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Messages - Travelling-light

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Off Topic / Re: 13 Reasons Why we are not Successful - Article
« on: September 12, 2013, 16:25 »
What's the definition of successful? What if I think I'm successful, and you think I'm not?

Im not against being successful and negotiating your own contracts. But it is not something I would "aspire" to in business. I look for business partners who have the same goals like me.

Hard work, tolerance and discipline. Nothing secret or special in the end.
Yuri did negotiate his own terms.  I don't really see the point in being jealous about it, I think it shows that contributors still have some value and leverage in this business.  Wanting him to have a contract with worse terms because you don't like special deals sounds petty to me.

Where exactly did you see me write that I am jealous of Yuri? Or that I want him to have a contract with worse terms? I gave up my Getty House contract out of my own free will because I believe there is a better future for me by working with other teams. But I dont hate Getty,even if I am stunned by how they have destroyed istock.

I simply dont believe that it is necessary to run after people (or agencies). If you are good at what you do and keep an open mind you will meet the right people at the right time.

The industry has a lot more options than just "high prices on getty" and the luxury life of the Getty House artist and " pennies from the micros" for the unwashed masses.

There is a lot more out there.

So true.

Sometimes we have to leave our comfort zone to find a new comfort zone.

Just this. I don't want to wax lyrical, but this is exactly right.

Really interesting comments from fotovoyager.

I'm finding it hard to understand why anyone would say "it" looks ugly. As others have said, everyone has their own site, with their own design - anyone can make their site look any way they wish.

If fotovoyager hasn't understood this, does this mean that microstockers in general haven't understood this?

I'd be really interested to hear more from FV on the ugliness aspect - have you understood that your site is your own, and can look the way you want it to?

I still have problems with Batch editor.
I presume it is in the Premium Upgrade plugin. My main theme has been upgraded to 2.6.5.

As reported previously in Development section of the Symbio forum, when I select Batch Editor, I see three entry fields, the second one pre-filled with a number "48".
After entry of the search parameter in the first field, I press Enter, and get the following error message:

Warning: simplexml_load_file(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /hermes/bosweb26d/b445/ipw.longprin/public_html/advantica/stockphotos/wp-content/plugins/ss-professional/lib/batch-manager/batch-manager-results.php on line 37 Warning: simplexml_load_file(http://www.advantica.com/stockphotos/?s=boathouse&post_type=image&symbiostock_network_search=true&ipp=48): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /hermes/bosweb26d/b445/ipw.longprin/public_html/advantica/stockphotos/wp-content/plugins/ss-professional/lib/batch-manager/batch-manager-results.php on line 37 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "http://www.advantica.com/stockphotos/?s=boathouse&post_type=image&symbiostock_network_search=true&ipp=48" in /hermes/bosweb26d/b445/ipw.longprin/public_html/advantica/stockphotos/wp-content/plugins/ss-professional/lib/batch-manager/batch-manager-results.php on line 37 

I try to locate allow-url-fopen line in my very long php.ini fle (over 1,900 lines), and can't find it there.

How are you trying to find the line? If you open the file for editing in your site file manager, press control+F and put 'fopen' without quotes in the search box. That should find it. If it's not there at all, just add

Code: [Select]
allow_url_fopen = On
to the end of the file.

For those looking for an easy approach to a db backup, we have been using the WP-DBManager plugin on several WP sites for a while. It backs up onto the server, and also emails us a gzipped copy, every 3 days.

For a couple of other MySQL db's (non-WP) we run a simple shell script on a weekly cron schedule, which also emails the backups.

Symbiostock - General / Re: duplicate folders
« on: September 05, 2013, 01:19 »
It's the same folder structure under two different labels; 'www' is mapped to the actual 'public_html' folder. Nothing to worry about.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Backing up
« on: September 04, 2013, 23:58 »
It looks as if the rush of excited Symbiostock folk was too much for the UpdraftPlus website!

We've just run a basic backup with the free plugin, which seemed to work OK. We already have a Rackspace Cloud account associated with PicturEngine, so we're backing up to that. Quite good value at $0.10/GB/month.

We'll be adding the 'More files' option when the shop is open again, to see what they can do with 23.5GB of original files.

On the matter of accuracy in keywording nature subjects, there was a similar discussion on the Alamy forum a few months ago. A knowledgeable ornithological type declared there was no such thing as a 'seagull', only varieties of gull.

Someone else then pointed out that there had been many searches on Alamy for 'seagull'; it's likely that most buyers won't be worried about the particular species as long as there is some sort of gull in whatever situation they want.

The ornithologist went off to add 'seagull' to his keywords.

I agree with Steve above, descriptions should be as precise as possible, but some slack in keywords for the non-expert buyers is a good thing.

Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing / Re: Offering Free Images
« on: September 02, 2013, 22:13 »
It's only just gone up so it's a bit early to see anything happening. So far it's only been tweeted, but we'll find a few more ways to spread it around. Once Google pick up the front page banner as a change to the site, it'll be in the search for a while to bring people in, even if the offer image has changed.

It'll be an interesting experiment, and perhaps we can find a way to promote each other's special offers... Ideas?

Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing / Re: Offering Free Images
« on: September 02, 2013, 18:31 »
What we're trying here is a month's special offer of a popular file at $1.00 for all sizes. We'll probably run one every month, just to see what happens.

The current bargain is at http://www.picturemojo.co.nz/image/sydney-harbour-bridge-illuminated-at-twilight/

Check my image, you need to submit all sitemaps individually, there is no master sitemap that contains all your site info.

You only need to submit sitemap_index.xml

Here's what yours looks like:


OK. I understand what you're saying. Thanks for that!

