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Messages - w7lwi

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Mostphotos.com / Re: Most photos - new "midstock" site!
« on: October 20, 2007, 10:16 »
One change to the rating system that would make it a bit more fair would be to use some form of the Olympic Scoring system.  That is, throw out the highest and lowest scores and average the rest.  I'd think something along the line of throw out the highest and lowest of the first 20 ratings, the highest and lowest two scores of the first 40, and so on in 20 rating increments.  Is this perfect, of course not.  But it would help minimize both positive and negative spamming as well as revenge rating.

Just a thought.

Off Topic / Re: English grammar, please help
« on: October 13, 2007, 11:34 »
Both versions are correct depending on the context in which they're used.

"It's the border between South Africa and Namibia."

"The South African - Namibian border."

LuckyOliver.com / Re: Have your LO sales ground to a halt?
« on: October 13, 2007, 11:24 »
I'm giving them until the end of the year to show some signs of life.  I've noticed my images with the highest views on LO are the same ones that are selling well elsewhere (SS, IS, DT) which seems to make a certain amount of sense.  But on LO, zero sales.  Are people looking at LO, but then going and buying elsewhere?  I stopped uploading new stuff to them a few months back.  If I don't see activity on some of my best selling images, why waste time uploading more, only to have them languish in obscurity.  If between now and the end of the year things pick up, fine.  I can easily upload more.  But if it continues as it has for over a year now, I'll probably pull out and concentrate on those sites that give me at least some return for my time invested.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Istock poll about Exclusivity
« on: September 29, 2007, 17:25 »
Exactly my point.  I don't mind having exclusive images, even to the point of giving someone the first right of refusal; but, I do object to being told what I can do with those images when that same someone tells me they don't want that particular work.  From a purely business standpoint, for the agency to have this clause makes a limited amount of sense ... "we have photographer XYZ exclusive to us for all his work."  Nice advertising touch.  And having someone like Lise or Sean "in your pocket" is a definite plus.  However, from most photographer's perspectives it is nonsense unless he/she makes as much or more than they would by submitting to multiple agencies.  There is usually no economic advantage.  In fact the numbers from Freezingpictures indicate that for the vast majority it is a definite disadvantage.  Is there an ego boost to being exclusive, probably.  But that won't buy many groceries at the store.  Most of us are in this for the money and each must review their actions in relation to their own bottom line.  With a few noteable exceptions, exclusivity is 100 percent advantage to the agency and minimal, if at all, to the photographer.  Thus the rule would normally be viewed as irrational from the photographer's perspective, but not necessarily so for the agency (IS).

An interesting side thought.  Do you think there would be any change in the review process and acceptance criteria under an exclusive, first right of refusal scenario?  Knowing that if an image was refused, it would likely end up on a competitor's site (assuming it was a half way decent image to begin with).  In a perfect world, this should make no difference.  But people being people, would it?  I once worked for a company that was so hung up on beating their competition, that they deliberately broke Federal law just to keep a competitor from getting a contract.  And nothing simple like under the table payoffs.  International commerce with banned terrorist nations.  Major third and fourth party transactions to hide the illegal actions.  Didn't work and the Fed's caught them.  Fines in the millions and potential jail time for the executives who were involved.  Point is, people will sometimes do stupid things just to limit competition.  Just a hypothetical question.  Would it make a difference?

Alamy.com / Re: Alamy's Version of Disambiguation
« on: September 29, 2007, 16:41 »
I've several images of Barak Obama on both Alamy and Shutterstock.  Needless to say, there's no model releases on these.  All are selling well on SS as editorial images.  I doubt Alamy would appreciate these being changed to RM if they are already selling elsewhere as RF.  Guess I'll also drop a note to member services, but if they stick to the RM on these types of images, even though this particular type of image can't be used for anything other than editorial, I guess I'll just have to take them down.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Istock poll about Exclusivity
« on: September 29, 2007, 13:46 »
Very interesting numbers and one of the prime reasons I opted not to go exclusive, at least for now.  iStock is my best earning site, month-to-month.  Not in total number of images sold, but in total dollars earned.  SS is the best for total number of images, but trails IS dollar wise.

If IS would change their rules to allow images not accepted to be submitted or used elsewhere, I might consider going exclusive.  But locking in all images, whether they want them or not is completely irrational and I won't even consider the option so long as that rule remains.  Interestingly, images that are not accepted on IS sell very well elsewhere.  Thus the concern about foregoing income from images not accepted by IS.

