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Topics - Faustvasea

Pages: [1]
Adobe Stock / What's going on!
« on: June 10, 2024, 07:40 »
Last week I had only $1 income, the lowest on couple of weeks, with around 4200 assets. I even noticed the review time takes way too long. They usually get it quicker
I have now 500 images in the queue. On other agencies these already have been approved.

2 / Request payment?
« on: June 01, 2024, 12:22 »
Hi. O have around $76 on my account, and I want to cash it out. But can't find it. Any ideas how I can request the money?

Envato / Envato acquired by Shutterstock
« on: May 02, 2024, 06:17 »

Seems they have been sold

Hi there,
We hope this email finds you well.

Were reaching out to share some exciting news. Envato has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by Shutterstock, a leading global creative platform. This agreement is subject to customary conditions and is expected to close in the third quarter of this calendar year. This agreement marks a significant milestone in our journey, and we wanted to take a moment to let you know what this means for you, our Authors. 
Most importantly, Envatos commitment to empowering creatives will continue. The services and support you have come to expect from us, and the relationship we have with you, will remain.
We see this as a pivotal moment in Envatos journey and are excited for the future. We have confidence in the alignment of values and the strong strategic fit that underpin this upcoming union between Envato and Shutterstock.
We will continue to keep you informed of any important updates that come with this transition.
Finally, we want to express our gratitude to you, our authors, for your continued support and dedication to the Envato community. As we move forward, we will continue to listen to the needs of our creative community, build innovative products, and create an environment where your creativity can thrive.
If you are interested in finding out more about the agreement, head to the media statement.
We look forward to shaping the future of creativity with you.

Adobe Stock / Model release
« on: April 18, 2024, 11:27 »
Hi. I'm after some help. Can any point me to the right direction how I can fill the model release for people in Adobe. I have downloaded the form, but slightly confused. Thanks

Pond5 / exclusive with pond5
« on: April 14, 2024, 14:07 »
Hi. so I AM considering going exclusive with pon5 with around 900 clips. the question is, is it worth it? I had my first sale with them this month, and thinking to get the most money from my video.

I did sold more videos on AS, but they have different prices, so each time the sale was different. Thanks

General Stock Discussion / Anyone on RobertHarding?
« on: April 04, 2024, 10:57 »
Hi. I H have been accepted on Robertharding. The question is, is it worth the time and upload on this agency? Seems very smallish one. Thanks

Adobe Stock / Uploading AI images
« on: March 31, 2024, 14:10 »
Hi. So I have uploaded around 260 AI images, and still pending for 2 weeks. I also have uploaded some videos and normal photos after that, and these have been reviewed quicker than Ai images.

Now I am slightly worries, so I've read their policy about their Ai images, not wondering if my account could be banned.

So the question is, does uploading Ai images as first time, takes that long?

Print on Demand Forum / Selling on Fine Art America
« on: March 28, 2024, 13:20 »
Hi. I was wondering, those who are premium membership with FAA, is it worth it ? I know it's only 30$ a year, but will you make that back ? I have around 3k files which will fit into art wall.


General Stock Discussion / Vecteezy contact email
« on: March 28, 2024, 01:40 »
Hi. Does anyone have contact email from Vecteezy, I found out that a lot of images are set to be downloaded for free, even if I haven't given my consent.

General Stock Discussion / 360 images
« on: March 23, 2024, 14:16 »
Hi. Is anyone here have experience selling 360 images? I own insta360 x3 camera and was wondering if anyone here had any success selling such images, and if yes, which platform.

General Stock Discussion / Some experience advice
« on: March 15, 2024, 06:52 »
Hi again. I have sign up with Motion elements and Pixta. I would like to ask whenever it's good to upload on them or no. I requested account deletion for Vecteezy as 1pence per download it's piss taking. Plus they will still use one more 1 year my files.

General Stock Discussion / Experience with Vecteezy?
« on: March 15, 2024, 04:54 »
Hi. Would like to check, how many of you are uploading on this site. I have signed up and uploaded around 2k files. But seems I make 1p per download. Really considering closing it down.

General Stock Discussion / YouTube as a stock
« on: February 20, 2024, 16:09 »

Is there any point uploading my 600 stock videos to YouTube? Someone said it will good for SEO. But then can be downloaded for free.

Hi. I started stock last year, and looking to maximise my income. Has anyone here does POD. Is it worth it?

General Stock Discussion / Best stock sites
« on: February 12, 2024, 11:58 »
Hello everyone. I'm new here.

I started stock photography more serious last year. And I try to upload images every week
I would like to ask experienced people. Which stock sites you'd recommend.

Please note I've been rejected from stocksy and storyblock around 4 times and I quit the Getty Images due of 25 images restrictions on my account.


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