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Messages - klsbear

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I'm getting the following error messages when I edit a picture and publish it. Also when I check the "update all existing images with new values" check box on the Author Settings page.  It didn't seem to effect the images, they appear to have processed fine, but it does take me to blank page without any links or tabs to get out of it.  Any thoughts on what's causing it?

Warning: unpack() [function.unpack]: Type A: not enough input, need 1, have 0 in /home2/virtubm8/public_html/karensarragaphotography/wp-content/themes/symbiostock/inc/classes/PHP_JPEG_Metadata_Toolkit/IPTC.php on line 263

Warning: unpack() [function.unpack]: Type A: not enough input, need 1, have 0 in /home2/virtubm8/public_html/karensarragaphotography/wp-content/themes/symbiostock/inc/classes/PHP_JPEG_Metadata_Toolkit/IPTC.php on line 263

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/virtubm8/public_html/karensarragaphotography/wp-content/themes/symbiostock/inc/classes/PHP_JPEG_Metadata_Toolkit/IPTC.php:263) in /home2/virtubm8/public_html/karensarragaphotography/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876

Post your list of pages and I will compare them to mine if you like?

Thanks!  I think I've got it figured out but I'd feel better if you could confirm what I have listed below.

I think the pages in Red are the "must keep" pages and I'm guessing we shouldn't change the names either.  I'm pretty certain I added those with "test" in the name but wasn't sure if I renamed something.  I think where I was getting confused and paranoid about changing or deleting the wrong thing was the child page under my FAQ was also named "Symbiostock Network" but when I viewed it I realized it was my text, not pulling in network data.

About - not sure if this is critical
End User License Agreement

FAQ (with child page) - I think I added this
Gallery Parent (with Gallery Test Page) - I think I added this
Test - image links - I think I added this
Image Categories
Log In

News - I think this is the renamed blog page
Shopping Cart
Symbiostock Network
Symbiostock Directory

Thank you for Registering

Leo - in the beginning I set up a few pages to test some stuff and now I'm confused as to which are my abandoned test pages and which are the "must keep" Symbio-required pages. 

Would you please post a list of the pages that Symbiostock generates and need to be kept?  That will help me identify which I can safely trash.



Name: Karen Sarraga (KLSbear)
Contribution: Beta tester, Version 1.
MSG Profile:

305 / Re: yuri arcurs is IS exclusive
« on: May 22, 2013, 19:08 »

SS now is on Nasdaq, it's a public company, their mission now is not to survive but to GROW over time, that is making profits for their shareholders.

in order to so, either they grow their customer base or they cut costs or both.

Actually SS is on the NYSE, not NASDAQ and a third option is to somehow figure out a way to increase prices.  Apart from that, you've pretty well hit their dilemma.  Their stock took a fairly hard hit today.  Even at that the stock is still at 47 times future earnings and 9 times sales.  Over priced in my estimation.  I sold my IPO shares when they went above $43.  If they fall back to the upper $20's or low $30's I'll consider buying again.

I think one easy and fair way to increase prices and contributor return is to offer the option of exclusive image series.  I know they are opposed to contributor exclusivity but having the option of image exclusives at a higher return for the contributor and a higher price for the buyer seems like an easy solution.  Position it outside of the subs and more like the SOD sales.  Buyers and SS get the benefit of some exclusive images and contributors get their raise in the way of a better return. 

I shoot a lot of food but have no people in my portfolio.  I think a good match would be someone who shoots food but has lots of options with people eating, preparing food, etc.

Do you actually make the food? I'll take some - even if someone has to take a picture of me eating! I love the food shots the best btw.

 :) Thanks!  We could work out a deal - fly me to Hawaii and I'll cook and take pics of you eating. :)  I didn't bake the bread but that is on my list of things I'd like to tackle.   I started with arranged ingredients but I've been trying to branch out more into prepared foods like the shrimp cocktail and guacamole shots.


I'm in the same boat. Most of my stuff is hard to find. My issue will be finding suitable sites to link to that have things in common.

