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Messages - Stockmaan

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Adobe Stock / Re: Firefly AI rejections on Adobestock
« on: May 23, 2024, 13:33 »
Adobestock accepts images createdwith Firefly?


I have both AI MJ and AI Firefly in my portfolio,you can also use version 3 of Firefly which is in beta,commercial uses are allowed

I also have people made with Firefly which in my opinion are even better than some of MJ's,the Firefly people seem more natural and real to me.

at the moment I'm working on some AI content, but in reality I don't want to waste too much time on it,I created 20 in a couple of hours,for me it's a record,because before I wasted much more time on it.

in my opinion the strategy to adopt on AI is more on quantity,because you have to consider rejections and then also that it is not easy to sell them,so wasting too much time and producing less,I don't know if it's really a good idea,maybe it can be sometimes,not always.

Thank you for answer. And how much do you upsize your images?

Adobe Stock / Re: Firefly AI rejections on Adobestock
« on: May 22, 2024, 14:14 »
Adobestock accepts images createdwith Firefly?

General - Top Sites / Re: DPReview - Can't Log In
« on: May 09, 2024, 10:29 »
Dpreview closedown. Year maybe two ago.

Where is the speed higher?

Try first. Very likely the connection speed depends on your location and the location of the server. I will try today.

Tnx Mat

I'm getting rejections that don't have any sense and I don't know how to contact Adobe to clarify these rejections. Do they even have any way of contacting, or do I just spam same image/videos until I get banned from the platform?

"Thanks for giving us the chance to consider your image. Unfortunately, we found that it doesn't meet our needs so we can't accept it into our collection.

Possible reasons:

- Non compliant use of another artists name.

- Undeclared Generative AI Content.

- Content not compliant with overall guidelines:

To learn more about the type of content we're looking for, please visit this page: https://www.adobe.com/go/stock-contributor-help"

Did u create content with AI software or not?

Shutterstock.com / Re: nothing for contributer fund?
« on: March 08, 2024, 11:29 »
And how your sales going?

It is normal that contributor with more than 10k images and videos sells only one or two subscription images per day???

Shutterstock is dead for me. Others?

we should create one money fund and participate for all those who manage to find such thieves. Whoever finds it should be rewarded. then we would find more such thieves!

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock steals sales. Control purchase
« on: February 11, 2024, 13:08 »
That's a huge scandal if it's true!!!

I have almost 10k videos at Pond5 and sell 1 YES just one in 14th days. Last month I have two sales! If Shutterstock does that than Pond5 do taht to. At Adobe I sell around 20 videos a day. On Shutterstock maybe 1 or 2/day. Pond5 2/month.

At Shutterstock and Adobe I have 10k videos too..

DepositPhotos / Re: Exciting News from Deposit Photos
« on: February 05, 2024, 11:55 »
Start deleting my files bye bye deeps

Agencies dont  >:( care for that

Selling Stock Direct / Re: The game is rigged!! 🤬
« on: October 21, 2023, 05:17 »
 in the end, only agencies that value human work and not artificial intelligence will survive. This will happen very soon. Man is not a robot and never will be. Humans have emotions, not machines. I hope some agency realizes this soon, otherwise it will fail!

Pond5 / Re: Pond5 Sales slump.
« on: September 29, 2023, 02:29 »
Is Pond5 dead or just dont report sales? Its weird no sales for 4 weeks (9000 videos online)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Rejections on adobe
« on: July 28, 2023, 04:15 »
Real photographers < ai creators. SaD!

I'll probably reach it on December 31st

At least

It doesn't even matter. After all, most sales are still $0.10 (at least on the photo side).

And 0.25 on the video side

All AI material need an extra watermark or caption

I didnt expect that from Adobe. No quality. Ai over human artist :/

This is one of current Adobe Stock best selling portfolio. 

It's all AI generated images.  Very nice images.  You don't even need a camera. 

I don't want to ridicule disabled people, but once quick glance at the top row in that portfolio: what's with her arm? I've seen horror movie monsters that have less distorted limbs.

This is on Adobe? :) 6 fingers, nice

There are already plenty of AI videos on Adobe Stock, so I think Adobe should act swiftly to either implement the Gen AI checkbox for videos, or make the no AI videos policy clearer. Weve seen what a headache it has been for them to not have the Generative AI checkbox implemented until months after AI images started to be accepted, so hopefully they can learn from that and avoid the same mess with videos.

Its really not fair to others who respect Adobe rules!

if you work according to the rules and are honest, then you have a hard time competing with those who do not follow the rules. Nonsense.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Reviews and Sales
« on: June 14, 2023, 13:33 »
Wow, that long? It used to take only several days.

Yes, before ai came. I know, its 😢.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Reviews and Sales
« on: June 14, 2023, 11:54 »
As I know review time is 20+ days for illustrations.

I dont understand Adobe stock strategy Real human artists goodbye or welcome?

Just wondering if I can use my AI-generated images in videos and upload them to Adobe (as adobe allows images). There is a separate AI collection for images but not for video so I'm guessing not. Maybe Matt would know?

Any asset that was created with or enhanced by generative AI software must be submitted as an illustration. This is not possible with video files. We do not accept generative AI video content at this time. If that changes in the future, I'll be sure to post here in MSG.

Thanks for the question,

Mat Hayward

But I am confused now. Then why were these animations accepted and can be sold?





Thank you!

Adobe Stock / Re: Review time
« on: June 06, 2023, 12:18 »
More than 24 days illustrations not created with ai. Still waiting

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