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Messages - Kenny
« on: October 19, 2016, 12:48 »
I don't deny that we are very much inspired by Canva. But there is one important thing: we have a difference business model. We are trying to create more beautiful templates and try to become a marketplace for designers & marketers.
Canva's already in the marketplace for designers, marketers, and more. Canva already offers beautiful templates: https://www.canva.com/templates/invitations/halloween-party/It also appears you're inspired by Google:
« on: July 14, 2016, 19:10 »
I don't recall anyone complaining about this sort of thing recently
Shutterstock did a similar thing to sweetsixty last month (6/2). She/He posted about it here... Topic: Shutterstock Termination
« on: November 07, 2015, 13:43 »
« on: November 06, 2015, 16:56 »
we have now implemented our new watermark with the black bar on many of the images and we are nearing completion of applying this new watermark to all images.
The "black bar" in the following image is rendering as "very dark grayish blue" on my screen. It has a hex value of #282f39. Black should have a hex value of #000000. mal-fuhngk-shuh-3217510.jpg
« on: October 27, 2015, 12:22 »
wow... these images are huge! this has to be a mistake or an oversite. or just plain stupidity.
I m sure its stupidity.
It's another distributor infected with a screw-the-contributor virus.
« on: October 26, 2015, 15:25 »
ShutterStock's aware of site issues today. They tweeted about it 3 hours ago (10:21 AM).
« on: October 25, 2015, 09:53 »
why they cannot remove that preview thing from old images till they fix it? 
ShutterStock is certainly capable of removing all 'Preview' links and disabling all images (within 5 minutes time) but they choose not to. In the meantime, Google's publishing the "small subset of images".
« on: October 25, 2015, 08:30 »
Where did you find this new watermark? My images are still with old (no) watermark.
New watermarks are on the new images.
« on: October 24, 2015, 09:36 »
The new watermark (v2):
« on: October 21, 2015, 16:08 »
That watermark doesn't really serve its purpose on images like these
« on: May 15, 2015, 09:25 »
« on: May 07, 2015, 13:57 »
Okay guys, first some updates - most of the beta testing is over and the plugin is almost ready for release. We're double checking stuff but it will be in the next few days or week. The hosting solution (which we are now calling Symbiostock PLUS) is already live, but we aren't announcing it yet. If you want to get an idea of how the plugin looks and works, go over to symbiostock.com, create a trial account and you can use it for 15 days without fuss.
You can see a long list of features here (http://www.symbiostock.org/the-symbiostock-demo-is-live/) and you can browse the documentation here (http://www.symbiostock.org/docs/).
As for all the other stuff, I encourage you to read our EULA (http://www.symbiostock.org/symbiostock-eula/) and our Trademark Policy (http://www.symbiostock.org/trademark-guidelines/). The EULA overall basically just says 'we aren't liable if Symbiostock doesn't perform the way you want', amongst some other clauses. Pretty standard, I think I lifted it off RedHat (http://www.redhat.com/en) and ammended it.
The trademark policy was likewise lifted off a few other open source projects and tweaked. Specifically, our fair use clause outlines that anyone using any of the Symbiostock software can, and is encouraged to use the name or logo. The main reason the trademark policy was created was to prevent third parties from creating weird software, claiming to be Official Symbiostock this or that, and causing confusion as a result. In order to grow, open source organizations must do this to protect their users.
Most importantly, I'm going to kind of sever my relationship with the legacy software now because it seems my attempt to include it in the future of Symbiostock kind of backfired. In trying to make sure some of you didn't feel left out, I was trying to keep you included - but as I now understand that the previous version was a unique animal unto itself that didn't limit itself to the software, I'm going to only focus on the new plugin and leave the legacy one to you guys. It's Leo's code, after all, and the new plugin as well as the new project, despite sharing many qualities and a very similar vision, does appear to be a new breed. In accordance with this, I'm also not going to be providing legacy users with discounts on future Symbiostock stuff. As I didn't get any of that revenue, your best bet would be to recover it from Leo. My taking responsibility for the old plugin was kind of a good faith gesture, but as it has not been received as such, I'm not going to keep beating the poor, and very dead, horse.
My best suggestion would be this - if you feel content with the legacy Symbiostock, feel that its performance and output, and overall leadership and consistency was good for you, you should head over to Leo's spiritual successor to it. I genuinely believe you will feel more at home there.
The new Symbiostock project and plugin is professional, aggressive, sharp, and meant to expand. It's central, most focused purpose is to make us less reliant on third parties to sell our media. It is an open source business for a community of business-people.
