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Messages - Brightontl

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123RF / Uploading video to 123RF. Time to kiss them goodbye?
« on: July 06, 2017, 13:43 »
Like all "middle tier" agencies listed to the right, 123RF at the moment, when they by accident sell a video clip you feel like taking a week off with the family to the Bahamas to celebrate.
More or less the same I believe goes on for still images (although I am not into photos very much).
Okkydokky, sadly all agencies apart from the big 3 (or 4?) have died, but at least some of them are extremely easy to upload to, so you could hold on uploading for some more time waiting for a miracle.
But uploading footage to 123RF is a real nightmare, almost as bad as Videohive (well no, actually VH is 100.000.000 times worst).

When you dare uploading footage at 123RF, first of all you should not go for more than 10 files at a time, otherwise it goes crazy. I upload 40-50 video clips a week, so having to break it in 5 sessions for 123 is a huge pain in the neck.
What's more you have to be there and wait until the last moment of the file transfer and then immediately click the process button. If you miss the sweet spot and do it 5 minutes late, it doesn't like it and you have to restart the FTP upload from scratch.

So I am afraid, but it is time to cut the dead branches and say: "bye bye 123RF"

Lighting / Re: What ring flash for macro with Nikon?
« on: July 06, 2017, 06:48 »
I use LED continuous lights for video and occasionally for stills (although I do about 95% video).
I use 3 of them mostly in a home studio I have organised for food and still nature.
I found them excellent: no heating, very low power consumption, very cheap (the 3 of them cost less than the amount you mention).
Also it is so much easier and nicer to work with continuous lights IMO.

If you do macro in a home studio, they are just perfect. If you want to do it in the nature, than probably a ring flash would make sense

Hi Brightontl,

Can you show me please exactly the LED model that you are use for food photograpfy? I use speedlites  (Elinchrom #20842.2 D-Lite RX 4 TO GO) for stills but I want to try also some videos...

Thank you!
This is the model I use

I also have another one from the same make, slightly more powerful and more expensive

Lighting / Re: What ring flash for macro with Nikon?
« on: July 06, 2017, 06:14 »
I use LED continuous lights for video and occasionally for stills (although I do about 95% video).
I use 3 of them mostly in a home studio I have organised for food and still nature.
I found them excellent: no heating, very low power consumption, very cheap (the 3 of them cost less than the amount you mention).
Also it is so much easier and nicer to work with continuous lights IMO.

If you do macro in a home studio, they are just perfect. If you want to do it in the nature, than probably a ring flash would make sense

I do my keywording in Lightroom.
When I am working with an image of something I have never done before, I find the keywording tool in SS extremely useful

They have not yet closed the upload and still can send video clips
I know, but be prepared for years waiting for review...

You can give the source. I can not find out that no Videohive will no longer want video material
I said: they seem to be dropping footage.

This a reply from VH to a complaint about review time:

Last week I wrote 3 times for Envato Help.
They just answered me yesterday. Here I transcribe the received email. I think it's pretty clear:


Thanks for your email.

I appreciate that you may be tired of hearing about what we are doing to reduce the wait time - this is not meant to be an excuse but more of an explanation.

I wish there was good news in terms of this but the bottom line is that nothing is going to change soon with these wait times.

We literally are doing all we can but we have so many stock footage items being submitted right now.

We value your authorship with us, but understand that if the wait is not sustainable for you, you might have to submit this elsewhere.


Well the guy makes $280 a month from them. If it was $79 on SS then he'd have to sell 14 a month to make the same. Nothing unlikely about that, but my point is that if he sells them for $10 and gets 40 sales a month, he's unlikely to get 40 sales a month if they are $79.

Just like this: https://videohive.net/item/global-network-orange/12004875

I get $2.88 every time it sells. If it sells on Videoblocks, I get $47.16. The latter is great, and more preferable, but the amount I make on VideoHive is roughly the same as the amount I get on Videblocks, Pond5, iS, SS, DT, 123RF, Motion Elements and Fotolia combined... so there must be something to be said for a lower price-point to drive the volume of sales.   

14 sales on SS is very likely with that quality, it seems to me. If the files are split up and sold separately.
The thing is, with prices like that, video becomes even more a commodity than it already is. If people are willing to buy a single image for $5, he could easily price it $25 and it will still get sales. He's leaving a lot of money on the table (like many other contributors there) because they have no idea how much their work is actually worth.

Plus, how much work goes into it? A whole set of animations and a fancy preview video, in case of AE templates even regular updates for the same package. $280 a month for one package sounds great, but not if you spend too many hours on creating it. And this is a high seller, so it's an exception to the rule. How many of those aren't getting sales?
Don't worry, VH are basically not accepting footage anymore.
There is a 6 months (!!!) waiting list for reviews and apparently they only have one reviewer. What a joke!
From what they said in their forum, they seem to be dropping footage altogether (but not graphic animations).
With the low prices they have they cannot even afford reviewers and bandwidth, at least for regular footage

For me VB never worked at all: less than 5% of my video sales.
The sales pattern has always looked fake to me:
- I have always had 2 sales per month, every single month for 2 years, same number of sales when I had 100 files as now with over 2000
- The first month with about 30 files I got 4 sales, a welcome aboard package
- I have never had a file selling more than once, while in other agencies sales tend to concentrate in best selling clips
- The videos that sell there are always the worst ones, the ones that never sold anywhere else, or the ones uploaded by mistake

