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Messages - getbizy

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Well don't think it would be rejected....but it is rejected it would be surprising to me though.

I think they would have done more research in getting to know other photo agencies and directories,well a nice piece all the same.

I think you should try FLPA

Congratulations!!!....Imust say that is alot of courage....i'm still contemplating though....but with your testimonial i think i better take the bold step.

Well i think google adwords is quite an expensive campaign method, why not try using articles to get the traffic to your blog, using articles directories....i must confess your blog is quite cool and very engaging

General Stock Discussion / Re: We Want To Know ????
« on: February 18, 2011, 07:09 »
My opinion, is getting paid for using my shots, as long as i'm given my royalty i care less about what mt work is being used for....especially because it is a very demanding thing to do when you have such a large amount of you your work out there.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Copy Right Issues
« on: February 18, 2011, 07:06 »
:(  Does anyone know why the 'easy' button would be a trademark or copy right issues even if the company name is taken off of it? Weird why some objects are considered a logo or TM even if you take off the TM or company name and yet on my Nissan Car all I have to do is remove the Nissan logo yet even Thu everyone knows it is a Nissan.


I like your example of your nissan car....sure the name nissan is trademarked, and i guess the design of the car is patented, like wise the overlay or background of a company's website,logo is always an issue,especially if it is a big and well known company.

I believe money should not be a primary motive for newbie photographer, but building a large and reputable portfolio or resume...with time the money would naturally flow with the quality of your work.

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