Doesn't it make more sense to network with people who have images which are different than yours? I shoot a lot of sports, action, and food photography. I rarely shoot People/Lifestyle, or Industrial. I want to network with people who fill niches which I don't have much of, so that searchers are finding a better mix of images between myself and the network.

that was my first thought, but it really only works when people come to your site looking for something you don't have, which isn't going to be the case if traffic is mostly thru search engines.  so if someone doesn't find what they like on your site, they're more likely to find it on a similar site, since they wont be interested in the topics you don't cover.  the aim should be to keep buyers in the network as long as possible

My initial linking has been based on selecting ports with similar themes but a different approach.  I shoot a lot of food but have no people in my portfolio.  I think a good match would be someone who shoots food but has lots of options with people eating, preparing food, etc.  I've selected a couple of sites with food shots from regions outside the US too.  I have a few isolations of food but not many so that would be another complimentary site. 

If someone searches for Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice they get my series of oranges, fresh juice and old-fashioned glass juicer but hopefully would find other options such as a mother and daughter with a contemporary juicer in a kitchen, a marketplace in South America with oranges, isolations of oranges and glasses of juice and so on, giving the buyer a wide range of related images.

I feel dumb, where do you go to reprcess the images?

Don't feel dumb - I had the same question but was hesitant to ask.  I happened to look at Leo's first post in this thread and one of the links was to a "how-to" post. 

Basically, you need to go to your Images area as if you were going to edit.  I re-processed in batches of 20 by ticking the check-box at the top left to select all the images on the page (next to "Preview").  In the drop down menu right above that select Re-Process the click the "Apply" button next to it. It took mine about 5 - 10 minutes to process a page of 20.

I did it exactly as you said, but it didn't take nearly that long to reprocess. I'm thinking more like a minute or so. I checked a couple when they were finished and the iptc was there. Maybe i should check more of them.

I had one group process really fast - so quickly that I thought maybe it didn't process so I did it again, and again it was fast so it did vary by group.  The 5-10 minutes may have been more like 2-5 minutes, I wasn't really timing them but the first one did take awhile and I wondered if it was working.  It may have something to do with whatever else is going on with the host at the time too.  In my case it was far from immediate so I guess my caution was to give it several minutes to do it's thing before assuming it's locked up.

I feel dumb, where do you go to reprcess the images?

Don't feel dumb - I had the same question but was hesitant to ask.  I happened to look at Leo's first post in this thread and one of the links was to a "how-to" post. 

Basically, you need to go to your Images area as if you were going to edit.  I re-processed in batches of 20 by ticking the check-box at the top left to select all the images on the page (next to "Preview").  In the drop down menu right above that select Re-Process the click the "Apply" button next to it.  It took mine about 5 - 10 minutes to process a page of 20.

Scott Kelby posted a Q&A Here and mentions a Single App option to subscribe to Photoshop only for $19.95 a month and if you have any version back to CS3 you get a price break, it's $10 a month for a year.

Chico - I see my topics field is blank.  If you'd like to update that please list topics as: food & drink, lifestyle & objects, backgrounds & holiday.

Steve - please update my topics & "looking for" lists which are blank in your list too. 
Topics: food & drink, lifestyle & objects, backgrounds & holiday.
Looking for: complimentary themes, especially with people, business, travel, landscape. 

I'm also still listed in the "friends" group as klsbear - that can be removed since I'm up in the active section now.

Karen (KLSbear)

You guys have totally lost me. I don't even know what problem your experiencing. Isn't that just a horrible thing to think? How did we get this far I have no idea.

Anyway, if this is another IPTC problem (the way your stuff was keyworded, etc) this software I'm including in future downloads/implementing might take care of all your issues. Probably by the end of monday:

Not a bug Leo, just a "feature".  When images are uploaded the keywords are grabbed and loaded into the Image Keywords admin area under the Symbiostock Image area.  Once it's in there, if you try to correct the formatting in the individual image edit area (full or quick edit option) it will revert to the stored keyword.  You can delete or add keywords and those will save, it just seems to effect trying to edit a keyword formatting, ie: lower or upper case or quotations.

It seems the system is somehow remembering those keywords from the initial upload and defaulting to the version with quotes.

Yep, that's what happens. You may need to go in to the "Image Keywords" section. Its in the same drop down as the "all images". If you delete the keyword there that should get rid of it.

You beat me to posting this.  I ran into the same thing with some words capitalized.  I would correct them in the keywords and they reverted back to the original Caps.  You don't have to delete the keyword entirely - there is an Edit option. 

That's terrific!  And tempting too...  I'm slogging along with trying to customize my own but it's like I'm doing it with my eyes closed and one hand behind my back.  I have no experience in this type of programming.  I may just have to bail and purchase a theme.  Child themes will be a great asset to get more people involved.

