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Messages - iStop
« on: December 18, 2019, 02:40 »
Getty just increased the download targets necessary for exclusive contributors on photos sales in 2020 to 8,500 downloads to reach 35% royalties and to 34,500 to reach 40% royalties. In 2019 you needed only 6,500 to get 35% royalties and 26,500 to get 40% royalties. To get 45% royalties you now need 515,000 downloads, up from 396,000 downloads in 2019. So they are basically cutting peoples royalty again and perhaps within another year or two they will make the targets so high that everyone who is exclusive will end up on a flat 20% (or less).
« on: April 04, 2019, 05:12 »
« on: September 21, 2018, 13:01 »
Sounds to me purely like a corporate debt shuffle to stay a float. The left pocket pays the right pocket and then the right pays back the left when the dust settles.
« on: December 24, 2017, 09:28 »
The NewsIn 2017 the Download Target system has rewarded Exclusive contributors as we had hoped. Many have achieved higher royalty rates during 2017 and will keep these as their starting rates for 2018, plus many more contributors are moving up than will move down. Really? Really? But wait, it gets better. All that hard work has paid off for you. Your being rewarded and here comes the love: Were now pleased to share the Download Targets for 2018, which will be effective from January 1, 2018. Youll see that the targets are higher in 2018 by about 10%, which is designed to balance out these customer download trends.
« on: September 21, 2017, 08:09 »
How am I doing?
« on: August 22, 2017, 01:03 »
I think v2 only provided data for total all time royalty earned on each file and an average royalty per month for each file. I think within those figure though it probably contains Subscription and Partner Program sales from prior to Jan 2017.
DMv2 did not count subs sales, and I'm pretty sure it didn't count PP sales or PA sales (fka Getty 360 and Getty Plus), only credits.
Thank you. I believe you are correct.
« on: August 21, 2017, 09:18 »
Also, if you still have Deep Meta 2 installed, it can import all your old data from Deep Meta 2 from all the years before iStock switched over to the new Getty system which was switched over on January 1st of this year. So now you can have both all of your old and new file data together in one app. It only provides sales statistics though from January of this year onward.
Really ? How do you do that ?
choose 'upload' and tick the 'Import DeepMeta2 Portfolio and Data' box. (Upload is unintuitively what you have to click before you can 'synchronise' your data to bring in the most recent stats, even if you have no intention of uploading)
But V2 - unlike V3 - does not contain Subscription and Partner Program sales does it ? So any importing of data will be incomplete by definition - or am I missing something here ?
I believe all you get from the v2 Data Import is whatever data is currently contained in the v2 program that is already on your computer. So I think it is just pulling old data across and consolidating it in v3. I don't think v3 has the ability to pull any of the old data from the iStock servers anymore. I think v2 only provided data for total all time royalty earned on each file and an average royalty per month for each file. I think within those figure though it probably contains Subscription and Partner Program sales from prior to Jan 2017. On the ESP site, if you go to Royalties > Export, there is an option at the bottom to download a data file containing all your sales from February 2015 through December 2016 as a text file, but it is simply a total for your monthly earnings for each of the months during that period. I think that is your only ability at this point to retrieve any data at all from Getty for any of your historical sales prior to Jan 2017.
« on: August 21, 2017, 09:07 »
Also, if you still have Deep Meta 2 installed, it can import all your old data from Deep Meta 2 from all the years before iStock switched over to the new Getty system which was switched over on January 1st of this year. So now you can have both all of your old and new file data together in one app. It only provides sales statistics though from January of this year onward.
Really ? How do you do that ?
The easiest way is to click on the gear icon in the upper right hand corner of Deep Meta 3 program. Then go to Preferences > Advanced > and at the bottom you will see an option for DeepMeta v2 Data Import.
« on: August 20, 2017, 04:37 »
I just tried Deep Meta 3 for the first time to analyze the monthly sales data. Forget my previous post suggesting to use TodayIs20. Deep Meta is far superior in terms of data analysis and it puts it all into one screen. You don't even have to download the data files yourself or sacrifice your privacy by uploading your sales data files to a privately owned 3rd party website. Deep Meta does it all for you and only downloads your sales data onto your own computer.
