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Messages - Snufkin

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The following keywords used for this file do not appear to be fully relevant to the subject:


Please provide a set of simple, descriptive, focused keywords for this image before resubmitting.

"Not Approved:
Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.
Composition--Limited commercial value due to framing, cropping, and/or composition.
++We found this file over filtered from its original appearance/quality. "

Great photo

Yaymicro / Re: "YAY Goes Green"
« on: January 21, 2009, 15:08 »
I had my first sale there yesterday (with a portfolio of 150 pics).

355 / Re: Making Life Difficult
« on: January 10, 2009, 17:23 »

Several sites were happy to change my username, but shutterstock refused. My first application for submitter, about a year ago, was rejected, and I haven't applied since, although I'd like to have another go once I've got my accounts sorted.

You can change your Site Copyright Display Name yourself at any time in your profile.
You just cannot change your username / login, but AFAIK it is not visible for the buyers. It appears, however, in the SS forum if you participate.

Off Topic / Re: Recommend a magazine?
« on: October 23, 2008, 13:26 »
Back in the analog era I used to read Practical Photography and I learned a lot from them.
Here is some more info:

357 / Re: How much this beast need to be fed?
« on: October 20, 2008, 03:55 »
The slowdown may be partially due to the introduction of the on-demand option.
Some customers have canceled their subscriptions and buy only stuff that they need.
In the past people wanted to use up their quota and downloaded some pictures that they didn't really need for their work. Such images will get now fewer downloads than before.

Computer Hardware / Re: Your Dream Screen
« on: October 16, 2008, 14:23 »
Hey, what do you think about this one:


    * High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI )
    * Digital Visual Interface (DVI ) with High Definition Content Protection (HDCP )
    * DisplayPort
    * Video Graphics Array (VGA ), Composite Video, Component Video

Built-in Devices:

    * USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub with 1 USB upstream port and 4 USB downstream ports
    * 9-in-2 media card reader

27-inch VA panel for 623,86 seems a bargain, doesn't it?

Off Topic / Re: Spain 4 Russia 1
« on: June 25, 2008, 17:33 »
Gary Lineker:
"Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at
the end, the Germans win"

How many pictures of Wrangell-St Ellias NP in Alaska Crestock has?

That's the wrong question. The real question would be: "how many buyers for those pictures can Crestock have?". Answer: probably not too many, because they are too specific and because potential buyers for those pictures rather look for them elsewhere. To do well in microstock you need pictures that can be useful to many people, it is a game of numbers. 

I need to get myself a Cyrillic keyboard, or at least the stickers for my English-language one.

Some time ago I had a chance to use a dual German-Russian keyboard, and I found it very confusing, especially punctuation keys, it took me very long to find the right key. But it might have been because I had never typed in Russian before, for a person used to the Russian layout it might be different.

There are some nice virtual online keyboards, I find them quite good.
For example:

For my purposes (very sporadic) and my limited active knowledge of the language, I created a custom keyboard driver where the Cyrillic character/sound is on the same key as its Latin counterpart, e.g. : р-r, п-p, д-d. This way it is very easy to use a Latin keyboard layout and type Cyrillic characters.

не многие русские здесь еще.

но не только русские понимают по-руссски  :)
привет всем!

123RF / Re: New Reviewers or new Quality requirements?
« on: June 11, 2008, 11:15 »
Yeah, seems like they have new standards, I just had 9 out of 27 rejected for lighting/composition. ;D But that's fine with me, I just note it in my spreadsheet and move on.
Actually I was about to dump 123RF, but recently the sales improved so I decided to upload some more and observe the development. I don't mind tougher standards as long as sales improve.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Canon beats Nikon!
« on: June 08, 2008, 19:49 »
if you search for Canon on IS it comes up with 627 matching  file while Nikon with 457 files. So canon wins:) funnily enough  some of the photos contains both as keywords.

Yeah, but neither Canon nor Nikon can beat this one:

General Stock Discussion / Re: Begun, the Price War has...
« on: June 02, 2008, 11:55 »
The next big thing will be "freestock" or "zerostock".
The customers will get the images for free but will also have a "subscription" to spam emails.
For the photographer it will take 100 downloads to earn 0,01 USD, but oh man, the market is going to expand big time! So, there will be crowds hoping to get accepted by the major zerostock sites. Minimum requirements: those with newest digital Hasselblads or Mamiyas should be fine as far as noise and min. resolution are concerned, flagship Canon might be borderline. As for the initial submission you're gonna need 97 out of 100 to pass the test.

