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Messages - Astonished

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The funny thing is that the regions voting for Brexit are the poor regions in England and Wales, regions which are getting subsidies from EU. I guess they have to suffer for their own choice.
Comparing the UK with Norway and Switzerland is not smart since both countries are far richer than the UK. Excluding London the UK is only at 80% of the average wages in EU which is lower now thanks to the weak pound. Iceland can't jiin the EU because of the EU fishing regulations. Fishing is a huge industry which they won't give up. It's all about the territorial fishing waters if you want to know more about it

Some mention about Alamy and other companies that reside in England will be effected- thank you for that information.  It will be interesting to see how our business pans out the rest of the year.
You're welcome, glad somebody actually noticed  ;D

Shutterstock.com / Re: Ever more erratic sales
« on: June 24, 2016, 23:11 »
Umm Brazil got kicked out already.

My Brexit images sold like hotcakes, my Bremain on the other hand did not  ;D

Well, hope all that "nationalist pride" was worth wiping 2 trillion off global markets in 24 hours and likely tipping world into another recession. Way to go Brexiters!
It's not going to be that bad, there might be an economic slowdown, but recession is unlikely, except for the UK of course.
If you're in the market for real estate in London I would wait for a while, the prices are going down maybe 10% or more on top of the weaker pound.
UK is going to be in the picture as a cheap place for vacations, tourist industry might boom.
I would definitely not invest in the UK though.

Scotland: we want independence from the UK, that's worth 46 billion a year to the Scottish economy.
Scotland: we want to remain in the EU, that's worth 16 billion a year to the Scottish economy.

What a mess!
Scottish agriculture is relying heavily on EU subsidies, without it I'm not so sure if the government is willing or able to help.

Dreamstime.com / Re: OMG DT does not need photos of BREXIT
« on: June 24, 2016, 17:47 »
You think you know what will happen in the short term? I doubt it. Uncertain times yes but there has so far only been a relatively small correction in the markets.
You don't have to be a psychic to know it. It's already happening, webshops like Asos closed down today, nobody is willing to exchange British Pounds for USD or EUR, you can't withdraw Euros anymore with British bank cards in Europe, all because of the British currency crash.
S&P is going to lower UK's credit rating again, which was already lower than some EU countries.
Financial institutions are pulling out of London and with it a lot of jobs.
Imported goods are going to be more expensive because of the weak pound, you will notice it in the short term when you do shopping or buy groceries. Inflation rate will go up and the economic growth will be lower or even worse.

Dreamstime.com / Re: OMG DT does not need photos of BREXIT
« on: June 24, 2016, 14:21 »
Brexit is old news, better spend more time for the next trend

Not agree...Brexit it is not old news...Brexit it is unique. We'll talk about it much time to come, as the first country who'll leave the EU after 45 years.
Maybe if there's a domino effect with Nexit, Frexit, Dexit, Swexit and so on, otherwise only the UK will still talk about it after 45 years. British economy might collapse by then, there's already a trade deficit with the EU of 23.9bn in the first 3 months of 2016. The UK needs the EU more than the EU needs the UK

The UK is the worlds 5th largest economy not some back water and you will find the EU exports a lot more to the UK than the other way round so I think you will find the EU needs the UK more
I'm sorry but the EU market is far bigger than the UK's market, Germany alone is already bigger. The time of the great British Empire has long past. The average income in the UK excluding London is only 80% of the EU's average. London's is 150%.
What wiil happen for the UK in the short term is pretty much disastrous, prices will go up because of the weak currency, lay offs, economy at a stand still, UK will lose its AAA credit rating, inflation go up etc. Long term nobody knows.
Don't get me wrong, I really feel for the British people, but the people have spoken and we have to respect that. I wish everyone there good luck through this hard time.

I was reading the other day about a survey where a lot of people in other EU countries would like their own exit referendum.
It's been going on for a long time whenever people are unhappy about the EU or have to pay too much to the EU or the Euro makes everything more expensive.
And not only that, calls for independence in Scotland, Catalonia, Flanders to name a few has been going on for a long time as well.

