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Messages - Anyka

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Canva / Re: Canva
« on: September 08, 2014, 01:12 »
One thing that I find very annoying from a customer's point of view :  if I type "newborn puppy" (or anything else with 2 words), then I get a mixture of puppies and ... everyting else newborn :  kittens, babies, pigs ...  Even worse, if I type "isolated puppy", I get EVERYTING ISOLATED, including puppies.
Am I doing something wrong?  How can a customer avoid getting search results he/she does NOT want?  Would save a LOT of scrolling ...

I'll give you a Real World example of a real sensitive use.  It was sold through another agency (not Shutterstock), and the customer asked permission before buying the image.  It was an image of a Ghanese (African) woman crying, and the customer was designing a large poster to be used in an anti-rape campaign in South-Africa.  I asked the model if it was OK for her to appear on a poster in which she would seem to be a rape victim, and she said yes, and she was glad she could do something to prevent rape in Africa. 

More MP, but on a LARGER SENSOR (which actually means I 'd love Canon to make medium format cameras, preferably at an affordable price).

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: August 24, 2014, 15:27 »
I was complaining too early :  my images just showed up on my contributor page!

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: August 23, 2014, 15:22 »
Is the queue getting longer?  I have been uploading almost 1000 new files, but on the Canva site I'm stuck at 1895 for more than a week now.
As they disappear on the server, I suppose they arrived, at least I hope so.    :(

Rodeo paid regularly until half 2013.  Then it stopped.  When I asked for payment (without talking about legal action), I got paid partially in January 2014.  Right now they owe about 17 months (600 euros).  Clicking on "request payment" on my contributor page does not work.  I'll be asking for payment again in September, because I know in Finland Summertime means everybody's on holidays.
I do have the impression that Juha has the intentions to pay all debts though, but I also think he's a real optimist thinking he can do all the work with 1 or 2 colleagues and a very limited number of images.
When did you sent him an e-mail?  He usually does answer them ...

123RF / Re: 123RF Pay Issues
« on: August 15, 2014, 06:44 »
This is certainly NOT just like Istock.  With Istock, they only discover the problem after all contributors make a lot of forum-noise.  123rf sent me/us this e-mail BEFORE payment, so they found out about it themselves and are already working on correcting it.

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: August 13, 2014, 07:19 »
Tried to send files via FTP (EPS + PNG), but the uploaded files are just vanished from the server, nothing to show there or in my porto page, is this normal? Also what size do you require for the PNGs?
Yes Mumut, the vanishing files are normal.  They are immediately transfered after uploading.  My first 1000 files appeared after 3 days on my account page.  My second big batch is now visible as "unsubmitted" (just the Canva file numbers, not the thumbnails).  I'm now waiting for them to appear before uploading the next batch.  Can't upload right now, because I forgot which was my last uploaded series, so as long as I can't actually SEE the files in my account, I'm stuck  ;D

Off Topic / Re: Will we face World War III ?
« on: July 28, 2014, 00:46 »
While I do consider Ukraine and Israel to be real wars, and a disaster for the people there, I must say I am more afraid of the Ebola virus than of WWIII ...

General Stock Discussion / Re: Non-curated agency
« on: July 12, 2014, 00:41 »
A non-curated agency would not be able to claim they have quality images, unless the contributors would self-curate ... which would only be possible by enforcing limits  (limited upload per week/month, or even limited number of images per contributor).

I have used Irfanview for years and years now.  I simple love the fact that you can read the Exif data with 1 keystroke (E) and IPTC too (I).

287 / Re: Speed payouts at Dreamstime
« on: July 01, 2014, 02:27 »
Indeed, they're my number 1 payer ... but this month sales are down 50% compared to June 2013.  I prefer a slow payer and BIG earner  :'(

288 / Re: Have DT sales slumped?
« on: June 30, 2014, 05:59 »
Same here.  It started last month (about 20% down), but this month is 50% down compared to June 2014.  That is definitely NOT a "slow down trend", nor is it "the summer blues". 

The sponsoring thing is essentially a way to help FAA. The 'three available sponsor places' are just a means of persuading us to do it. It all depends how many people are sponsoring your chosen keywords. With a popularly-sponsored keyword, you might have to refresh thirty, fifty ... times before your image comes up. With a keyword which hasn't been 'sponsored' often, you might actually have all three available slots - I can see that on some of the keywords I tested.