Bigstock.com / Re: No uploading in the weekends
« on: September 24, 2007, 11:30 »
I don't know about uploading, but I got a notice this morning that all of my uploads in their approval backlog had been processed and accepted.  So it looks like their strategy has had some effect.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Resubmission at Shutterstock
« on: September 19, 2007, 10:24 »
If you really disagree with the reviewer's decision you can repost with a note to the reviewer explaining your concern.  Alternatively, try posting in the critique forum and see if others agree with you ... that is if you can post an image there.  I haven't been able to for months, as haven't many others.  If you want to post a full size image, you'd have to use an off-site service anyway, like Flickr, VOX or some such.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Downsizing images...
« on: September 19, 2007, 10:21 »
You can downsize in CS3 in the "Image Size" function (Image/Image size).  Just be sure it is set to "Bicubic Sharpening" in the drop-down box.  (I have CS2, but I believe this menu is the same as CS3).

Shutterstock.com / Re: Opinions ?
« on: September 18, 2007, 19:48 »
Be interesting to see Setho's reply.  I've been putting a copyright notice on all my submitted images from day one and no one has complained yet.

Photoshop Discussion / Re: Has anyone used Photomatix?
« on: September 07, 2007, 21:34 »
You want to have some fun, check out this program.  www.HDRshop.com  This is from the University of Southern California.  Version 1 can be downloaded for free, but you are not allowed to use it for any commercial purposes.  Version 2 is around $400.  From what I've been told, this is the program that's mostly used in the film industry.  Much of their 3D animation requires HDR and at places like Gnoman, they are using this along with their Maya classes.

I asked where they usually got their HDR images and was told they typically make their own as they can rarely find what they need already made up.  So apart from some great looking prints and fine art, there may not be that much demand for HDR in stock ... at least not now.  In the future ... who knows.  If designers go more with 3D type images, the demand may rise.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: The curse of overfiltering
« on: September 05, 2007, 18:57 »
I can appreciate your frustration.  I'd guess 90% of my IS rejects are for "overfiltering."  The latest was an isolation which, originally, was rejected for being a tad too soft.  I downsized it in PS to the minimum size and it was rejected for oversharpening.  I fumed for a few days, then submitted a third version that was exactly half way between the first and second with a note to the reviewer that the only thing done to either downsized version was to shrink them down in PS using only the Bicubic option ... not even Bicubic sharpened.   That one was accepted.  And the original image before isolating the subject ... that was accepted full size first pass, softness and all.

So much boils down to individual subjectivity.  I was taught that if your image doesn't get noticed, it won't be bought.  Do what it takes to get noticed.  Two things ... good keywording and good colors (unless it's B&W).  I did an experiment on SS once.  Took a seascape and made three copies.  First true to the scene.  Second change hue to golden which came pretty close to sunset color.  Third way over the top with extreme golds and purples in the sky.  Which do you suppose sells the best?  Yep, number 3, followed distantly by number 2.  No sales on 1.  And IS, they accepted number 1 and rejected numbers 2 and 3 for ... overfiltering.  And you know what, they're right.  They are overfiltered.  But if sales are any guide, that's what the customers wanted.  No sweat, accepted and selling on all other sites I use.  That's why I probably won't go exclusive at IS.  If they reject an image, I can't use it elsewhere.  Here's an image they rejected that's providing a nice cash stream elsewhere that would be languishing in I were exclusive.  And it's not an isolated example.

General - Top Sites / Re: Istockphoto vs. Shutterstock
« on: August 27, 2007, 20:23 »
Without knowing how many uploads you had on each of those months, this is only conjecture.  As Leaf said, SS downloads are quite dependant on your uploading.  They sell by subscription, so new uploads cause activity in your account.  Designers have paid a monthly fee, so they simply download anything they feel they may need in the future (within the download limits their fee establisheds) as well as specific immediate needs.  Once you stop uploading, the number of sales begins to decline because there's nothing available that they haven't already seen and downloaded.

IS, on the other hand, is a per-photo site.  So designers are looking for specific images rather than picking up some they think they may need in the future.  One explanation is that it is often the case where the designer may see the image he needs, but before buying it, he makes a rough mark-up, or story board, and presents it to his client.  Once the client approves his concept, then he goes ahead and purchases the images he requires.  That is part of the reason IS images may not sell right away, as compared to SS, but their sales tend to increase over time.  This is, of course, all based on the assumption that the images are keyworded adequately and designers can find them amongst all the tens of thousands of similar images.

