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Topics - stormchaser

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Most of you know that on certain searches for generic terms stock images can rank pretty high. I wonder if when the "artists" put together their book they cleared rights or purchased any needed licenses for their new Google Dictionary book

While intended as an art piece, the artists Ben and Felix are currently looking into having a small run of softcover editions of Google printed to sell.

General Stock Discussion / Yuri Picks His TV Stars
« on: December 14, 2011, 23:48 »

Should be interesting. Funny I will be in Capetown in January and don't even have the desire to do any sleuthing.

3 / Does Shutterstock Employ Resellers?
« on: February 05, 2011, 03:50 »
I'm pretty much out of the microstock loop these days but do try and keep up with a few things. Am I missing something here? Is shutterstock now using a reseller? I have been on SS for a long time but have never known them to employ a reseller. See the link

I was doing some research on a particular shooter to possibly hire and stumbled on this by chance.

The only thing I can think of otherwise is that this is some indie grabbing photos and linking to try and live off referral income. It looks like they are hotlinking the images right from the major sites.

 Well just thought I would bring this to someone's attention. As the page sits now for the food and drink category, looks like one of Lisa Young's images on there and being linked to Dreamstime.

Well just FYI for anyone who wishes to pursue.  

Just wondering if there are any shooters here who actively shoot events, breaking news (fires, etc)?

Just plain curiosity here. I met up with a local camera club guy who wanted to buy one of my lenses, and he had with him a portable scanner, notebook, etc. As we talked he was listening to the scanner and writing things down. He was a little over the top in my opinion. When I ask him if he gets payment for this, he said he's trying to break into the game and actually gets paid for very little of what he shoots.

He says he submits a lot to the local TV stations under that "viewer submitted photos" thing, which in my opinion does nothing more than put aspiring professional journalists out of work, because the stations etc get a constant stream of content for free.

Adobe Stock / Did It - Dumped Fotolia
« on: February 06, 2010, 05:41 »
Fotolia now gone from my list. Many reasons. I actually made the decision to dump them back in December but just didn't get around to it.

I never did get along with their keywording//category system, and after they changed the vector rules it seemed that just about everything I sent got rejected. FO started off like gangbusters for me, and dwindled to a trickle of XS sales. I never did quite get the hand of what sold there. Surprisingly, a of my best sellers on DT, iSTock, SS were rejected by FO. Go figure. It is actually a relief to be out of there.

So with all that's going on there, let's hope the final check clears ;-)

Off Topic / Giant Raid on File Sharing Site in Sweden
« on: March 07, 2009, 14:48 »
I found this interesting. Wonder if there are photo thieves on here as well? More likely a warez and music site I think.

Giant server seized in raid on file-sharing site

Swedish police find computer with 65 terabytes of files

From AP - updated 9:00 a.m. ET, Sat., March. 7, 2009

STOCKHOLM - Police have made a major crackdown on illegal file-sharing by seizing a giant computer server during an apartment raid in a Stockholm suburb, an official said Saturday.

Henrik Ponten, a spokesman at the Swedish Anti-Piracy Bureau, said the server contained about 65 terabytes of files, corresponding to around 16,000 full-length movies.

"The size of the works are gigantic," he said, noting it was one of the biggest pirate server confiscations ever in Sweden.

Police raided the apartment in Brandbergen, in southern Stockholm, in the beginning of February after the anti-piracy bureau filed a report about it, he said.
More here at the source link

Microstock News / PDN Opinions on Veer
« on: February 26, 2009, 01:32 »
And so goes the old debate, micro vs macro, etc. I don't know how I missed this from Feb 23.

One quote from the PDN people
It will be interesting to see if Veer Marketplace takes off... and if it does, how much it cannibalizes the rest of Veer's business.

I really don't have much of an opinion to offer about this scenario. Being a mere speck in the micro photo universe, I don't have much to say about what business deals the company principals make.

Microstock News / Jupitermedia Shareholders Approve Getty Sale
« on: February 24, 2009, 06:15 »
From PDN:

Jupitermedia Shareholders Approve Sale of Jupiterimages to Getty

The Jupitermedia era came to an end February 20, as shareholders voted to sell Jupiters stock agency to Getty Images and rename the rest of the company.

Getty has completed its $96 million acquisition of Jupiterimages, a stock photo brand that includes the StockXpert microstock site and several smaller services that offer multimedia content.

The rest of Jupitermedia will be renamed WebMediaBrands Inc. and will begin trading under the NASDAQ symbol WEBM. The renamed company includes such web properties as, and the Mediabistro site for media professionals.


Here is a link to the rest at PDN if you are interested

Off Topic / - Any Experience with this Web Host?
« on: February 03, 2009, 03:43 »
Saw the ad here and took a look as I am looking to open up some new domains. The deal seems almost too good to be true. Does any have any real experience here or horror stories to tell?

Not really unhappy with my present hosting, but always looking at new possible options.


Off Topic / Ad Referral Program - WidgetBucks
« on: January 21, 2009, 02:42 »
I recently stumbled upon an ad referral program called Widgebucks. It has been outperfoming Ad Sense and the ad content is customizable, meaning that for a photography site, you'll get actual camera deals & stuff not goofy weight loss schemes.

If anyone wants to give it a try here is my referral link - yes it does have a referral program.

General Stock Discussion / Show Your Dreamstime T-shirts Contest
« on: December 10, 2008, 17:56 »
Scratching my head still trying to figure this one out. How deluded is DT in thinking a buyer would actually purchase these images?

First off, the way I understand it, the contest is supposedly "fashion - show the tshirts", but browsing the entries shows froggie with DT eyeballs, swirly curvy vector, feet in bed dreaming of DT. Have nothing against the images per se, but is the feet in bed a tshirt fashion shot?

Another point is that the images look to be under a general RF license. So what happens if an unknowing buyer uses an image with the DT logo in an ad? Does DT sue for trademark infringement?

Just wondering if anyone at DT really thought this one through? 

Your thoughts?

General Stock Discussion / High Speed Images
« on: November 19, 2008, 18:38 »
Awesome collection of high speed photography. You just have to see some of these.

I dabble in high speed from time to time, have had a few accepted to stock. But I only do it when I have the time to do the cleanup afterwards  :)

Off Topic / So You Want To Shoot The Big Time
« on: November 17, 2008, 14:56 »
Have a look at what it's really like through the eyes of the great David Burnett. If you think you "just show up and shoot", well that isn't true at all.

See "The Olympics You Didn't See" at

<iframe src="" width="500" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe>

He even took his Holga  :) Very enjoyable video.

General Stock Discussion / Which Site Will be Next to TanK?
« on: November 12, 2008, 00:57 »
With recent economic stress and recent closure of PhotoShelter and demise of Dig Railroad, just wonder what sales venue(s) will go under next.

I really thought Albumo would be a goner by now, but still alive.

General Stock Discussion / Tracking Individual Image Sales?
« on: October 29, 2008, 16:01 »
Does anyone here track individual image sales? If so, wondering what methods do you use?

Is it important to you to see sales trends, such as how one agency performs with certain images against another? For instance, does it matter to you that the red haired female model outperforms the blond haired female model? Or if a certain pose sells better than others?

Just wondering how far people go in tracking, and if such tracking is useful in assessing sales potential of future projects.

If there was an automated utility available to perform such tasks, would you use it? Just kicking some ideas around here as my portfolio is approaching critical mass.

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