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Topics - MarcvsTvllivs
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« on: May 14, 2018, 01:52 »
Does anybody know how to actually get a response to something from Getty? They never respond to inquiries through their ticket system, that's for sure.
The background is that I want to use one of my Getty exclusive images for a fine art publication and while the exhibition part of it appears to clearly exempt from the exclusivity, the publication part of doesn't... but of course I can't let the curator/publisher wait for months.
« on: April 01, 2018, 10:32 »
I keep seeing images of mine around the web, mostly on Chinese websites, with the watermark that is on all images on at this address: https://kknews.cc/history/8bj62jn.htmlI can't read Chinese, so I am not sure what the two characters before the "IC" mean. Googling didn't help. Does anybody know what the source of that watermark is? The background is that I would like to find out whether this is actual theft or a Chinese partner agency of one of my agencies that does not report their sales...
« on: September 22, 2016, 03:37 »
I logged in to contribute.getty.com on the 20th (when they usually do their report) and instead of the report got a message that they were having technical issues and that the report would be late. Now when I try to log in, it says "sorry, your account has been disabled". Is anybody else experiencing this?
« on: April 04, 2016, 09:52 »
And why I am getting less than $6 for a footage sale? Never had these before. Not enthused.
« on: February 04, 2016, 16:16 »
As a EU-based contributor who is liable to pay VAT, I have to follow EU VAT regulations. For EU cross-border b2b license sales -- i.e. when I receive money from an agency that is in another EU member state -- that means that I need to report the amounts to my local tax authority together with the buyer's EU VAT ID. The idea is that the buyer has to pay his local VAT rates on the transaction (so-called "reverse charge"). This has not been a problem with most agencies. AGE Fotostock for example is very good at following these rules.
Not Alamy. They allow me to register for VAT payments only if I have a UK ID, which I do not. When I ask them what to do, they say "no need to worry about VAT if you're from another member state.", which is wrong.
Has anybody else encountered this problem? And if so, how did you solve it? It is my duty to report the sale here at home and to give them Alamy's VAT ID with the report, but I have a feeling that Alamy won't be too amused if I do that and their own tax man comes after them for not having paid UK VAT on the sale...
« on: June 25, 2015, 10:00 »
I just realized that an image of mine that is exclusive with Getty -- and accordingly hasn't been uploaded for sale anywhere else -- is on Corbis, credited to my name and the Ocean collection.
Does anybody know what that's all about?
« on: August 17, 2014, 12:56 »
« on: March 29, 2014, 04:56 »
So I know there has been some discussion, griping and ridicule of Age's "Low Budget Royalty Free" collection, which essentially separates out and brands microstock photos in their own, low cost group. Like a good ole' sheep, I have always submitted my microstock images to that collection on Age, because that's how it's supposed to be, right?
Well, after scanning through their legal material once more the other day I realized I cannot find the wording that says so. Has anybody else looked this up? Are we actually legally bound to submit micro photos only to LBRF on Age, or could we submit them to Pixtal (their regular RF collection)?
« on: February 25, 2014, 10:54 »
Guys and gals--
My company is running a promotion in the local clubs and we will be doing a (manned) photo booth. Being the only photographer on staff the technical implementation has largely fallen to me, but I haven't done this before. I am going to work with a branded backdrop and one or two (haven't quite decided) studio strobes firing into reflector umbrellas. For the camera I will use my Canon 6D.
Now, what software would you use? We could bring either an iPad or a Mac (or both). I would like to use the 6D's amazing Wifi tether and put software on the device that would
a) allow people to enter their email so that they can receive the photos and, of course, our marketing emails b) allow people to see their photo right then and there
Now, I could do both these things separately by tethering the camera to Lightroom on the Mac and showing the photo there but having people enter their email to a list on the iPad. Easy, but could be a huge mess because emails need to be manually matched to photos later, or everyone needs to be directed to a page containing all photos. Not very professional.
Therefore, I would like a software that could embed (or otherwise assign) the email into the photo in one workflow. Does something like that exist?
« on: February 10, 2014, 11:06 »
Hello everybody!
I suddenly find myself on the buyer's side and being a contributor I of course want to abide by all licenses. That has led me to realize that some licenses do not allow (or severely limit) the use of photos on Social Media sites like Facebook. Can someone help me? Where should I go to buy photos for commercial use on our company profile and in Facebook-ads?
« on: January 25, 2014, 06:11 »
I just received my first payment from Getty/Flickr. It's even decent ($71). However, I can't for the life of me figure out how to see which of my images on Getty sold. There is nothing on the Getty/Flickr "Sales and Stats" tab (and some text about it not being used anymore? Why display it then? Weird.) and in my Getty "Royalties" page it just states the amount and the month of the sale, not which image sold. Am I missing something?
