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Messages - Mcrstckfllw

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No, you can enter the code and its all done.

Got it! Thanks!


I am a contributor for Adobestock and received the code to redeem a 12-month Creative Cloud app.

I was successful in redeeming the app last year, but this year it won't let me extend unless I must fill in the credit card / debit card info.

Does anyone know if it is compulsory to fill the credit/debit card info in order to extend my subscription when I already have the code to redeem for the subscription?


Adobe Stock / Re: I can't find my approved images on Adobestock
« on: January 26, 2024, 04:42 »
Good day everyone,

I had a batch of images that was approved more than a month ago (approved on mid December). Until now, i couldn't find my own approved images using all the method i could possibly think of including typing, the image id, title, or relevant keywords on different browsers.

Could it be that the images are not indexed hence the fail to appear on the search? ie: some of the images when i typed in the keywords combo, there are only 3 pages come out as a total result for the category. but my images still not appeared on those.

Appreciate if anyone who had encountered a similiar scenario to shed some lights on this matter or to direct me who i can contact with to seek a solution to this matter? Thanks.

The approved are sorted by most recent uploaded first, not recent reviewed/accepted.

Thanks Deyan Georgiev. I can see all my approved images under the Dashboard by sorting to Date, But i can't see it indexed on the website eventhough i typed in the exact same keywords....down to only1 or 2 pages of all results, but still my images are no where to be seen.

My wild guess is that Adobestock could mask/index out some of the approved images for whatever reason/s, but my assumption could be totally wrong, as of now, I really don't know what to do to make those images to be found on the website except waiting for the images to be appeared by themselves like some of my other images do.

Adobe Stock / Re: I can't find my approved images on Adobestock
« on: January 24, 2024, 18:53 »
or just click on "Contributor Account" on Top Menu Bar, then "See my Public Profile" which will open in new Tab.

Sorting is interesting (in Public Profile View):  Not most downloads, not Chronological but something third

I tried this one too, but the outcome is exactly the same only show 39 images out of over 400 images. so weird ....

Adobe Stock / Re: I can't find my approved images on Adobestock
« on: January 24, 2024, 18:50 »
Yes, I seem to have the same issue. Not sure which images they are though - but there is something that doesn't match. Might be a bug in their system.

Yes, Definitely does't match and I wish there's an answer to the solution. I also find that in my public portfolio, the images are way less than in my actual portfolio in my dashboard, I have about 400 images, but the public portfolio only display about 30 of them, when i click "show more" at the bottom of the page, it show other contributors works.

Portfolio link is not everything, only what you added to that section.

For your entire portfolio, not so easy, but you can see what someone else would see by using, what a customer would see:  https://stock.adobe.com/search/images?creator_id=#######  where ####### is you account ID number

See what shows there?  Then click in the upper left where it says ALL and you can select various filters. You can also search from the top for specific images.

Make a bookmark and there you are, customer view of your portfolio.

Thanks! I gave it a try, the result is only showing 39 images out of my 400+ images in total.

Adobe Stock / Re: I can't find my approved images on Adobestock
« on: January 24, 2024, 10:13 »
Yes, I seem to have the same issue. Not sure which images they are though - but there is something that doesn't match. Might be a bug in their system.

Yes, Definitely does't match and I wish there's an answer to the solution. I also find that in my public portfolio, the images are way less than in my actual portfolio in my dashboard, I have about 400 images, but the public portfolio only display about 30 of them, when i click "show more" at the bottom of the page, it show other contributors works.

Adobe Stock / Re: I can't find my approved images on Adobestock
« on: January 24, 2024, 09:16 »
Appreciate if anyone who had encountered a similiar scenario to shed some lights on this matter or to direct me who i can contact with to seek a solution to this matter? Thanks.

I had this problem once in the past with a number of images. It helped to make some changes to the keywords (add or remove one or more keywords, I am not sure whether changing the order would have been enough).

This solved the problem, probably because it forced the system to reindex the images.

Oh i see, i will give it a try. Thanks!

Adobe Stock / Re: I can't find my approved images on Adobestock
« on: January 23, 2024, 22:34 »
Can you see images in your contributor portal?  Sort by Date not Downloads

Possible reason why you don't see them in external search:  Engine decides sometimes you have a typo in search term and retrieves results based on what it thinks you really meant.

I am able to reproduce this issue by typing "Cuyamaca Prairie Grassland" search term;   Engine doesn't like "Cuyamaca" word (California State Park Name) and returns results for "Catamarca Prairie Grassland" - which doesn't have my images.  But after I click "Did you really mean Cuymaca", it will correctly return my images.

Thanks zeljkok, mine doesn't have specific keyword of a place or a name, it was just a generic term like "cartoon baby cheering"

Adobe Stock / I can't find my approved images on Adobestock
« on: January 23, 2024, 21:21 »
Good day everyone,

I had a batch of images that was approved more than a month ago (approved on mid December). Until now, i couldn't find my own approved images using all the method i could possibly think of including typing, the image id, title, or relevant keywords on different browsers.