Also, if you still have Deep Meta 2 installed, it can import all your old data from Deep Meta 2 from all the years before iStock switched over to the new Getty system which was switched over on January 1st of this year. So now you can have both all of your old and new file data together in one app. It only provides sales statistics though from January of this year onward.
« on: August 16, 2017, 15:54 »
You can download the 6 data files for your sales from January through June 2017 from your Getty ESP account. Then you can upload those data files to TodayIs20 and see your individual sales for this past year more easily. That is the only method I know of.
There is no longer any way to see any of your individual sales on a daily basis or to see any sales made this year since the end of June. To see sales from the month of July you will have to wait until the July data files are provided by Getty on the 20th of August. Then for August you will have to wait until September 20th, etc. That is the significance of the name of the TodayIs20 website as all sales data is released only once a month by Getty on the 20th.
I believe Getty has been talking about (since the beginning of the year) creating some sort of new tools to become available through the Getty website in the future which will show you your sales in real time like before, but so far nothing has emerged and I don't think anyone is holding their breath on this really to become a reality anymore.
The only thing that is supposed to update in real time at this point are your total sales for the year on your Getty ESP profile page. But that counter often isn't accurate and, as an example, it did not record any sales during this past weekend, but then started recording again on Monday it seems. That figure only tells you a number of downloads though anyway. Nothing about which files have sold, royalties earned on sales, etc. So it is a very limited data set anyway and to make any use of it you have to note down your figure at the end of each day and compare the figure on a day to day basis to get an idea of the number of file sales you are making per day. Then at the end of the month you can get an idea of your total downloads for the month, but you still won't know any information about your total earnings for the month until the following month on the 20th.
« on: July 03, 2017, 05:44 »
A four year old return? No idea.
And you reluctantly paid them, right? 
Seriously, I wonder how far they are willing to take something like that if you just say nicely to GFYourselves.
Considering there is no valid contract between me and IS, I'm not even sure why they took the trouble to do it.
Must be their fantastical systems of automation efficiently hard at work. Write back and remind them its not all about the money and include some link suggestions on where to purchase some inexpensive lens caps. I am sure they will be able to closely relate.
« on: October 27, 2016, 04:34 »
Twas the calm before the storm, approximately 3.5 months ago, on July 14th, we all received that disturbing (but not so unexpected) email from Getty which violated our first amendment rights with the following words:
"You will no longer be able to edit your keywords via iStock.com or other third-party applications once submitted. Please ensure that your files are properly prepared and edited prior to uploading them to iStock.com and note that the option to edit keywords after submission will be removed from third-party applications shortly, prior to August 20th. (The functionality for editing keywords may still appear on the file edit page, but it no longer supports updates to iStock.com. In fact, you may have already noticed that keyword updates are not being reflected on the ADP and/or do not surface in search results.)
Starting August 20th (or shortly thereafter), and after Unification, you will need to submit a request to deactivate a file. Please note that we will only consider deactivating files for legal or similar justifiable reasons as it provides a negative experience for customers when files are suddenly unavailable for license."
We all took a deep breath and let it wash over us, something we often do after new changes are announced by Getty that we know, no matter how well Getty window dresses things, will ultimately result in decreasing our incomes exponentially even further.
Then, a couple days later, after the latest news sinks in, we often think about what we are going to do. At that time, the first thing many of us did prior to August 20th was to deactivate a number of key files before it was too late. Then we wrote pages and pages on this forum about our further speculations of what next self destruct bomb Getty will be dropping upon us come September 1st.
We waited, we watched, and it almost looked like Getty was going to resist hesitation to cut all our royalties to a flat 15% as the entire first month of the high selling season for stock imagery (September) passed by without as much as a peep from the Grim Getty Reaper. I was even expecting to see a thread appear entitled "It Looks Like We Finally Made It" through 1 full year without Getty completely ransacking our incomes again.
But then, here we are now. It was all too good to be true. The bomb did drop and the news is even worse than we ever could have imagined. How could we be so naive to even think for a second that nothing would happen? And, in true Getty form, it has sparked a thread on this site in a matter of just 2 days that already has over 200 posts and continues. In many ways, just simply and exactly what we expected but had hoped wasn't going to happen, just for once.