For any questions, feel free to PM me on the Symbiostock forums. My communications here will be sparse, at best, for the time being.
Translation available here
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:16 »
Hi Tan to on, If you're an illustrator, try GRFX.co by Leo Blanchette (the founder of Symbio Stock). It's free and you get a functioning, competitive site within minutes. More about grfx can be found through the Illustrators Introduction http://www.grfx.co/grfx-an-illustrators-introduction/
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:44 »
he doesn't tell anything about himself on the Sy forum either.
Actually that's not accurate marquixHD. Robin does enjoy photography, art, and is SymbioStock's lead developer.  Screengrab of http://www.symbiostock.org/members/robin/profile/
« on: April 28, 2015, 10:58 »
Back when communication wasn't a problem between Leo and Robin, Robin posted to us: You'll get to know more about me as we communicate more. on: March 23, 2015, 01:43
That was 30+ days ago and we still know diddly about the Verified anonymous 'Blue Bird' Robin. One could assume Robin is just another con man who conned Leo out of SymbioStock.com and the contributors are next in line to be screwed. The Who - Who are you?
« on: January 21, 2015, 11:05 »
In the footer of Macrografiks I see a column titled 'Extra' with 'Free Photos' and 'On-demand photo' being listed.... ExtraWhy not add 'Prints' to that section and offer them directly to your hard-earned visitors instead of redirecting them to Etsy's platform?
« on: November 10, 2014, 22:53 »
The past 4 months have seen 0 sales, so I suspect they ARE in some sort of trouble.
Delivering new and fresh content is important, and makes customers keep coming back for more. Letting your collection grow old and outdated doesn't seem to be a good way to maximize profits. Hope it won't take too long.
Fresh content is a must to survive this industry. I don't think GL wants to be the next stock image site with old, leftover graphics! Leftover graphics is kind of bad but old leftover graphics!!!
« on: February 24, 2014, 13:25 »
And then clipart.com just keeps rolling along. Why they don't shut that place is a mystery. The front page says it works with ImageReady - discontinued in 2007 and the testimonials page has comments that reference ArtToday (the prior name that changed in 2002!). The help section is full of outdated instructions for systems that no longer work that way - looks as if nothing is updated there.
So Getty Images, iStock, Thinkstock and clipart.com will be the new Getty lineup? Is there anything else?
"January, 23, 2014 Vital Imagery Ltd., a leader in the online graphics subscription services, announced today that it has acquired Clipart.com and AnimationFactory.com from Getty Images." http://vitalimagery.com/pr23jan2014.php
« on: July 26, 2013, 13:35 »
« on: March 28, 2013, 15:45 »
My votes go to the sites that pay contributors less than 50% commissions. Also, any site that does not credit the contributor gets my vote as well (iphotos.com ~ new stock photo site, iclipart.com, graphicsfactory.com, ...).
These types of stock sites need to recognize that without the contributor they wouldn't be successful.
« on: March 25, 2013, 00:18 »
I thought Sean's images could be found via "tailgate" which produces no results now.
Yes, they are gone. I can not find any of my images - the pharmacy one, the student one, or the tailgate ones.
I wish they would keep us up to date on what the deal is.
Perhaps they must remove any images that are no longer on istock since their original agreement was with istock (or their partners)? No one has seen the actual, original agreement between google and istock that started this fiasco. Just speculating...
Allegedly the agreement was between Getty and Google - allegedly iStock admins didn't know anything about it until Sean pointed it out. It would be a very unusual agreement that required images to be pulled if the person pulled their port. iStock's IT dept could never cope would be 'extremely challenged' to cope with that!
The tailgate photos are still available. Not sure about the pharmacy or student ones though. Screengrab: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B496JyYdzyPLOW9mMFpYUUJXb0k/edit?pli=1
« on: March 15, 2013, 14:12 »
Here are a couple screengrabs of what those pages looked like on January 10th, 2013. Page where Google Drive users insert stock images into their document:  Page that Google Drive displayed to user's if they clicked on the 'learn more' link in the screengrab above:  The 'Fair Use' link in the screengrab above goes to Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use
« on: February 13, 2013, 14:50 »
I believe Getty wanted to fire a warning shot across our bows for the collective stance which many contributors have adopted recently. This is a very common tactic in large corporations in order to silence employees and regain a sense of dominance, in lament terms 'I'm the daddy around here'. It is basically a form of intimidation.
That must be why Yuri never updated the msg after meeting with Getty Executives Jan. 28th in London. He noticed one of those shots with his name on it
« on: February 11, 2013, 16:43 »
Whoever finalized that decision should be demoted to scrubbing toilets! Good luck Sean.
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