Could it be that the images are not indexed hence the fail to appear on the search? ie: some of the images when i typed in the keywords combo, there are only 3 pages come out as a total result for the category. but my images still not appeared on those.

Appreciate if anyone who had encountered a similiar scenario to shed some lights on this matter or to direct me who i can contact with to seek a solution to this matter? Thanks.

Canva / Re: Canva announcement
« on: June 12, 2020, 20:24 »
Canva do a "shutterstock"

What solution do you propose?

Forget SS. Move on.

Change your focus and have a new strategy by try something that potentially bring you more income like start a youtube channel or podcast or anything you good at.

You can do it!

Can i explain how absurd this is about making yourself a rivalry to Shutterstock by simply setting up a new stock agency... like youre a 5yo?

How long will it take to have the first 1000 photos in your stock agency... how long after that to have the first 10000 and 100000 and your first 1 million... and the first 10 million? Even you have 10 mil, it is nothing standing in front of 123rf which has 65 million images. Lets just say to give you the benefit of doubt that the website will eventually have a library that size... Your agency will still be like a baby in the eyes of big guys like adobestock or Shutterstock.

I know you want to make a huge change, who doesnt want things to go better for contributors?  You just gotta realise its never about getting any programmers who voluntarily help building a new stock agency and voila you have yourself a rival to these big guys.

Adobe Stock / Re: Lower than minimal payment from Adobestock
« on: June 02, 2020, 05:03 »
Ok, that explained!


Adobe Stock / Lower than minimal payment from Adobestock
« on: June 02, 2020, 01:49 »
I had received this 0.25 cent download from time to time on Adobe Stock but today when i check on the earning system only to realize it is lower than the minimal payment of 0.33 cents.

Has anyone received a 25 cents subscription download from Adobe Stock before?

Dji osmo pocket. Pair with your phone as a secondary screen as your 5 inch monitor. The setup is perfect for travel plus it is already equipped with 4k60 and steady by design with gimbal by default. Only downside is its not great for night shoot but you can still achieve a good timelapse day or night with nd filters.

Shutterstock.com / Re: How is this possible?
« on: August 02, 2019, 05:46 »

the more i read what he tells the more idiot i consider this guy.
he calls somebody with very good portfolio as somebody who doesn't have a clue while he consider himself expert...he @ dare @ to say that another takes better photograph...of course he takes!! even my cat takes better photograph!!
this is where we are aiming at and ss is aiming at if it doesn't stop this bs....only mediocre amateur will be interested in producing content for them

A pussycat is demonstrating his skill on how to roar... in front of a tiger. LoLz

Shutterstock.com / Re: BME/WME
« on: July 27, 2019, 21:38 »
Good Post and agree 100%
What do you make a month on your 4 agencys? If you agree 100% maybe you can start by telling us yours. 123, ss, dt and ? How are they compared to last year, same pictures.

Could have not mentioned the 💯 percent. Did an oopsie there. 😂

Shutterstock.com / Re: Worst month on shutterstock
« on: July 26, 2019, 08:37 »
Worst? The worse is yet to come.

Maybe due to the 10 free images free download deadline for potential buyers to try out has just expired?

Adobe Stock / Re: Bad sell over night (est time)
« on: April 25, 2019, 01:49 »
The night sellers run for their life when they hear your nickname. LoL

Adobe Stock / Re: Daily earnings reports are all messed up
« on: April 22, 2019, 19:13 »
Has anyone experienced a discrepancy in term of earning of a particular download too? For instance, a download shown in the microstockr app is usd 0.69 cents but the earning report shown in email is usd 1.43. It happened quite often in my adobe account of late.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock took my money away
« on: February 15, 2019, 05:39 »
Wow! I thought it was just me when i noticed that and received the email!

How could this happened to so many contributors at once, adobe?

Adobe Stock / Re: How to contact Adobe as a contributor.
« on: December 11, 2018, 07:13 »
Thanks Smilla  :)

Adobe Stock / Re: How to contact Adobe as a contributor.
« on: December 10, 2018, 17:58 »
Hey Matt,

Is there anywhere on the contributor site to download the tax form before submitting the updated one?


iStockPhoto.com / Re: October Earnings Post
« on: November 20, 2018, 10:41 »
if announcing the good news is less annoying than reporting the bad news. perhaps this is not the right place for you? By your logic,  if ppl who stating BME are considered as contributing to the forum, then what makes those who reporting their poor sales not in the same contributing to the forum group? By the way, i never said I dont like people who contribute to the forum. You put the words in my mouth.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: October Earnings Post
« on: November 20, 2018, 09:16 »
Why ppl love to announce BME?? If you start by earning 25 cents a month, chances are you likely to get your BME often. You know how annoying that is to ppl constantly seeing somebody announcing the so called BME when the fact is you just earned 25 cents more than your previous BME, No one know your BME surmounts to anything and if you dont compare with others than why dont you keep the good news to yourself? Ppl hardly care if you hit your BME or not except yourself!! If you announce the number of dls at least more informative than to hear ppl  jumping with joy hooraying ITs my BME again.

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