The worst part in it all is that there is no longer any room for humor, optimism, or any talk of the "glass still being half full" in any way. The bottom line is we will all now end up earning less than the price of a single square of toilet paper on image downloads.
It even seemed unimaginable (from my already jaded perspective) that it would ever reach a point of capitulation like this. Especially after it appeared that Getty was, for once, standing up for our rights as creators with their email on September 27th entitled "Googles Actions Threaten Creative Livelihoods - Take Action: We Need Your Voice".
But now I sit here, like many of you who have hung in with iStock this far, through all the pay cuts and other changes over the last 6 years designed to reduce our incomes, exploit our intellectual property rights, and basically destroy our enthusiasms, almost not believing what has just happened.
Many of us were able to even continue these last few years to quietly produce and upload content that was low cost to create, in denial thinking maybe we could even defy gravity a bit in some way, against our better judgment of course, until finally reaching the point we are now where Getty simply has adamantly decided "We are going to pay you nothing anymore for your work".
This finally is and will be the straw that broke the camel's back only because none of us here are in need of just "new lens cap money" and are going to be able to shoulder this latest convoluted tear down. So it is no longer a matter of feeling slighted or taken advantage of, it is simply game over.
The business model no longer works anymore for creators. It is finally time to leave and accept that there is nothing else we can do to try and swim upstream by simply living with the latest changes in one form or another and following the old tried and proven "shoot, upload, repeat" mantra.
It's been nice knowing you iStock, but bon voyage Getty and, despite all my pessimism and cynicism over the years about the way they do things, I must admit this time they have completely outdone themselves and even my own darkest imagination.
I would have never thunked, despite their greed and unethical practices over the years, that they would have ever tried pulling something as devious as this. But then again, most megalomaniac dictators were never able to foresee or envision the downfalls of their own regimes and empires until they themselves were finally swinging from a noose, taking in their last breaths, and realizing "yes it's really over", just before the screen goes black.
« on: July 21, 2016, 10:24 »
You may get iStock admins who lurk in this forum voting dubiously so they can sway and/or see the poll results. You may also get trolls placing fake votes to try and sway the results as well. Or other members placing votes who are not iStock contributors, just because they are curios to see the poll results.
« on: July 18, 2016, 07:36 »
Getty has never allowed you to remove an image unless it is for the same reasons they have posted for removal from Istock. Hmmmm, come to think of it most of the macros operate the same way ever since I can remember. At least the ones I have dealt with did not allow you to remove anything on a bipolar whim which seems to be common place in the microstock world.
Alamy may not count in your definition of macro, but their 6 month wait is a very different thing from what Getty is looking to impose. Alamy just makes you wait to delete so customers can complete their cycle of transactions, but you don't have to justify what you're doing to them.
Alamy's restrictions (given their business model) seem very reasonable and a good balance of customer and contributor interests. Getty's are one-sided and unreasonable, especially given the much lower royalty rates they offer contributors.
The easiest thing with Alamy that you can do is just remove all your keywords from all of your images in a batch so that all the files are left with only one nondescript keyword. After that the files wont appear in searches any longer. This way, whilst you are awaiting the 6 month period for the files to be removed, they at least no longer appear on the site. At the moment, you may still be able to do the same thing on iStock using version older versions of Deep Meta.
« on: July 09, 2016, 03:03 »
In SE Asia I have heard them pronounce is as "Sufferi". I think that about sums it up
« on: July 02, 2016, 03:08 »
Broken is what broken does.
« on: July 02, 2016, 01:07 »
I get:
"Internal Server Error - Read The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request."
Nice one. Not even a message to buyer's that the site is temporarily down, that it is being fixed, or an estimate of when it will be back online. Completely asleep at the wheel. Shameless.
« on: June 15, 2016, 21:17 »
Yup, gone from file closeup page for me too. Either when logged in or not.
« on: June 07, 2016, 00:09 »
According to Moody's Financial Reports (generally published in September) iStock had gross revenue of about $350 million back in 2011/2. It started to fall, and has fallen every year since then. The last report (which included comments from Getty) said gross revenue had dropped to $250 million, and was still falling but at a lower rate.
So gross revenue (and hence sales) has fallen by about a third.