A drop in the pound is a good thing for Britain it means that their exports to other countries will be cheaper and thus more sales for England, that is why the USA and China are always trying to devalue their currency. Every currency is rushing for the bottom and poor Japan is trying to devalue theirs but everyone keeps jumping into theirs as a safe haven thus keeping them in a permanent recession.

Englands exit will bring back jobs to them and more income not to mention national pride, rights and less bureaucracy!
True, a weak pound is good for the export, but since the UK has a huge trade deficit, the weak pound means the deficit is going to be bigger, since it's going to be a lot more expensive to import.

Dreamstime.com / Re: OMG DT does not need photos of BREXIT
« on: June 24, 2016, 09:41 »
Brexit is old news, better spend more time for the next trend

Not agree...Brexit it is not old news...Brexit it is unique. We'll talk about it much time to come, as the first country who'll leave the EU after 45 years.
Maybe if there's a domino effect with Nexit, Frexit, Dexit, Swexit and so on, otherwise only the UK will still talk about it after 45 years. British economy might collapse by then, there's already a trade deficit with the EU of 23.9bn in the first 3 months of 2016. The UK needs the EU more than the EU needs the UK

Seems to be bad already for the British, they can't exchange their currency and withdraw money outside the UK. British webshops closed down because of the British Pound crash.
Scotland seems to be pushing for independence again to stay in the EU, so does Northern Ireland and even the city of London  ;D
For agencies in the UK this will mean that income in pounds has to be converted to US$ for pay out to contributors. Agencies will lose a lot of money if they don't lower the commission percentage or change their payout currency to British Pound and I'm looking at Alamy, Image Source, Robert Harding and others

Dreamstime.com / Re: OMG DT does not need photos of BREXIT
« on: June 24, 2016, 03:48 »
Brexit is old news, better spend more time for the next trend

Adobe Stock / Re: JPEG is too large for uploading
« on: June 24, 2016, 03:46 »
I don't think I could justify buying Leicas or Hasselblads just for shooting microstock.
A P&S camera would be more justified for the couple of cents paid for in microstock in my opinion

General Stock Discussion / Re: EyeEm
« on: June 21, 2016, 09:20 »
I have to really check that. In the professional reviews it is written that my camera makes mushy photos and over sharpens the jpegs. I just had a photo rejected by Fotolia that SS accepted and also sold today. On the other hand, the outside photo SS rejected Fotolia accepted.
Fotolia rejects for unclear reasons and what sells well in one agency might not sell at all in another.
Actually one of my bestsellers at SS was taken with an iPhone.

I think you are being unfair. Fotolia always gives at least a half dozen reasons. You get to pick one or more. :)
Yes, you are right, my apologies  ;D

General Stock Discussion / Re: EyeEm
« on: June 21, 2016, 09:16 »
I have to really check that. In the professional reviews it is written that my camera makes mushy photos and over sharpens the jpegs. I just had a photo rejected by Fotolia that SS accepted and also sold today. On the other hand, the outside photo SS rejected Fotolia accepted.
Fotolia rejects for unclear reasons and what sells well in one agency might not sell at all in another.
Actually one of my bestsellers at SS was taken with an iPhone.

General Stock Discussion / Re: EyeEm
« on: June 21, 2016, 09:08 »
I think if I get outside images rejected  by SS , I am not good enough for Alamy or Getty.

Unbelievably it's much easier from a technical standpoint to get pictures accepted by Getty and Alamy than it is at SS.

I agree. I had images accepted at Alamy that I think are not worthy to be there at all.
Last time I checked Alamy doesn't review images, only a spot check, unless they changed it now?

Getty likes to accepts only 1 or 2 images from a whole batch with the reason: the strongest variations in this series were selected blablabla although the rest of the batch doesn't look similar at all. SS never rejects with that kind of nonsense.