Bottom line ... keep uploading images.  Then you've got both the subscription services and per-photo sites covered.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Another Confusing IS Rejection
« on: August 24, 2007, 17:04 »
Yeah, I finally decided to give it a go again, this time with an image half way between the first and second sizes.  I put a note in the description explaining 11 mp too soft, 4 mp over sharpened and new image half way between should be just right.  It will be interesting to see what sort of response this one gets.  ???

Well version 4.0 was finally accepted.  Something I'll need to keep in mind for the future.  Don't downsize too far or it may look oversharpened.  Shoot for that Goldilocks size ... just right ... about half way between the original and the minimum.  7 mp or so.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Another Confusing IS Rejection
« on: August 23, 2007, 20:00 »
Of course you need a model release.  That's the invisible man behind those glasses.  Don't you see him?   ;D

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Another Confusing IS Rejection
« on: August 22, 2007, 16:04 »
Yeah, I finally decided to give it a go again, this time with an image half way between the first and second sizes.  I put a note in the description explaining 11 mp too soft, 4 mp over sharpened and new image half way between should be just right.  It will be interesting to see what sort of response this one gets.  ???

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Another Confusing IS Rejection
« on: August 22, 2007, 15:29 »
I probably didn't use the proper term here.  The actual rejection is "Image appears over filtered from the original.  It appears oversharpened."  Usually when oversharpening, you can end up with noise, artifacts and other debris on the image.  Not the case here, so I don't know what's going on.  At 200%, the edges look fine (not sharply cut out).

iStockPhoto.com / Another Confusing IS Rejection
« on: August 22, 2007, 10:37 »
I usually don't complain about rejects on IS; but, I had one the other day that has me wondering what next.  Mentioned it on the iS forum, but no response.

A few weeks back, I submitted an image of a woman jumping in an open field with a row of trees in the background.  Image was accepted, no problem.  A bit later, I thought the image may do better if the woman were completely isolated from the background.  Erased the background and resubmitted (nothing done to the woman's image, all work in TIFF).  Came back rejected as too soft.  OK, I can live with that.  Reduced the image (originally 11 mp) to 4 mp and resubmitted again.  You guessed it, rejected for being over sharpened (camera sharpening zero, RAW conversion sharpening zero, and no sharpening in post processing).  Besides, it had just been rejected for being too soft.

OK, now I have an image of a woman that is too soft, too sharp and just right.  I'm feeling like Goldilocks and IS is the three bears.  I could submit this to Scout, but I'd like a reply somewhere in my lifetime.  I could make an image in-between 11 and 4 mp and see if that's "just right", but who knows.  Or I could forget the whole thing as the image is selling elsewhere.

Any thoughts and/or suggestions?

It's been my experience that a macro shot, done well, will sell on microstock. It's like anything else.  Got to be of a subject that is needed by designers, as well as something that is technically correct.  Most of my recent macro's have been of technology subjects ... printed circuit boards, electronics and the like.  The PC boards can be used as backgrounds due to the abstract patterns the circuits make on the board's surface.  For electronics, what I've done is to get a software program called Helicon Focus.  This enables me to take a series of exposures, each focused at slightly different points, and then blend them together to make an image that is completely in focus for whatever depth I need.  One of my best sellers is of a PC board with several electronic components soldered on.  By using the software, I was able to shoot the board in macro mode at about a 15 degree angle up from the horizon and get the entire board and all components in sharp focus from front to back, a distance of about 2-3".  Made a great 3D effect.

I've also shot nature macro's ... insects and the like.  But they don't seem to do as well as other topics.  I know there is a market for these subjects.  It just doesn't seem to be as large as for other things.

Cameras / Lenses / Re: Polarizing Filter??
« on: August 15, 2007, 14:30 »
A few years back I bought a 77mm Nikon circular polarizing filter for use with my Canon lenses.  Price was moderate and the filter works just fine.  I don't know what the prices are today.

Off Topic / Re: Alamy Online Uploads
« on: August 14, 2007, 10:08 »
Yes, they are converting over to 100% FTP.  The following is a message I received this morning attached to a confirmation that they had received my latest CD submission.

As you now have AlamyUpload enabled on your account we ask that you send your next submission to us online. We will shortly only be accepting online submissions. Simply go to "My Alamy" and click on the "Upload Images" link in your account to send us your images.