OK, got it, thanks!  I tested it and yes, after 5 refreshments one of my images popped up on row 3.   Better only sponsor keywords for which I have lots of photos on FAA then.

ShadySue, I tried your sponsoring tip, and at first it seemed to work :  my photos appeared on the 3rd row when I searched for the exact word.  A few hours later however I tested it again, only this time I was not logged in ... NOTHING!   Have you tested your sponsoring results logged out ?
The placing of links on your own website is a great way to get super-high SEO results on Google, but if no one but me can see the results, why would I help FAA?

I'm not sure mine is really closed.  It's blocked, and my images are gone.  I do not know if this is permanent or not, as I have not received any message from Fotolia yet.
If there's no message in the next few days, I'll contact support.

292 / Re: "Confidential" email from Dreamstime
« on: May 29, 2014, 04:29 »
By the sounds of it, the deal will be paid exchange for image use... that is what I am expecting when all the details are laid out.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Leaf, do you mean "the beta deal will be paid for image use" or :  "the final deal will be paid for image use" ?

293 / Re: "Confidential" email from Dreamstime
« on: May 29, 2014, 04:24 »
I did not opt out because I'm against free use of my images.
If DST would have asked me to use a few (not 81) for free, for ONE TIME use in a beta test, I would probably not object at all.
But what if this beta test means that 100 test-customers can use my images in several projects?  That's a lot of sales potential lost ...  :'(
However, now that I DID opt out, I also loose sales potential, because my images are also opted out of the other partner sites.
So whatever I do, I don't like it.

Seems mine is closed too, though I did not receive any e-mail from them.

Fotolia is my second earner.  I opted out, but did not delete any images from Fotolia.
You might not be upset Ron, but I am.

295 / Re: "Confidential" email from Dreamstime
« on: May 28, 2014, 16:26 »
Who's talking about "many dollars"? 
Large deals usually result in "many dollarcents".

296 / Re: "Confidential" email from Dreamstime
« on: May 28, 2014, 12:44 »
They asked 81 images from me.
I opted out.

Not because I don't believe this "deal" can be a big nice opportunity, but because most "BIG DEALS" mean "LOW commissions".
The bigger the customer, the better the deal ... for the customer.
Perhaps it's Google again, trying to find a new partner after the Istock-disaster  ;)

Main problem is of course that if we opt out because of this e-mail, all other partners also loose our images.
If Dreamstime does not like that, they 'd better make 2 Opt-out buttons :  1 for the Secret Deal, and 1 for all other alliances.

297 / Re: Did subs just start?
« on: May 27, 2014, 15:59 »
Yes light gray, not olive green, and it's just a tiny amount, BELOW the olive green bars.

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia D-Day (Deactivation Day) - May,1
« on: May 26, 2014, 08:44 »
I have a question to FT contributors with a good sized portfolio who have OPTed OUT (>1000 images). Have you seen any trends in your FT sales post the OPT OUT taking effect ? One of the things that I was hoping was to see FT-only contributors getting more non-subscription sales. My thinking is that customers who may have moved to DPC may buy most of their images on the so-called DPC subscription but may pick up on credit sale the images that they want but dont see in DPC. A trend that may signal customers looking at DPC as a high volume dollar bin and looking elsewhere for low volume special buys.

No, I don't see any positive or negative trend.  I opted out with 7000 images mid May.  Fotolia is not doing well for me, but the downward trend started more than 12 months ago, so has nothing to do with DPC.
May is a disaster, but May is always a disaster compared to March and April, so I don't see a link with DPC here either.

Also :  from the point of view of a customer, DPC is a different site from Fotolia.  So why would a customer always go to Fotolia if they cannot find an image on DPC?  You can bet Fotolia is not suggesting "if you cannot find what you need, Fotolia still has 7.000.000 more images at higher prices"  ;)

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia D-Day (Deactivation Day) - May,1
« on: May 20, 2014, 02:39 »
That was my first impression too, but Ron, look at the dates ...
The list shows the most recent date on TOP, so it's going down, despite the daily growth on Fotolia

I had a very unusual slow day yesterday - almost weekend-like. Got me paranoid, too:) Today things are looking up again.

Same here!  It was like a Sunday or a worldwide national holiday!

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