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Messages - LockStockandRoll

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Shutterstock.com / Re: Working together to lead the way with AI
« on: October 25, 2022, 16:13 »
If your images are part of the dataset used, SS will pay a % of the overall fee OpenAI paid to train Dalle based on the number of images you have in the dataset. At your royalty rate. I see them doing a simple calculation split evenly between all files in the dataset. They're not going to be able to say what files are used in what images, or to what % they matter in the dataset. If we define:

F (fee paid for dataset)
T (total number of images in dataset)
N (number of your images in dataset)
R% (your royalty rate)

(F/T) * N * R% = how much you get paid.

These numbers are all hypothetical, and may be all wrong but....

Let's assume that 300M images were used and the fee they paid is $1M. Then SS would have had $1M / 300M = $0.003333333333 per image used to train.

If you have 10 images that were used you'll end up with 10 x $0.003333333333 = $0.03333333333 / your royalty rate. So between $0.004999999999 and $0.01333333333 per 10 images in the dataset.

Then as images are generated, everyone with images in that dataset gets their cut the same way each 6 months.

$10M in revenue for SS, ends up being $0.04999999999 - $0.1333333333 per 10 images you have in the dataset.
If you have 10,000 images in the dataset you'd end up with 1000 times this cut of course - $49.99999999 - $133.3333333 per 10,000 images in the dataset.

Plenty of money to last you another 6 months!  :o

I have no idea how many images are in the dataset, so if you think 300M is too many images, and you want to use 100M instead - just multiply the above numbers by 3.. Please check my math, but overall however you slice it, the contributors who's IP has been used will get the shaft here. SS will bank the fat cash.


What was the subject matter for the video? Did it have people in it?

I assume when you say a good moment, do you mean a video with people with a natural feeling and not something setup or acted out for stock? 

I've tried uploading some video shot on my iphone 10 but it keeps getting rejected by istock. It's just nature and scenics, maybe it's not the best fit for mobile video.

It was water flooding on stairs of metro. I could not plan it, so I just shoot it and istock accepted/sold.

Ohhh right that does sound unique and I guess you weren't carrying a DSLR. Thanks!


I am not specifically doing it but I uploaded some footages shot with ıphone 7 (not a good camera) and they were sold on istock. I think only when you catch a good moment, buyers can ignore the low quality. And I believe that this is not valid for shutterstock and adobe, difficult to pass the quality check when you submit.

What was the subject matter for the video? Did it have people in it?

I assume when you say a good moment, do you mean a video with people with a natural feeling and not something setup or acted out for stock? 

I've tried uploading some video shot on my iphone 10 but it keeps getting rejected by istock. It's just nature and scenics, maybe it's not the best fit for mobile video.

Thanks Firn - what a strange situation. Hopefully SS pull their finger out and stop him gaming, r someone else works out how he does it. I could do with a boost on my pics and vids :)

Brought up on the Shutterstock forum, but some of you might have missed it.

Can anyone link the thread on the SS forum? I can't seem to find it.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Adjustment on SS
« on: May 13, 2021, 12:08 »
Ohhh no I spoke too soon. Just had the dreaded email. 2 adjustments, under $15... but it's a big hit for how much I earn.

Off Topic / Re: DOGE coin?
« on: May 13, 2021, 10:43 »
I bought a few $ worth at $0.05 so wish I'd bought a few $1K worth. Ohh well it'll probably be worth $0.05 again by this time next year.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Anyone get paid (April)from SS yet?
« on: May 13, 2021, 10:38 »
Yes I got mine. Not very much but I got it!

Yaymicro / Re: Yaymicro - Legal solution ideas
« on: May 13, 2021, 10:37 »
I've only a small portfolio on Deposit. This Yaymicro issue is news to me. I'll go searching it now.

He's got the first 6 results for puppy. That's crazy. Why can't SS do something about it.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Adjustment on SS
« on: May 13, 2021, 10:24 »
None so far for me.

Just had a bunch of $0.03 (net) sales. Hooray!

Ohh wow that's low. I was just about to start with Alamy. Is it not worth trying now?

I'm also having issues with grading, lots to learn compared to photos.


I am not specifically doing it but I uploaded some footages shot with ıphone 7 (not a good camera) and they were sold on istock. I think only when you catch a good moment, buyers can ignore the low quality. And I believe that this is not valid for shutterstock and adobe, difficult to pass the quality check when you submit.

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