General Stock Discussion / Re: EyeEm
« on: June 21, 2016, 09:00 »
You can't throw everything at SS. But you are right. I don't think my camera can do a good enough job. I do have travel images accepted which I had  shot in JPEG but they are sharper. The difference between that camera and a proper DSLR is just too big. I think if I get outside images rejected  by SS , I am not good enough for Alamy or Getty.
I don't remember when was the last time I got a rejection at SS, except by some rogue reviewer, but resubmitting did the job to get it accepted. It's very easy to get images accepted at SS.
If your jpg is sharper then there's something wrong with your raw workflow.

General Stock Discussion / Re: EyeEm
« on: June 21, 2016, 07:21 »
Getty accepted a lot of not so great photos through EyeEm. I was astonished to see that. I wanted to sell my very best travel images as RM on Getty and Alamy. I better go to Istanbul first and check if I managed to takee good photos.
True, a lot of contributors at Getty were complaining about the mediocre quality of EyeEm images. Getty is going to do something about that or probably has done so already.
RM at Getty is very rare nowadays for creative images, only the exceptional images will be RM and also the editorials will be RM.
Before you apply to Getty, ask yourself if you can surpass the quality of the images you see on Getty now, not the from collections like EyeEm but from Getty contributors. If you do you can try to apply, if you don't then likely you won't get approved. Travel images are already oversaturated at Getty, it's not like SS where it is still easy to make sales with anything you throw at them.

General Stock Discussion / Re: EyeEm
« on: June 20, 2016, 08:32 »
Lol no they are very commercial they don't care much about their contributors.
Problem is that they are big, some other macro stock agencies distribute their content at Getty, there's a huge oversupply of really good images at Getty, not like SS and iStock where there's a lot of mediocre content as well.
I'm not at iStock and I'm not sure whether you can apply when you're already at iStock, but you can always ask.

General Stock Discussion / Re: EyeEm
« on: June 20, 2016, 08:05 »
You're welcome.
You can apply for Getty, for some it works well, some are complaining about lack of sales.
I'm at Getty for stills and video but it's not my first choice for macro stock nowadays,

General Stock Discussion / Re: EyeEm
« on: June 20, 2016, 05:12 »
You have to be accepted at Getty first to be able to upload directly to them.
EyeEm has its own collection on Alamy and Getty, all payments go through EyeEm.
You get 50% of what EyeEm is getting, so let's say you get a $50 sale on Alamy, EyeEm gets let's say 40%, you get 50% of that, $10.
If you sell the same image directly at Alamy you get $20.
About the same goes for Getty.

Mobile Stock Photogrpahy - General Discussion / Re: snapwire
« on: June 18, 2016, 15:17 »
Yeah, that's what I thought. Same thing on Imagebrief, never heard back anymore and gave up.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Photos of cities
« on: June 18, 2016, 15:14 »
I am going to Istanbul soon. Is it worth it to upload the very best photos of cities on macrostock agency Alamy? I don't want to sell them so cheap. Is it possible to sell them to more than one macrostock agency? Do I need a better camera than my 20 MP Sony RX100M3 to sell to macrostock agencies? Why would customers pay a lot on a macrostock website when they can get the same images on microstock?
Most macro stock agencies require image exclusivity, I don't think any photographer would put the same images on macro and micro, no matter if it's allowed or not. It's like shooting yourself in the foot.
I don't know every macro stock agency out there but most of them accept mobile phone images, so your Sony should be good enough.
With the quality of the cameras nowadays it should be the least of your worries.

Mobile Stock Photogrpahy - General Discussion / Re: snapwire
« on: June 18, 2016, 14:59 »
I uploaded for a request recently to give it a try and got nominated. Let's see if it actually gets purchased.

General Stock Discussion / Re: EyeEm
« on: June 18, 2016, 14:40 »
EyeEm states that the best images will go to the EyeEm Collection which will be available at Getty and Alamy, Getty will review each image whether they will accept it or not. Editorials won't go to the Collection.

What do you mean Getty doesn't allow uploading like microstock?

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