No more $2.70 international mail charges to submit a CD.   :D

LuckyOliver.com / Re: Civilized LO Discussion
« on: August 06, 2007, 13:51 »
I pulled the following comment off another thread (it's my comment) as that thread was started regarding reviewing at IS and evolved into a brief discussion about LO.  Given another thread about LO on another site, and some rather inappropriate attacks that, while expressing an individual's feelings, were never-the-less out of line, I thought it may be good to give others an opportunity to discuss LO in a more "civilized" manner.

Having read that "other" thread and noticing your BOLD-capital red letters at 30px there, along with your attacks, - I don't even care what you have to say here. Just another anonymous troll and a drama queen you are, with no ID and no portfolio to check.


Sorry Yack, but I think you have misread something somewhere.  None of the threads on the other site were mine.  I don't even belong to that site.  What I pulled was from this site and contains nothing of that virulent nature that could be seen elsewhere.  That was the whole purpose of this post.  To give people an opportunity to discuss LO in a more calm and restrained manner.  As to no portfolio, I'm on all major site (SS, IS, DT, BS LO, etc.), but choose to have a different identity on each site for privacy reasons.  Neither anonymous troll nor drama queen.

Photo Critique / Re: Help on rejected photo...
« on: August 04, 2007, 10:08 »
Don't see much more than maunger pointed out.  There's another spot to the left of the tower than should be cloned out.  The rough edges of the cable don't bother me as that's the twist in the steel that makes up the cable.  Hopefully a reviewer would know that.  The white edging below the cable is a no-no however.  I really don't think the edging at the top of the cloud should be a problem.  Still, it can be removed if needed.  I suspect if this was submitted to SS, it would be rejected for lighting.  They seem to want everything lit to some degree lately ... the tower, background mountains, etc.  Silhouette or not, that's what they seem to be after.  Agree you should clean up the towers, buildings, etc. at the bottom of the image.

LuckyOliver.com / Civilized LO Discussion
« on: August 03, 2007, 11:04 »
I pulled the following comment off another thread (it's my comment) as that thread was started regarding reviewing at IS and evolved into a brief discussion about LO.  Given another thread about LO on another site, and some rather inappropriate attacks that, while expressing an individual's feelings, were never-the-less out of line, I thought it may be good to give others an opportunity to discuss LO in a more "civilized" manner.  ;D  Are there problems at LO ... sure.  Are there good points ... also sure.  The following has been my experience there and what I believe to be the reasons for it.  No LO bashing, just reasoned analysis.  It accomplishes nothing to get emotional and rant on these forums.  Only shows your state of mind and clouds your ability to think straight.  So ... what have others experienced and how have you reacted to that experience and possibly learned from it?

The first thing I thought of when I saw the note was that this was an LO review.  I've been with them since last year and love the way their reviewers (bouncers) respond to submissions.  That being said, I do have a major problem with LO.  Zero sales.  Same images (and keywords) that are all selling well on IS, SS, DT and elsewhere have not had a single download on LO.  I don't blame LO for this.  I'm sure they are pushing my images the same as anyone else's.  I assume it's the market they are addressing.  Each agency has their own target market and marketing strategy.  And I know others are doing well there. If my images were not doing well elsewhere, it would be obvious where the problem lay.  But since they are doing well, several with triple digit downloads, I can only conclude the market LO is addressing is looking for images other than my particular style/subject matter.  Not a problem.  Perhaps later on, as I branch out into other types of subject matter, this will change and I will be able to see a trend.  In the meantime, I'll just stick with both what I know works and where it works.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Fantastic Review
« on: August 02, 2007, 11:32 »
OK.  Burst my bubble.  See it I care.   >:(  I'd hoped IS reviewers were getting a bit human.  LOL

The first thing I thought of when I saw the note was that this was an LO review.  I've been with them since last year and love the way their reviewers (bouncers) respond to submissions.  That being said, I do have a major problem with LO.  Zero sales.  Same images (and keywords) that are all selling well on IS, SS, DT and elsewhere have not had a single download on LO.  I don't blame LO for this.  I'm sure they are pushing my images the same as anyone Else's.  I assume it's the market they are addressing.  Each agency has their own target market and marketing strategy.  And I know others are doing well there. If my images were not doing well elsewhere, it would be obvious where the problem lay.  But since they are doing well, several with triple digit downloads, I can only conclude the market they are addressing is looking for images other than my particular style/subject matter.  Not a problem.  Perhaps later on, as I branch out into other types of subject matter, this will change and I will be able to see a trend.  In the meantime, I'll just stick with both what I know works and where it works.

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