The microstock oldboys will surely complain and dream about good old days when they were getting 0.25 $ per download... ;D

Why $0.00 is the future of business?
Here are some links about freeconomics, if you're sceptical:

Off Topic / Re: What language is this?
« on: June 01, 2008, 20:38 »
I'd say it's Hebrew.

Did you upload an Adobe RGB file?  DT is believed not to convert preview images to sRGB, hence the difference in colors.
As for their sharpening, I rather like it, in many cases I find reasonably sharp preview images more appealing.

General Stock Discussion / Re: What's your top earner?
« on: May 29, 2008, 19:57 »
1. SS
3. Istock

But I still have a small portfolio.

I find IS quite easy because they are predictable. I began not long ago with 33% acceptance rate, now it's 65% and constantly rising, because I learned what they accept what not. The same goes for shutterstock.
Fotolia is way too unpredictable for me, I have no idea what they want, so they don't get anything from me.
DT is fine as far as reviews are concerned, but the sales volume is much lower than IS or SS.

Off Topic / Re: Dram in vista
« on: May 29, 2008, 12:19 »

The funny thing however is that when i go into configuration screen, system it seems vista only sees 3 gig or ram while i have two modules of 2 gig = 4 gig.

Is  there a way i can force vista to see the 4 gig.?.

Installing Service Pack 1 will make Vista see 4GB, but it doesn't mean Vista will be able to use it. 4GB is what you're going to see in the welcome screen (if you have it activated).

If you then run MSINFO32.exe you will see:

Total physical memory,
Available physical memory,
Total virtual memory,
Available virtual memory.

Yeah, that's a cool one

General Stock Discussion / Re: 3 HDR questions...
« on: May 28, 2008, 18:13 »
Hello Bjorn,

Did you only sharpen it for this smaller version? (or perhaps did it) (the stones & tree give a sharpened feel).

Yes, I did sharpen this photo, this is the only version that I uploaded there, since it is a sharing site, and I wanted it to look as good as possible.

The only comment (if you want to hear) i have is the light spot on the bottom left. My eye moves over the photo and goes to the castle and its nice towers, but instead of staying there, it then moves to that spot on the bottom left and wonders 'what is that?' I guess its water, but how come its lighter then the rest. 

Bjorn, this is indeed water. The reason that this part is brighter is that it is lit by the lamps illuminating the castle, and the surrounding areas are in the shadow of that tree. I was actually more bothered by not being able to rescue the detail in the extreme highlights than about that spot.

Anyway, back to HDR, didn't you want to make the bushes/green a bit lighter?

Most of all, I wanted this one to look at least sort of natural and avoid noise, since I wanted to submit it to midstocks. Overdodging might have increased noise.

You may find Charlie Waite's photo's interesting, (so i guess a dramatic sky would be nice ;) see:

Yeah, that's a pretty cool shot. However my guess is that the sky was achieved with a graduated ND filter, rather than HDR software. Not in every scene a grad can be used, but when it can, it surely will deliver a better image quality than HDR.

Kind regards,

Another great tutorial. Thx for sharing, Yanik.

General Stock Discussion / Re: 3 HDR questions...
« on: May 26, 2008, 13:15 »
Thanks Bjorn,

this is the middle raw image with its histogram:

Yeah, playing with the shadows/highlights tool could give a similar result (however with even more noise in the shadows), but I started post-processing with HDR-software and kinda liked the direction in which the image was going.

Here is another one of mine, 3 exposures blended (+/- 2EV), dodging and burning, no noise, no artifacts (but extreme highlights were lost despite that, -2EV was not enough):

But I won't upload that one to a micro site, a higher-priced agency received it.

Kind regards,

General Stock Discussion / Re: 3 HDR questions...
« on: May 25, 2008, 14:04 »
Here are some of mine:
(this version was accepted by SS, but rejected by IS for being "overfiltered")
This version was accepted by IS, it sells all right there and on higher-priced sites.
MP seem not to convert from Adobe RGB, so it looks rather dull there, but you may have a 100% zoom to check it for noise.

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