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Messages - Mantis

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General - Top Sites / Re: It seems times have changed
« on: May 13, 2012, 15:04 »
MS is a moving target.  Some peeps here do very well at FT, for example, and I don't do well there (anymore) :-\.  But I still do pretty good at IS and in the last six months SS.  I attribute that to buyers bailing on IS and, in perhaps a lot of cases, they are going to SS.  At DT something definitely changed there for the better for me, but many have felt the sting of change like I have at FT.  It is interesting to see how things have changed and I believe that there will be constant change, for better or worse, and you'll be able to re-post this thread 2-3 years from now and a lot will have changed.  ;D 

...stockfresh is dead in the water...

Totally off-topic, but just wanted to mention, SF is showing signs of life for me. I'm up to $20 earnings so far this month. Still nothing to get excited about, but it's significantly better than where I was with them a month or two back.

Good for you.  I was about to pull my port today. $3 a month ain't cutting it for me with 2500 images. I decided to let it ride solely because there is little risk, tho some.

Adobe Stock / Re: FT rank
« on: May 12, 2012, 18:12 »
I still regard FT as a good agency and earner

They are shi_t, period.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: WOW, April PP rolling in already
« on: May 12, 2012, 17:45 »
28 cents here 28 cents there ... it soon adds up to 56 cents.   :P :D

.28 is sheit, but I do manage to pull in $175 to $250 a month, so my sales add up more than your 56 cents. ;D

iStockPhoto.com / WOW, April PP rolling in already
« on: May 12, 2012, 05:56 »
Earliest I can recall that Istock's PP royalties are being tabulated.

Adobe Stock / Re: FT rank
« on: May 11, 2012, 19:14 »
FT has killed me personally.  From $200 a month to $75ish. 

Shutterstock.com / Re: Recent uploads disappeared
« on: May 11, 2012, 15:30 »

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock surveying buyers again...
« on: May 11, 2012, 07:00 »
I'm not a buyer, so it doesn't matter for me; but I was thinking more about keyword spamming messing up searches.

For me, other than the voodoo sites play with their search, keywording is the single most important function of an image sale (to be found), aside from it being just what the buyer wants.  Spamming just fks it up for everyone, the buyers and the contributors.  I probably spend more time than I should keywording because over the years I have realized its importance. Some are of the mind that if a site allows 50 KW then I am putting in 50.  I personally only put in what I think is appropriate, somewhere between 8 and 50 ;)

We all know the problem with microstock, there's hundreds of threads about it here now.  What we need is a way to be able to carry on selling a decent volume of images in 10 years time for a reasonable commission. 


Well I'm 52 and I sell more images now than when I was much younger so no __ age is not a factor.

Bwaahhhahahahahahahahaah  Good One!!

To the OP, older files may taper off depending on their current search algorithm.  The sites are always tweaking them to do something new, which may or may not affect older images.  Awhile back your new uploads on SS used to get a HUGE boost and if you uploaded all the time in large volumes you were golden.  That doesn't happen anymore.  It all just depends on the current search logic.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock surveying buyers again...
« on: May 08, 2012, 19:32 »
Oh... and the mature way of communicating with their customers just blows me away - unless their main customer base are third graders...

I was think the same thing.  How about a seriously toned email?  All this does in my opinion is make it laughable with no intention to use the data other than celebrate the 1% of good feedback they might get from it.

I'm having a very strange experience with that Elena.  I tend to have  one or two sales on new files straight away, and then they just stop and become slow and sporadic, but the older stuff keeps churning out sales at a regular rate.

I had a batch of 40 accepted and the next day I sold one for 18 bucks, then nothing else since...7days.

Thanks for the extra info jsnover, I appreciate that. Regarding Fotolia, sorry to hear that you had some bad experience. If you find it among your own posts in your profile and want to share, feel free to post the link.

Veer seems to be in the 4th place from the middle tier shown here. I don't know how this data are based, if are from users input or API control. From API would be more precise.

My only concern on participating into more agencies than the top 4 that I'm already in, is if it worths the effort and time spent instead of using it to treat the thousand of images I have stored into my HD (queue) and/or take new shots and upload to the top 4 agencies.

