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Messages - Sundry Photography

Pages: [1]
1 / Re: Shutterstock DMCA
« on: June 12, 2024, 20:00 »
Thank you! I resent it. Let's hope they will do something this time.


I received a helpful template from another member here, Odesign. I'm attaching it for your reference.

You can use this template to list your clips.

I previously submitted a DMCA for ten clips, and Shutterstock closed the account within 10 days.

I also contacted a couple of other stock contributors whose clips were part of the same portfolio. To find the original copyright owner, you can find other contributors by doing a reverse search (using TinEye) on a few other assets. Some contributors have their email addresses listed in their portfolio's "about" section. I think having other contributors submit a DMCA fastens the process.

Wishing you all the best,


2 / Shutterstock DMCA
« on: June 12, 2024, 13:10 »
I made a request on their online form over 1 week ago, with no response. Today I receive a notification to send it by email. Does anyone know if this is normal?
Also, it seems that you need to report asset by asset, but I would like to report an entire account, which has more that 400 photos stolen from me. I wrote in the request this, but I'm not sure anybody is going to read it.
Any ideas of what else I can do?

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Free Collection $5 Payments Are Back
« on: June 03, 2023, 16:15 »
I am super confused... I nominated the assets a few days ago, but my selection has disappeared, and no item is showing as selected.
Does anybody else have this issue?

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe and Silicon Valley Bank
« on: March 13, 2023, 19:11 »
I think ROKU had $487 mil in SVB, not Adobe:

"Roku said that SVB held 26% of its cash and cash equivalents around $487 million as of Friday, per its filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)."

General Stock Discussion / Re: Envato Elements?
« on: February 10, 2022, 20:56 »
How does Envato compare to the other sites? Is it worth joining them anymore? I heard years ago they were quite good but don't seem to get positive reviews.

2021 was my first year with them and they came in 5th position from the revenue point of view (5% of my total earnings).
They tend to be very picky with the photos and they don't accept editorial, so my portfolio with them is less than 1/10 from what I have on other stock sites, but if you already have the photos with metadata, the effort is minimal.

6 / Re: Highest price for a photo on Shutterstock.
« on: December 27, 2021, 23:07 »
$420 and $350 this year, both editorial, but one of them was far from unique (it was not even unique in my portfolio  ;D)

You are not mentioning some of the minuses:
- you can only opt out in April out of Distributor sales
- A refund is not just a rare occurrence. It happens quite often, usually with  high value sales.
- you can't opt out of Affiliate sales (are you an affiliate?)
- Distributor sales can sometimes be reported after 6 months (what's up with "the sale that is posted in your Dashboard in real-time" mention ??? )
- Alamy waits for the clients to report their downloads, and I once found that they completely missed one of my sales. There were probably also other.
- If you want a list of all the downloads of your photos, to see what sale has not appeared in your sales report, they can't provide it
- When Alamy changed the commission structure, if one of your sales was reported with delay, after the new commission went into effect, even if the download and use by the client happened before the change, you only received the reduced commission. When asked about this, they said that a purchase is not considered made when the client is downloading or even using the photo  ???

Maybe I forgot some of the other issues...but the sales there have been very low in the past months (or maybe they just haven't recognized them as sales yet!), so I stopped caring about it as you certainly can't get anywhere with their contributor support.

From the text below from wikipedia I understand that only paypal will issue a 1099k in this case so there will be no double reporting, and thus no double taxation.
"the instructions for Form 1099-MISC include a provision that says payments made with payment cards and/or third party network transactions must be reported on Form 1099-K by the payment settlement entity, and that the payer does not need to issue a Form 1099-MISC in this case"

I don't know if anyone mentioned, but during the month of April (and only April) you can opt out of distributor sales.

11 / Re: iStock exciting news : $0.00 royalties
« on: January 17, 2021, 20:53 »
Istock is actually rounding to 5 decimal places, and the smallest royalties I saw is of 0.00002 $ (in the connect file). Also, based from the info provided, many of these ridiculously low commissions are from Cost Per View.

New Sites - General / Re:
« on: January 02, 2021, 13:53 »
When I click a thumbnail, the photo displayed has a depositphotos watermark, but the artist is not shown anywhere (which I find it to be very sketchy).
I gave up on DP as almost all the sales were subscription and the average commission was 0.36$....but others are reporting ok sales from them....

Newbie Discussion / Re: 1099 Taxes based on payout or earnings?
« on: December 27, 2020, 14:00 »
Adobe has always sent 1099 based on earnings, not payments and it must have something to do with the fact that you decide when to request your payment (so you are able to control how much cash you report each year), compared with SS or IS where this is not under your control.
IRS permits cash accounting for small businesses / self employed.

I added the clip to my cart but when a looked in the cart, I can't finalize the purchase (even if the clip is there) and the message below is displayed high on the page, barely visible:
"Item is no longer available. Please remove the item from your cart and try again."

This is definitely a major problem as it seems the clip preview is still stored somewhere on SS servers, but seeing as you can't actually buy it at either resolution, it should help with your exclusivity issue...

Adobe Stock / Re: Opting in for electronic 1099
« on: December 25, 2020, 01:27 »
The email even had a spelling mistake...soooo strange....
"Once you opt in, you will be able to login to the same sight starting January 31, 2021 to view and save you Adobe 1099.   "

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