Does anyone know how to limit the amount of featured images that get displayed on the home page? For instance, I would only like 12 images to be shown on the homepage under the Featured Images widget. How can I limit it to that?

I think you just need to limit the number of images you tag as Featured Images to 12.   I don't think it works on a rotating basis.

Adobe Stock / Re: keywording announcement - Fotolia
« on: April 25, 2013, 20:36 »
I'd rather have the ability to add and delete keywords.  I've sometimes found additional relevant keywords that I missed the first time around but they don't seem to let you add or delete once it's been accepted.

You've got me in both the top table and down below.  Above as KLSbear and below as klsbear.  Topics and what I'm looking for are unchanged so the data in the lower table can be used to  fill in the top.  Portfolio stands at about 300 and I'll have most of those up by the end of the month.

The mission has just begun!!! Very exciting to see the first sale going though!

One feature many of you may not be aware of is a WP feature giving you the ability to edit the Published date and time and schedule your published images for future dates. 

When processing images you'll see a "Published On" date and time right above the "Publish" button and an edit option.  Note that the time is a 24 hour clock so plan accordingly when editing the time. You can use this to do a few things to organize and manage publishing your images. 

You can group together your similar images by editing their publish time and date to be same date and hour, consecutive minutes. 

You can edit pictures all weekend and schedule them to publish at the beginning of a work week or schedule to have fresh images posting on specific days and times of the week.

Schedule images to publish when you're traveling or off-line for a period of time to keep fresh images posted on a regular basis.

Use it to market a new series by building a little buzz around the series - send out announcements that your new series will be launched at a specific date and time and auto-schedule the publishing of the images.

I just looked at your All Images as well and the last ones showing are the same as your Latest Images.

I have uploaded a few today using V 1.3.3. and my latest images are showing up in both so possibly not a bug?

That gave me the clue I needed to unlock the secret!  The images were defaulting to the upload to drafts date and time, retaining that as the Published date and time.  All I had to do was edit that date and time and it's showing up now.

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Latest Images not updating
« on: April 21, 2013, 09:34 »
I have the Latest Images widget on my home page and on the 18th and 19th it showed images published but it's not updating with images published yesterday or today.  I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong.  Any thoughts on what's going on?

Software - General / Re: Exif time change
« on: April 21, 2013, 09:16 »
Did you look into Adobe's monthly plan for Creative Cloud?  I think you can get a one month subscription and use LR to take care of what you need.

This one is not really a bug but a small request.  Could we have an "update latest oops - make that 'related' images" link in the pop-out menu for Symbiostock images panel?  I keep forgetting that I have to manually update that and having the link in the menu would be a reminder.

hmmm - might be a bug in here now too.  I added 5 images today, tried updating twice and got the e-mail telling me 80 images were processed but the new images from today are not showing.  Same oops - I was mixing up related and latest images as to which needed the manual update, but I am seeing that my Latest Images are not updating to reflect newly added images.  It still shows yesterday's additions.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Is there a Live SY Sites list?
« on: April 20, 2013, 12:42 »

I was thinking that a buyer would probably need a site with a minimum critical number of pictures. Even with 5 sites having each 5000 pictures this is "only" 25000 pictures. Probably not enough to cover all general themes needed by buyers unless having a kind of niche with a specific theme common to the 5 and make the sites known for covering the given theme.

A buyer needs the critical number of 1..... the image that suits their needs.

I doubt is I will have 5000 images for sale,  for a couple of years.  I have a small ( but growing) specific portfolio.  I don't want to be left out just because of my newbieism ( I don't think that is a word)  I don't expect to make the sales that a site with 20,000 images but I want in!!!

Glenn - I added you to my network.  I'll have about 300 images when I'm done uploading current images but my concentration in food offers a nice complimentary niche for those wanting to link to me, or looking to drive food image buyers to their site.  Your food images are a nice compliment to mine adding some nice culturally different options.  If you have open slots I'd be happy to have you link to my site -

Microstock Services / Re: Lightburner
« on: April 20, 2013, 09:27 »
It is not working for me as well. I uploaded some 30 photos, they all show the channel assigned but none is getting distributed. Any idea? Is there anything I am doing wrong ?

If I recall correctly, there is a checkbox to select if you want it to automatically distribute each channel when you set it up.

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