« on: November 07, 2013, 17:03 »
Has anybody recently tried to leave (or left) Depositphotos? I am thinking about it and have two questions:
1) Do they just "deactivate" the account and the files (as they do with individual files -- no delete option)?
2) Do they pay out the remaining balance even if it is below payout threshold? If so, do they charge some bogus fee for it?
Thanks for the help!
« on: July 24, 2012, 03:29 »
Just when I was beginning to think that they don't actually offer any of the pictures I upload for sale, there are 3 sales through their partner DDP at a whooping .49 commission each!  Oh well, two of them are micros, so I guess those are actually good commissions. The third one is a RM picture though. How . can they sell an RM license for .49 commission?! Price was set to "standard", which makes me wonder what happens if you set the price to "micro"...
« on: May 18, 2012, 10:45 »
I just noticed that a photo of mine was taken off Flickr without a license. On the up side, at least they gave credit. But this can't be ok, can it (as in this can't be covered by Flickr's terms)? Here's the link: http://news.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474981276875I am also selling a slightly different version as RM through Alamy and the like. Is there anything I can do? I usually don't bother, but then the other cases were mostly Russian websites where I figured it's not worth even contacting them.
« on: May 11, 2012, 07:48 »
"Images taken on the Harvard University campus are unacceptable as commercial content or editorial."
One of the most stupid rejection reasons on Shutterstock. And especially annoying because my Harvard pictures sell well. What . is the rationale behind this? There are hundreds of images taken on Harvard campus on SS right now, by the way. Some of them mine. *sigh*
« on: April 29, 2012, 13:32 »
I am currently using a Canon Rebel T2i but have been thinking about an upgrade for a while. I love the 7D, but in the end it's got the same sensor as the T2i and is getting a bit dated. Fascinated by the SLT technology, I played around with a Sony a77 at a store the other day and I was completely awestruck. I might have to change systems... the handling and the ergonomics are amazing, the price is good, and build quality feels a lot better than Canon. Of course I couldn't test IQ or anything in depth.
So my question is: Is anybody here working with an a77? How do you like it? What's the pros and cons?
« on: March 27, 2012, 17:26 »
Just received the following mail from Zoonar: Dear photographers,
we have important news for you:
1. We are pleased to present Getty Images as our new distribution partner. As of now you can only submit photos which dont require a model or property release. We hope to offer you a new release management tool by the middle of 2012, which will make it possible for you to submit photos that require a release. Getty Images has generated high sales through its platforms Jupiterimages and Thinkstock which has made many photographers want to submit photos for this partner. We are expectant to see how many photos will be accepted by Getty Images. We have no figures based on experience yet, but we hope that most of your photos will be accepted. It is required however, that your submitted photos are not already on sale at Veer or Corbis.
2. We are also pleased about the number of submitted photos in our partner system. Because of high revenue generated by Getty, AGE, DPP Fotofinder and the other partners we get a lot more submissions now than a few months ago. Unfortunately, our costs for keywording, checking, translating, captioning and deleting photos has risen considerably.
For our partner system to be sustained and further expanded we need to decrease the commission rate from 60% to now 50%. We will change our terms and conditions accordingly, starting on 06/01/2012. From then on your commission rate for all sales through our partner network will be 50%. For your sales at Zoonar you will still get a commission rate of up to 80%.
Because we change our terms and conditions on 06/01/2012 you have a special right of termination within a period of four weeks beginning at reception of this newsletter. Should you wish to withdraw your photos from our partners please send us an email to [email protected] with your username and the names of the partners you wish to withdraw from until 04/30/2012. We kindly ask you for your understanding once more and we assure you that the additional money we receive is invested in our partner network and the distribution of your photos.
Kind regards, Your Zoonar TeamThis should be a good thing, right?
« on: March 01, 2012, 14:02 »
My Veer account has been stuck in the registration/approval process for months now. I have about 50 approved images, but they do not show in search. In Workspace it says that my tax forms are being reviewed. The link to redo the tax forms eventually leads to an error message ("try again later"). I have repeatedly tried to reach someone at Veer. The Corbis employees that man the help chat are very nice and try to help, but they are salespeople and don't know how to do contributor support. I have mailed to all the addresses they gave me, but to no avail. The best result was at [email protected]: I received an out of office reply telling me that there would be nobody there on January 2 (I tried this today). All this leads me to ask: Does anybody else have these problems? How can I reach them? And: Is Veer even worth all this trouble?
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