Well, maybe it is something to think about after sending all my files to all big 4 first. :0)

Have a nice day and thanks again.

Hey James, thanks. I'll try to post some articles on my blog regarding the subject and update here. ;0)
Have a great weekend.

Hi there, I'm sorry for the dumb question, but does SS own BigStock too? I will try to talk nicely to them if so. Thanks for the advice. I appreciate that. ;0)
Have a nice day.

Keep coming...

Yes, shutterstock bought bigstockphoto a couple of years ago and offer to some what they call Bridge to Bigstock. It's usually by invite but like has been suggested maybe you could email them and ask if they'd do it, there would be nothing for you to do, no categorizing, no assigning releases, no nothing.

3rd world still retains whiffs of colonialism and condescension  and since the 2nd world has collapsed, it also doesn't make much sense anymore.
 countries like India which might have been called 3rd world now have over 200 million in the middle class and along with china will continue to grow

the G8 countries are now the G20. globalization is real and expanding

so, yes, it is time to retire the phrase; 'emerging nations', 'developing nations' are much more neutral and less patronizing

Isn't 'developing nations' equally condescending and patronizing? It suggests that 'proper countries' have already fully developed and they're sort of marking time in a kindly way whilst waiting for their less capable counterparts to be helped along.

I know of no country that is 'fully developed'. All countries are developing, it's just that some are ahead of others. It is all just snaphots in time. Thailand today, for example, is vastly more developed than any Western country was even 70 years ago. In some ways it is actually more developed than Western nations in the social cohesion, lack of unemployment and low crime rate. As a Westerner who spends much time there I feel we could learn much from them. They may be following us to some degree, but boy are they learning from our mistakes. I'm sure the same could be said of many other 'developing nations', so to speak.

Call it what you want, the experience of a less developed country, for me, has been a joy.  I find that, as a whole, the places I've been have had very friendly natives, warm residents and I've made some lasting friends.  Many years ago in Cairo Egypt I was introduced to * raw oysters by an Egyptian physician.  We sat on the sidewalk of a small diner during the evening, warm but relaxing. I was flying back to the states the next day.  I got such bad food poisoning during my flight I thought I was a dead man.  But Omar the doc and I now laugh about it years later, like 30 years later.  Traveling to countries with varying levels of condition, economically and culturally, is the reward. It can never be replaced and is, to me, worth every dime I spend.

On topic, I think the upload is reasonably painless, IPTC + a few mouse clicks.  I find IS a real pain but don't do it very often.

I was thinking the same thing.  DT upload is simple.  The OP must have never uploaded to Istock if he think's DT is time consuming.

Exactly and if you have enough images to fill your weekly quota, several weeks a month, it is even more time consuming, especially the higher you are on your canister levels.  I am currently at 30 a week, but someone like Lisa is much higher...not sure what diamond is.....but it's higher than 30.  And when I use deep meta and attach a release....it rarely actually uploads the release so I get a release rejection.  I just think that the OP has not experienced the joys of uploading to IS.

The Depths of the Amazon jungle! Can you imagine the wildlife :)

Been there and it was nice if you can handle the bugs, and, if you are on a crappy little screen covered live aboard and can handle bilge rats and sweat you are good to go.  Honestly I heard a lot of animals in the trees but couldn't see a lot.  But we did hunt Caiman at night...like small crocs.  Went to photograph pink river dolphins.


These are a few places I've been but the cost is what you make it and so is the safety.  Good third world trips require planning and knowledge, so it's hard to answer your question.

on the first day and second I have openned it like 30 times so drop a few lol I am sure a few tons did the same from MSG forum

Well yes, after all Yuri didn't state unique visitors. Even if they were it still only represents about 1/3rd of the registered membership of Microstockgroup. Surely sales are the only thing that count? We all get hundreds of views for our images, sometimes without any sales at all.

For years :(

Well, congratulations to Yuri.  What an excellent web site.  And those full size previews - wow.