Shutterstock.com / Re: HOW WAS JUNE?
« on: July 01, 2017, 04:27 »
BME for me with a decent margin.
SS was absolutely on fire for the first 3 weeks, then, as I expected, they turned the tap off in the last ten days. But that is normal, after 3 excellent weeks you get punished.
P5 decent, FT below par.
All the other are dead men walking

Apparently view on FT do not reflect the activity of customers logging in Abobe website.
Since more and more customers go through Adobe, views in FT are constantly going down and are not reliable.
I hope they are working in restoring combined views on Adobe

I see, that makes sense.
This also explains sales without any views.
I also do get the occasional one

And each has at least a few views on Fotalia.

Do they eventually get viewed or is there really no hope for new content?


I have about as many SALES on the other sites as views on Pond5 and Fotolia. But I also have sales on Fotolia on items with 0 views... So I wouldn't really trust those numbers...
Apparently view on FT do not reflect the activity of customers logging in Abobe website.
Since more and more customers go through Adobe, views in FT are constantly going down and are not reliable.
I hope they are working in restoring combined views on Adobe

Dreamstime.com / Re: This is an robbery
« on: June 29, 2017, 03:37 »
I do not understand what is the point of uploading to a place where it takes years to get a few dollars??? Nothing better to do?
I just had a look to their forum. There is a thread where people post about the last video sold: in one years there are less posts than what you see in the same kind of thread in any of the big 3 in only a few hours!

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock + Flashstock
« on: June 28, 2017, 14:28 »
I have not been in this game as much as most of you, but I really have the feeling that this is a market consolidating at the speed of light.
I am 99% into video, so not very much concerned about photos, but I believe that the minnows are practically gone.
All the company listed to the right as "middle tier" are not dead yet, but smell very funny (maybe Alamy apart).
istock looks like the sinking ship.
P5 only does video and sadly IMO has made a gigantic mistake with their idiotic membership thingy.
There are just two left. Guess who?

Especially they have a lot of good quality content in the membership area that sell for next to nothing and is cannibalizing most sales

Software - General / Re: best HDR software - your choice
« on: June 28, 2017, 12:10 »
I have always used Photomatix and I really like it.
Compared to the HDR capabilities of Photoshop it is way more flexible and it allows for very subtle HDR up to any sort of grungy and over the top stuff if you prefer.
It also has a batch process capability that I find very useful

I have stopped to use Photomatix many years ago (6 - 10 ? I don't remember).
At this time I really did not like the result.

How it is today? Did it change a lot, or the results are still similar to those produced by the "antiques" versions?
I only started a couple of years ago, so I don't know the older versions.
As I said I like it because you can customise a lot the results, from something very subtle and real life looking, to over the top.
Basically you can get anything you like out of it Much more flexible than Photoshop

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock + Flashstock
« on: June 28, 2017, 11:29 »
I have read the two links trying to understand what exactly this Flashstock is, but it is not clear at all to me.
Can somebody please explain?

Software - General / Re: best HDR software - your choice
« on: June 28, 2017, 10:27 »
I have always used Photomatix and I really like it.
Compared to the HDR capabilities of Photoshop it is way more flexible and it allows for very subtle HDR up to any sort of grungy and over the top stuff if you prefer.
It also has a batch process capability that I find very useful

Dreamstime.com / Re: This is an robbery
« on: June 27, 2017, 15:53 »
You should make 100$ withdraw money and than close account!
Sure, but making $6 at DT make take you a lifetime :-)

Shutterstock.com / Re: June algorithm change?
« on: June 25, 2017, 16:40 »
I must say that so far this month SS has been on fire for me (but I do 98% video).
I am already at equal BME with a week to go and the other agencies have been below average, so SS has been sensational.
I expect zero sales next week though, because this is the usual behavior: after three weeks on fire you get one with zero sales

But you should know that, as the author of a best seller book about stock photography :-)

I have another best seller coming soon - "Fifty Shades of Microstock"  :-*
For a moment I feared it was "How to shoot perfect video footage"

...as far as video is concerned they are just a joke: very small amount of files and the quality is really sh*t, I have not seen a single one of the good video artists submitting there.
AFAICR, they used to, but obviously they stopped because of the payment rate.
Agree, but if you check the video collection (istock, I have not looked at Getty), it is astonishing to note how far down they have gone

Envato / Re: New envato elements?
« on: June 22, 2017, 16:21 »
Envato keeps climbing the ranking - wondering if it is mostly due to video sales?
I know people here complain the photos get a lot of rejections. Worth a try?
Lana, I submitted some footage to VH, just to see, 5 months ago.
Maybe one day my grandchildren will know what happened to these files.
Regarding footage they seem to be the worst joke of the industry

Tell us what we can do better for you.
Disappear from this planet

I never uploaded a single file to these clowns, but I had a close look to their collection and as far as video is concerned they are just a joke: very small amount of files and the quality is really sh*t, I have not seen a single one of the good video artists submitting there.
No idea about photo, although I believe they fare a bit better there

I agree with the above.
Footage with genital movement do sell a lot :-)

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