Over the same period there have been shifts in the best match to gradually demote exclusive files and give more sales to non-exclusives (presumably in a attempt to preserve profits by selling more of the higher margin non-exclusive files and less of the exclusive files).
So taking the best match shifts into account, it's logical to assume that exclusive incomes should have dropped by 30% or more over that period (all other things being equal), and it's quite reasonable to expect to see large numbers of exclusives showing declines in the 50% area.
And, given the best match shifts giving favor to non-exclusive files, it's also quite reasonable to expect to see large numbers of non-exclusives reporting little or no change to incomes over the same period.
Of course to give some credit to Getty, they mirrored most of the exclusive files over on the Getty main site during this period, so I assume they were trying to compensate for lost income by generating additional income from Getty main site sales.
Good analysis. Confirms the results of this poll as well as the theories added by the OP.
« on: April 15, 2015, 16:42 »
What B8 described seeing doesn't sound to be changes on how content is displayed that are "ever so slight".
You would also think if they've rolled it out to 50% of the membership then those 50% of the membership would at least see the same thing all the time. But it sounds like a rolling change which seems to be pot luck for everyone at any given moment.
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:14 »
I don't think they make any sense at all. They think google search will help, but how would google search help someone who is searching for a particular photo on iStock search?
I think that's the point perhaps. Not enough people are searching for photos on the iStock site itself and now they think a free search engine like Google is going to save their business by driving all the lost photo buyers back to their site. I wonder who at HQ got the woo-yay for that starry-eyed, self fulfilling prophecy? Here is the deal, all the buyers didn't start searching on Google instead. No, they aren't looking for stock photos to buy using Google search at all. Why would they when they know who sells the stock photos that they want to buy? The serious and important photo buyers are searching on other stock photo sites for what they are looking for and not on iStock. It's as simple as that. 4 years straight of re-pressing the self destruct button every 6 months back at HQ and now Google is here to save the day and bring us back all those long lost photo and video buyers who are now stumbling around in Google cyberspace searching for media because they don't know where else to find it. 👍👌💪
« on: March 05, 2015, 05:34 »
I completely agree. And what self respecting photo agency would even be shameless enough to go out to their contributors and tell them that their biggest and brightest brain fart is to revert to trying to get sales via search engines?
I'm also dumbfounded how pathetic this whole thing sounds to begin with. How can you build confidence with your contributors when you admit you can't make enough sales based on your own corporate branding and company image?
We want to hear words like "Market Leader", "Buyer Network", "Marketing Strategy", "Market Penetration"., etc.
The last word I want to hear coming out of my own agency's mouth frankly is "SEO". Sheesh!
« on: February 28, 2015, 17:35 »
I just remembered this quote from Rebecca Rockafellar on IS forum: "... We get it, you guys are mad. And reading the forums for the past year has made it clear that some of you think we are lazy, incompetent, greedy or uncaring..."
Great flashback. Perhaps we need some stronger adjectives now to describe the state of our current feelings. How about: Inept, Inadequate, Foolish, And Pathetic? I say we keep "Greedy" though. I think that one still suits well and will remain appropriate indefinitely.
« on: February 27, 2015, 15:49 »
Bravo to all the conspiracy theorists, but the chances of Bloomberg publishing such a pointed and comprehensive article like that about a company's financial state of affairs based on purely unsubstantiated conjecture and speculation is pretty remote.
Plus, based purely on the fact that everyone is selling about 10% the number of files that they were a few years ago, I think there is no reason to doubt that the dire state of the company is any way exaggerated by those articles.
« on: February 27, 2015, 14:09 »
Knowing how Getty are in such a rut, I can't wait to see what will be the next bright idea they will roll out to contributors that will end up earning everyone a lot less, but will be again spun as another great way to make everyone more money. It will be hard to beat the last great idea when they got rid of all the small sized photo buyers in one swoop by charging 3 credits for all exclusive pictures.
I liked when they used to assign F-Keys to their brain-farts. F5 was a great one. Also known as the day "they pressed the self destruct button" the first time.
Maybe the next one they will name as Control-Alt-Delete since those are the 3 buttons one normally presses to try and recover from a complete system crash.
Microstock Poll Results