My guess is that this is only the first step.  Yuri has seen Bruce get his $50 million, and now Jon getting his $100 million, and Yuri wants his slice of that pie.  I'll guess that gradually Yuri will include work from other photographers, gradually building into the premier agency for people photos.  He could attract a surprising amount of traffic and business.  In about five years or so he'll have an asset that will be worth a lot of money.  Perhaps then he'll sell out to Getty or Shutterstock, or even attempt to become an industry leader and eventually do his own IPO.

One thing is certain - Yuri is a winner who thinks big.  I don't think he'll be satisfied with just a small boutique web site.

Well done Yuri.  What a pleasure to see someone become such a success through their own hard work and entrepreneurship.

I agree!  in this day and age, its not easy to build anything,  most people trying end up at the local shrink. People like Jon, Yuri, even Bruce, has got to be admired.
Yuri built this, surrounded by the big 4 agencies, that alone is full marks.

Completely agree.  Good for him.  Next up???

Veer / Re: Refunds at VEER
« on: April 29, 2012, 18:51 »
Add one for me too, Large $3.50. :(

I am so glad I dumped Veer.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Let's Play Spot The Trademark
« on: April 29, 2012, 18:43 »
I think I'll copyright a circle, a square and a straight line and sue anybody who uses one of those.

hahahahhahahah exactly!!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Batch Uploading to Istock
« on: April 29, 2012, 18:40 »
You can set DeepMeta to upload a batch with intervals between each file if you want - that way, you're less likely to get the whole lot going to the same inspector.

Yep and it is a slippery slope.  If the inspector likes your stuff most will get accepted.  If he doesn't (like in one of my cases) he/she rejects.  So it's really up to you if you think spreading the risk is better for acceptance.  I am now about 85% acceptance using Deep Meta, the ones rejected are usually stupid keyword disparities or complete disagreements on the rejection reason, in which case I'll Scout.  If Scout comes back and says they agree with the inspector I generally move on unless I think the image is special enough to make it in (there's been a few times I fought and now they are flamers:)).


Suggestion to all big players here, start over from scratch and see how you would fare these days as an "unknown photographer"

errrr.... no thank you.

LOL!  The master of understatement!  :)

I would never want to have to start this today. Some of us are well aware we started at just the right time.  Would be difficult to impossible to start now and achieve the same success unless you were already an established stock producer (i.e. monkeybusiness). 

After years of doing technical design, travel, etc, I got into MS only 5-6 years ago.  I have done plenty of professional shoots, staging, etc in the days when we''d use Polaroids to test exposure/composition, etc and then shoot the film version. Wish I'd have gotten into MS sooner. All of that experience, with the advent of digital would have made it a lot easier for me to make some money. It's been a hard, challenging five years but I am growing my sales as I grow my port.  But back in the day the standards of acceptable images were based on composition, feel, message, not so much technical standards.  Does the image meet our requirements? Yes.  Cool. Let's pay the photographer his $375 an hour for that two hours.  There was no zooming in at 100 percent, etc.  Once I got in to MS, these criteria were new to me and they are, technically speaking, more stringent than shooting a brochure or magazine image.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: March PP
« on: April 29, 2012, 18:16 »
What's interesting is to hear that people aren't getting their images into TS....they are trickling in.  I just did a search to see if mine were getting in and they are, only weeks after I submit to Istock.  My PP sales keep going up and that's what got me thinking.  So I checked and sales increases are probably due to my upload volume.  Call it 40 uploads a month.  I am well over $200 on PP for March, which is over 700 downloads if none of those sales are $6 like we've seen in the past.

I have waited to post in this thread, but April will be my biggest month in 6 years, albeit thanks to 10 ELs across three sites. Without the EL's it would have been an average month, not a loss, but about in line with the last 6 months.

Congratulations!  Nice to read some good news :)

Thank you, Lisa.

I have waited to post in this thread, but April will be my biggest month in 6 years, albeit thanks to 10 ELs across three sites. Without the EL's it would have been an average month, not a loss, but about in line with the last 6 months.
Congrats. It's exactly ELs that I'm missing. I got my first this month: 75 credits: $12.  >:(

75 credits sounds a lot better that $12 bucks :P

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