be an infringement.

If it is in public space, it seems to me that Freedom of Panorama applies:
According to the German Wikipedia, the Austrian law is even more photographer-friendly than the German law.

Nevertheless, many sites are overcautious and reject stuff that is perfectly safe. I tried to explain once and then the image got rejected because of artefacts, composition or whatever.

BTW, I think the agencies should lobby for similar laws in other countries.


Video Equipment / Sofware / Technique / Re: HDR footage
« on: September 29, 2010, 11:23 »
What did they use, some kind of beam splitter in the middle so both cameras "saw" the same thing?

I presume it is somehow aligned/merged in software, in a similar way that HDR software can align photo-exposures when the camera position slightly changed.

I use a 5D Mk II. I am a complete newbie to video, only 12 videos online, but the acceptance rate is very good, almost 100% :)

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock changing royalty structure
« on: September 09, 2010, 13:29 »
Yeah, hey everybody, i think the idea here is to try and get better terms from Istock.
Think before just doing stuff.

I don't think you fully comprehend what just happened. You want to negotiate better terms with con artists? Because that's what these parasites are.
Luring so many people into exclusivity and then screwing everybody with no mercy - that must be one of the greatest cons in the history of stock photography.

I don't think you should even hope that it will stop here, their goal is to squeeze as much as possible, this monster is insatiable. Unless they lose some ground I expect in 3-4 years it will be 5-10% for non-exclusives and 20% for exclusives. The show has just begun.
What's even more dangerous, they have a history of acquisitions. I'm pretty convinced they are planning to buy other microstock agencies until they can shape the whole stock market the way they wish. That's why they need cash, loads of cash. If they succeed you will have to be happy with the crumbs they will throw you.

What can we do to protect our incomes? Basically it comes down to cause them to gradually lose their market share.

1. Short term goal: make a stink around them, kick and bite, draw the buyers away from them.
Sure, they are big but there are very many of us. So it is like the fight of Liliputians against Gulliver. It can get very, very unpleasant for them.

2. Mid-term goal: find a way to strenghten the market share of the weaker but fair agencies. We need 10-15 agencies that are more or less equally strong that would compete for contributors.
I don't know how to achieve this, but only 4 top agencies is a potentially dangerous situation. Getty can buy SS, DT, FT at any time and then it's Game Over for pretty much everyone.

3. Long-term goal: come up with a new, decentralised distribution model to replace or complement microstock. This has been discussed before. I believe this is possible but it it is a topic for another thread. There are very many clever people among contributors, I hope that we will invent something better.

I know it hurts if you're exclusive Paulie, but in 2012 you can consider yourself very lucky or succesful if you keep your current roaylty rate. The show has just begun. They have set up a hamster wheel for you and us, can't you see it?
I have always thought going exclusive was reckless and a bad business decision because I was afraid eventually something like this could happen. I hate to be right this time and I really don't like the idea of former exclusives flooding SS,DT etc. with their images...

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock changing royalty structure
« on: September 07, 2010, 15:48 »
Greedy a**#%les.

My commissions for ELs on IS:

A dollar? Hard to believe.

Yaymicro / Re: Introducing myself
« on: August 22, 2010, 16:49 »
Hello Bjorn, nice to meet you

Shutterstock.com / Re: FTP'd files not showing
« on: August 21, 2010, 17:27 »
Yes, a couple of days ago I uploaded one clip and it never appeared online, simply gone... The upload took almost 2 hours...
I tried again later and then it worked.

Actually SJ gives the best advice here: "do not give any advice".  ;D
If you want to be a succesful microstocker that is the best advice you can get. However not everyone wants to become a succesful microstocker, some people prefer to be 'cool'.
I have learned so much from SJ, I really appreciate it  ;D

Off Topic / Re: Hindenburg Omen (stock market crash)
« on: August 19, 2010, 17:08 »

But I don't think it can happen to USA. States are too powerful.

Empires never last, they always crumble and fall...

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that IN THE LONG RUN SS's model is not sustainable for contributors.
I realized that during my first month there, but in 2008 they were turning virtually everything into dollars so I didn't mind and I don't mind it now. Face the music, you will never be able to keep up with the growth of their collection no matter how good you are. Shutterstock is not a freaking perpetuum mobile for the photographers, it's supposed to earn money to the owners in the first place.

Until they introduced ODs, they didn't earn money when a customer bought your photo, but when he didn't.
In this model the money is made when a subscription is sold, and later this amount is split between the agency and the contributors.
It is not in the interest of the agency that the customers download your images, quite the opposite. Of course ELs and now ODs are an exception, but I suppose most of the income comes from subs.

I also supposed that the search engine might be biased towards newbies - because it would make sense from a business point of view. Even if it is, so what? IS can favour exclusives, SS can favour newbies if they wish.

Do I like SS? Yes, I do, it's a great site, in their own way they are very contributor-friendly and quite fair. I just don't rely on them for my pension. :D

hello donding,
yes, they are negotiating with their client. They will certainly take their commission, but I trust them. If it works out they deserve a commission.
They have a good reputation and have always been fair to me.
No feedback yet though if the customer likes the alternative picture. Maybe they didn't expect that the first one had sold so often.

thank you ap, that's an interesting thread

I have been contacted by a local midstock agency, one of their customers would like to use my photo in their trademark.
The product will be a new German beer.

I informed them that the photo they would like to use had sold almost 300 times. If it is no longer interesting to them, I have created an alternative picture, a montage with the same landmarks and a similar mood. The alternative photo has been forwarded by the agency to their client.

The question is how much should I request for the use of a photo in trademark and exlusive rights?
I'm a hobbyist and have no experience with such requests.
Your comments will be greatly appreciated.

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