iStockPhoto.com / Re: Download Getty Images Moment and submit images to us from your smartphone!
« on: February 27, 2014, 20:59 »
^ I'm pretty sure the entire Getty experience is at 20%....
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iStockPhoto.com / Re: Download Getty Images Moment and submit images to us from your smartphone!« on: February 27, 2014, 20:59 »
^ I'm pretty sure the entire Getty experience is at 20%....
iStockPhoto.com / Re: LOTS of Creative Networks being deleted lately« on: January 20, 2014, 02:46 »
The majority of people deleting networks seem to be inspectors in my case anyway...
iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock's sudden dip in traffic on 2011 Q1« on: February 05, 2013, 05:21 »
I'd say that's when many companies, review budgets for the year and instigate new cost saving measures
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Getty Clip Art "mirroring" has begun« on: January 26, 2013, 08:23 »
Agreed Michael - a smarter approach which begs the question why didn't they think of following the upload rules for wholly owned Getty content when they first started ingesting it... would have softened the blow a lot...
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Anybody seen this?« on: January 25, 2013, 20:59 »
That DMCA is wrong tho isn't it? He wasn't hosting the copyrite images on his site, he was hotlinking to googles hosting? What's wrong with that? Google does it...
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Image Deactivation Tally for iStockPhoto« on: January 21, 2013, 17:39 »
One of my facebook friends just posted your article to their page, and another said they knew nothing about this. I'd encourage everyone here to let your networks on facebook and twitter know about this, flood the #istockphoto #istock twitter hashtag with this info the more people that know the more effect this will have....
Shutterstock.com / Re: Former Exclusives Interested in Joining Shutterstock« on: January 19, 2013, 05:10 »I dont think it will affect istock much even if 2/3 leave. getty can always bring over more wholly owned, unique content where they dont need to pay royalties to anyone. And there will always be people who want to go exclusive. Don't forget, istock grew so much because of the the crowd raving to anyone and everyone how great it was, that crowd has now turned against them on the whole. The crowd will spread the word just as fast and while there will always be people signing up I think istock might just find the traffic they get will diminish even further, I remember when their Alexa ranking was 225, what is it now? about 550, I think we can expect to see that fall further in the next 3 months. They really have done a number on themselves. 8
Shutterstock.com / Re: Former Exclusives Interested in Joining Shutterstock« on: January 18, 2013, 20:34 »Or you just got hit by Attila!Basically SS wants front to back focus, if the foreground is outside the DOF you might get rejectionsBe prepared for mass rejections and hard work submitting to top and middle tier sites . First you'll have to figure out what kind of images they want. It's quite different from Istock and it will take some time but forget landscapes people.... and be prepared for random rejections. One was a tropical sunset, there was a minute bit of motion blur on a couple of palm trees, but at 21MP you'd have to use it hella big and be standing up close to notice it, and the other was a product type shot, also crips as - so I think maybe they were still rubbing their eyes from waking up or something - there's no appeal process at SS is there? 9
Shutterstock.com / Re: Former Exclusives Interested in Joining Shutterstock« on: January 18, 2013, 20:13 »Yes I did - it was before that message went out.All approved at SS, now I just have to get my portfolio in order and give notice... interesting times!So did you take the initial 10 test? 10
Shutterstock.com / Re: Former Exclusives Interested in Joining Shutterstock« on: January 18, 2013, 20:10 »Be prepared for mass rejections and hard work submitting to top and middle tier sites . First you'll have to figure out what kind of images they want. It's quite different from Istock and it will take some time but forget landscapes people.... and be prepared for random rejections. Just submitted my first few to SS and I know what you mean - 3 rejected for focus focal point, and they are all crisp as from a 21MP camera with "L" lens... I could begin to get a little annoyed if its the rule rather than the exception... I haven't had rejections from iS for years... 11
Shutterstock.com / Re: Former Exclusives Interested in Joining Shutterstock« on: January 18, 2013, 19:52 »
All approved at SS, now I just have to get my portfolio in order and give notice... interesting times!
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Time for an iStock replacement site?« on: January 15, 2013, 05:26 »
I was thinking more the vicinity of 20k, but that's semantics at this stage.
I guess it all depends how scalable ktools is initially, I mean Sean got his site up and I'd imagine he didn't drop even 3k on it-could be wrong. If there's enough will there's gotta be a way... 13
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Time for an iStock replacement site?« on: January 15, 2013, 05:12 »
Y'see I'd be willing to stump up something in the vicinity of 4 zeros if we could get 10 or 20 other big contributors to do the same to get the thing running... Sean?
Microstock News / Re: Getty and Thinkstock crashed?« on: January 15, 2013, 01:27 »
Old, old thread alert....
iStockPhoto.com / Re: free downloads are XXXL?« on: January 03, 2013, 19:16 »
Perfectly normal for iStock as far as I know.
