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Messages - DF_Studios

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"share, promote, and interact with customers directly."  from the article.   Geddes got the share part right and maybe FAA promotes her work.    Not so sure about the "interact with customers directly" part unless that just means selling them something.    The artist has no connection with the customers other then seeing the city they live in.

The thing with an Anne Geddes collection is that it says a lot that she is exclusive with FAA and for mere mortals having a name brand helps to bring more buyers.

Every buyer who has a good experience buying the name brand stuff might come back and buy something from you.

The bigger issue is the reliability of the system which seems to have a lot of glitches and strange bugs from time to time.

Recently Sean the owner spilled the beans on how the collections are done.  If the office ladies see something they like, they make a collection.  That's why you'll have weird things like "abstract concrete walls" or a certain artist's name as a collection.  I wonder if they have any arts backgrounds or are they some one's niece who need a job?

At some point people have to take responsibility for their own governing.   If you want to share in the wealth of the modern world then act like your part of this century.

Its not about having nice pictures.  Its about:

 1.  Getting people to see them.  There is plenty of amazing stuff on FAA that no one ever sees because its not promoted and marketed.

2. Having what they want.  Its a wall art site.  People are looking for something that they can hang on their wall and look at for years. 

I've seen stock photos targeted at business (plumber, dentist) sell.  Things people might buy to put in the lobby or waiting room of their business.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Do you have any sales in Crated.
« on: October 08, 2014, 21:45 »
none to date.

Dreamstime.com / Re: Hi, exclusivity in DT?
« on: October 08, 2014, 21:42 »
DT exclusive is extensive.  They don't even allow you to sell on POD sites.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Artist Stealing Work
« on: September 25, 2014, 22:05 »
Better do a Google image search and check other sites.

I agree, the IT guys are always coming up with useless improvements like "search by camera model" like the customer cares what camera was used.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Curious...Are sales coming back a bit?
« on: September 16, 2014, 10:26 »
August was great for me.

This month I sold a video clip that I've been seeing on a political ad every night.  Rather cool.  Halfway through the month and this should be another good one.

I have one images that sells once or twice a day and a few other that sell nearly every other day.  Then a lot of images that never seem to sell.

Bad news was today when I had one of those batch of images rejected for random "lighting" reasons problems.  Seems better to upload one at a time. 

General Stock Discussion / Re: GraphicStock?
« on: August 15, 2014, 06:51 »
Another seven days of free giveaways in the "NO JOKE" giveaway over at graphicstock.  Pathetic salesmanship.  How easy is it to sell free?  Especially when its not your hardwork and toil.  Is this the type of company you want representing your work?


Print on Demand Forum / imageopolis
« on: July 28, 2014, 21:50 »
Anyone know anything about this site - imageopolis.com?

Looks like its a photo sharing site that runs like its a non-profit with a donate button.  They just started setting up a gallery on FAA and I was wondering if the participants even know they are selling their photos.

Let me guess.  Accountant?

General Stock Discussion / Re: christmas at this time?
« on: July 24, 2014, 16:04 »
I sold two boxes to Christmas cards last month.  Not even a commerical sale, just a regular person wanting to get a head start on the holidays.

Dreamstime.com / Re: Nightmare on Dreamstime
« on: July 17, 2014, 21:28 »
Steady decline.  Although I've been getting some nice credit sales lately.  Haven't been uploading much to microstock this past six months and my portfolio on DT has been gaining in higher value.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
« on: July 17, 2014, 21:24 »
Non-profits have plenty of expenses.  Check out your local college or hospital.  They have millions of dollars worth of expenses (i.e. payments)

Someone asked - "how am I promoting?"  How am I not promoting is the answer - blogs, social networking, Tumbler - I spend hours per week on it.

The reason agencies get a commission is because they do all of the promotional work and bring buyers to you.  FAA is the opposite.  Its just a fulfillment house for your art business.  Don't expect anything else except for the occasional random sale.

When has an artist not have to be a promoter?  Andy Warhol was just as good as PT Barnum.

You knew the party was over a few years back when all the books about microstock came on the market.  Those who were in on the initial gold rush are now writing books and selling presets.

Selling dreams to dreamers is easier then living the dream.

I've had a huge June so far.    I've been on there for three years now.  Sales lead to more sales as it moves you up in the search, so it takes time and promotional effort to get a foothold.  Don't expect sales to just come in.  Took me about two years to get the ball rolling.

I have a problem with the name.  Google it and you'll see what I mean.

Print on Demand Forum / photo4me
« on: June 13, 2014, 10:47 »
Anyone using the UK POD site "Photo4me"?  I just put some stuff up.  Its curated.  I know of one fellow FAA member who had a sale there recently.  Anyone else with experience?

So far I'm just getting a ton of "I like it" comments in my inbox.

What buyer would want prices all over the place?  The stock agencies offer staffing, customer support, consistent prices, screened and cleaned images and a level of protection from potential copyright infringement problems.

FAA offers none of that.  They do have unique artwork that is probably not available anywhere else, but a potential licensor could contact and deal with any artist directly without the need for a middleman.  All FAA has done is muck up their core business with this distraction when they should be focused on developing new markets for the fine art.

Also what is the point of offering work at microstock prices when there is no volume of purchases?  The chances of a sale are so slim one should only attempt RM sales IMO.

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