Let me see if I can find where to submit a sitemap, 'cause I thought that's where I was and what I was doing.

Learning curve continues...

Very odd! I see what's happening there; you're submitting correctly and the YOAST sitemaps seem to be produced on the fly when called, while the Symbiostock ones are actual files, updated regularly. Something is going wrong in your YOAST setup and the links are not resolving correctly. I notice that your sitemap is calling sitemap.xsl while ours calls main-sitemap.xsl.

Your other permalinks are in the standard format, so the rewrite is happening correctly. Looks like a YOAST problem, and I've no further ideas at the moment. Sorry!

I'm trying to get my sitemaps (Yoast and Leo's SYS plugin) submitted to Google. The SYS plugin seems to have gone through fine. Thanks, Leo!

However, when I try to submit the Yoast sitemap, I get this message:

Error loading stylesheet: An XSLT stylesheet does not have an XML mimetype: http://bestnaturestock.com/sitemap.xsl

I left the option boxes clicked as they were when I opened it:
XML Sitemap
Exclude Post Type: Media.

The error message means nothing to me. Can anybody decode it and help me get this right?


Yes, you're trying to submit a stylesheet. You should be submitting sitemap_index.xml.

I'm uploading to the directory wp-content/themes/symbiostock/inc/classes/plupload/uploads/
...and I'm using GD library...

my uploads are to .../wp-content/plupload/uploads/

If you go to the Stock Images/Upload Images section of your WordPress admin area, is the directory you're uploading to the one that it tells you to?

Alessandro is using 2.5.5 so he is correct. That location changed with 2.5.6.

If you're using WAMPserver then when it's running left-click on the tray icon, go to Apache > Apache modules and see that rewrite_module is ticked. If not, tick it, restart the Apache service, and try again. This is what operates on the rewrite rules that WP puts in your .htaccess file.

It would probably get rejected at an agency but I think it's an easy to fix when you use a anti noise software.

If you use noise reduction, apply it to just the red channel, that's where the worst of it is.

Read The F***ing Manual...

As it's a local WAMP install, is mod_rewrite enabled in your Apache setup?

When I leave the permalink settings to "default" the site is working fine. The oops page is only showing when I click an image thumbnail.

... Anyway I learned a lot on wordpress doing this exercise and that's a very good thing.
On the other side  I really don't think symbiostock is quit ready to go life and can be a service to real customers.
I will do a new test in due course but  I still have my doubts if wordpress is the road to go since all the depencies on their platform.

Time will tell just Keep up the good work.

Your experiences are not a reflection on Symbiostock but on people who don't RTFM. Leo made it very clear from day 1 that the permalinks had to be set to Post Name, not only to make the site work but for SEO.

Notice this step in Amanda's detailed tutorial:


Whoops, I just realised I hadn't put the closing tag in my code snippet!

It should be:

Code: [Select]
<i class="icon-chevron-down"> </i>
which would explain that effect. Sorry about that!

Just to emphasise, that's a space between the tags, and it gets the chevron as a background.

I tried adding <i class="icon-chevron-down"> as you showed to one of my menu items that's missing the down arrow and got an amazing "flock of birds in flight" effect all over my home page - lots of arrows, but none anywhere near any menu items!

I removed it - and the display returned to normal. Perhaps with CleanTheme 2.0 as my child theme this isn't an option?

It's still so odd that some sub menus are handled correctly and others not - IOW it should just work...

Whoops, I just realised I hadn't put the closing tag in my code snippet!

It should be:

Code: [Select]
<i class="icon-chevron-down"> </i>
which would explain that effect. Sorry about that!

As you say, it should work, and I have a test installation with the menus built the same way which has all the down-arrows in place. I've been right through the code, which is partly WP core and partly Leo's, and can't see where it goes erratic.

I never figured why the down arrows wouldn't always show, so I added them to the menu item labels as needed:

Code: [Select]
<i class="icon-chevron-down">

I am ready to do this, but can you elaborate more? Exactly where should I put that code? I put it into every blank in the below screenshot and it doesn't seem to work. Looks like html, but I am not sure where it should go.

Just caught up with this.

For example:

Do you determine the price of the collections or are there default prices depending on how many images you place in that collection?  Or do you have some kind of formula that you come up with on your own?  Just curious since I can't do the premium version at this time and I do have sets I want to put together.

You just set any price you want for the different sizes. I try to make collections as attractive as possible to make the potential buyer think what a great deal he can get if he spends a little more money.

O.K., I have used the "Referral Link" inside the "Edit" image area (I actually did this with the new batch editor) to include the link on single image pages to the collection. That works pretty well but I don't like the position where the referral link (widget) shows up. I'd rather have it over the "Similar Images" instead of under them.

As seen here: http://picturebreeze.com/stock/photos/image/close-up-of-man-kissing-baby-belly/

Does anyone know how/where to change that?

If you use AJT's stock plugin http://www.ajotte.com/stock-plugin/ you can customise an alert box at the top of the sidebar, triggered by a word in the description (which is then hidden).

I never figured why the down arrows wouldn't always show, so I added them to the menu item labels as needed:

Code: [Select]
<i class="icon-chevron-down"> </i>

Some more info on the failed purchase bug. I did a sandbox purchase and on return to the download area the image was still in the cart, and no amount of refreshing would shift it.

I went to Cart Manager and processed the cart for downloading, but it failed with the error message:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home1/traveno8/public_html/picturemojo/wp-content/plugins/ss-cart-manager/functions.php on line 152

Edit - Tried to process again and it failed with no error message...

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