They never were only just blog sized. 16
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Nervous breakdown - Istockphoto, what else? Exlcusivity etc...« on: December 29, 2012, 01:26 »
I reckon it's pretty much a given more defections are going to happen.
Quite a few high profile istockers I've been talking to are making plans - and if it does happen a couple of them will send a few shockwaves through Calgary HQ, unless of course they do special deals with specific contributors. 17
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Something positive at IS, royalty rate stays the same next year« on: December 19, 2012, 21:34 »It is good for me, because I was about to drop to 30% which would have made me look for the express exit to independence once I got my website done, my files sorted etc... I'm in the same boat as you and doing exactly the same thing... just gives me a bit more breathing space to get all those "ducks" in order 18
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Nippyish note from Rebecca Rockafellar« on: December 16, 2012, 07:24 »
I was just thinking, with big time exclusives sales dropping, the old royalty system is looking a lot more sustainable now... If you do the maths, some diamond exclusives income has dropped by 50% and funnily enough 50% of diamond 40% royalty is 20% - Getty's magic royalty number... Don't believe they can't predict the Best Match, they're working it to their advantage all the time. 19
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Nippyish note from Rebecca Rockafellar« on: December 12, 2012, 17:41 »Sylvanworks has already stated that is the reason he left istock. I'm flattered... you profiled me... 20
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Nippyish note from Rebecca Rockafellar« on: December 12, 2012, 17:31 »Sylvanworks has already stated that is the reason he left istock. In a facebook post last week. 21
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Nippyish note from Rebecca Rockafellar« on: December 12, 2012, 17:19 »
*No change to RCs, no revision of levels.*
Haha oh boy! Just shows the Getty really just don't understand how they screwed up, and why their traffic is taking a dive. I joined as a buyer and stayed on as a contributor. They just don't understand the crowd sourcing model. Social/Crowd sourcing has bought down dictatorships - don't think companies are immune. Sylvanworks has already stated that is the reason he left istock. And I'm sure in the months to come that will be the reason more exclusives will be going independent. I'll be talking to one of the biggest istock vector sellers in the next week or so, will be an interesting chat. Meanwhile... preparing my house for a new paradigm as I leave the istock ship.... 22
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Nippyish note from Rebecca Rockafellar« on: December 09, 2012, 23:39 »[OT] I'm looking forward to reading the December sales thread. They're claming 42,876 extra downloads over their 'expectations', although they have made their expections non-transparent, as it's not 'extra downloads over the same period last year', but My thoughts exactly Sue. There's no way they'd admit they didn't hit their target even if they only sold 50,000 in the period they'd still somehow hit their target through shady accounting - because there was no transparency. Someone needs to audit that 5h1t. So moving some numbers around they can hit any target, and I'll guarantee it's nowhere near last year's sales - just looking at the traffic it has to be impossible, hence their new term, 'expectations' You'll notice there's never any mention of beating previous sales totals anymore - it's all expectations. Well I know what I expect. 23
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Nippyish note from Rebecca Rockafellar« on: December 08, 2012, 15:06 »
It's quite clear from Ms Rockerfeller's post that she doesn't understand the root of the animosity to istockphoto.
The lack of communication is not the reason people are down on istock. The money grabbing, reduction in royalty payout levels is the root of the anger. Site not working, lack of communication, are all things that in the past we would have lived with and commiserated with istock over when we felt that we were in this together. But now they are things that we vent our anger over because it's not a partnership now, we are the serfs, they are the master. While income was still growing people were willing (to some extent) put up with this new relationship dynamic, they may not have been happy, but they would tolerate it. Now incomes are dropping (almost across the board) there's much less reason for exclusives to stay exclusive. When I was earning $5k a month I would not even consider losing half that income to go non-exclusive, but now next year I will drop yet another % level, and my monthly income from istock is down to $1k there's not that much to risk by dropping exclusivity, which I will be doing in the new year - sure is going to be an interesting time, but a misguided attempt, after over a year of issues, money grabbing and falling incomes is a little too little a lot too late IMHO 24
iStockPhoto.com / Re: The Fall Of An Empire« on: December 05, 2012, 18:40 »
I've only uploaded a handful of vectors this year - 10 maybe - I got the "Miss You" email...
My bank account is missing the 'old days' a lot more... 25
iStockPhoto.com / Re: So who's going to miss their RC targets?« on: November 29, 2012, 04:01 »Last year I was easily 25k over my target, this year my RCs have halved and I'll be almost 25k under my target... absolutely abysmal.... After I saw a massive drop last year after trying to play "catchup" I haven't uploaded much at all this year. But honestly if the istock model requires me to double my portfolio each year just to keep my RCs treading water then that is pretty unsustain..... well you know the rest!
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