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Topics - Fastmediamarco

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General Photography Discussion / Photographers club to open
« on: December 08, 2009, 07:25 »
Hotshoe magazine is opening a members club for photographers in London. It's a place to work, relax between jobs and meet other photographers. The club will open in January and will also take foreign membership. It's in the same building as their new photo gallery.

If this hasn't been picked up here yet I thought this would be an interesting discussion to follow:

Techdirt has written about Microstock in response to a post on Photobusinessnews. This is some of the things that Photobusinessnews wrote:

The profits in microstock are like end products where the pollution dumped into fragile eco-systems as a part of the process is simply disregarded.

In the same vein of thinking, microstock photographers have little to no regard for the damage they are doing to the photographic environment, causing immensely talented photographers to close up shop.

Techdirt doesn't agree and says:

In the end, it really comes down to how you deal with it. Do you whine and stomp your feet and compare the new world to pollution? Or do you figure out how to adapt? Economic progress doesnt care in the slightest how much you liked how things used to be.

I think it's interesting how the opinions still differ so much on the subject...

yesterday I  have started a project with the readers of my magazine. I have asked all photographers to answer a single question:

What is the single most important thing you have done that made you a better and/or more successful photographer? (In max 50 words). (

Responses are coming in quite rapidly and I will organise and publish them for everyone to look at. It would be great to get the microstock perspective here as well.

Thanks, I hope you enjoy the answers and the ideas

Here are some of the responses:

Put my camera down while photographing a deadly accident

There was a key moment at the beginning of my transition from assisting to shooting for myself where I was at a party with lots of ad folks and I decided to take myself seriously, and I presented myself that
way. I got my first ad gig from those connections.

Continuing Education - the more I can learn from my fellow photographers on an on-going basis the better I become

left half my gear at home. took a 5d, 24-70 and 2 fashguns

General Stock Discussion / Alamy revenues down 30%
« on: November 05, 2009, 01:20 »
This came out yesterday. They do believe things are getting better but have seen a big decline so far this year.

I interviewed Thought Equity Motion this week. While they are obviously focussed on motion (video) what they are trying to do is universal. They will move from being a library only to a company that provides 'contextual media'.

When applied to photography and microstock the concept of providing context around core content will create new volume and opportunity. The concept implies that if you have a central piece of content, whether it's music, a sport event, text etc you offer other content around it that gives further informaton, depth and entertainment.

For commercial photography this could mean showing travel photography (which can be purchased for prints for example) around a travel story. Just thinking out loud here of course.

Getty's partnership with Daylife also points in this direction. The article is quite long but gives insight in a company that is allready working on this.

What do you think?

I uploaded a new video (by reeldealHD) with a seminar that was held at the conference of the Picture Archive Council of America. This one is about how far Google has progressed with visual search and specific technology Imense is using to advance visual search. It's pretty long so I summarised the highlights. I hope that, like with the keynote speech, this will be useful.

There will be one further video from the conference

There's a bit of a fight going on here in the UK between the association of Picture libraries and one of its members: I'll keep on following it as it develops

Microstock News / Pixmac adds Dreamstime to offering
« on: October 30, 2009, 08:01 »
Pixmac, the microstock aggregator has added dreamstime to their product line up that allready had fotolia:

I posted an article about a company called Demand Media on my magazine site and it kind of threw me of course. This company is a massive "content generating machine" that automatically produces lists of subjects that will be popular (it uses algorithms), pays contributors $15-$20 to produce it and then publishes it on their own community sites or sells it to publishers and corporations to fill up their sites with more content.

As far as I can see it's mostly text and video now but you'd think that this model can also be applied to Microstock quite easily. I'm not quite sure yet what to make of it. Do you think this is this a threat or an opportunity for Microstock?

Imagerights International is a company that just launched at Photoplus. It helps track unlicensed images used online with a combination of technologies. It's a bit like picscout but for individual photographers. Before the launch I interviewed Ted VanClaeve who is an artist and co-founder of the company. The article is here

ps, I have no relations, agreements or kickbacks with any of the companies I have interviewed

I thought it would be good to know the latest on what PACA thinks about the future of the industry and some of the opportunities. I have just received the video of the keynote speech that was given last week. Maria Kessler talks about looking at changes in other industries and how to use those learnings to secure the future for Stock Photography

Here it is:

Let me know if you find this useful. I'll have some more video on the event later.


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