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Topics - ikostudio

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Last months I'm trying to get my Tax Profile approved on Bigstock but with no sucess, this is first time that I'm having problems with bisgtock after 15 years with them...

They say that I have different names on my account and in my Tax Profile, I'm trying to correct things but every time they say that names are not the same and to correct the names.

In my account profile I have: My First name as Last name only, just as they asking, and the site only have space for it

In my Tax Profile, I have my Full name on both fields.

And in my Tax Center, I can't send a new one until I get my Tax Profile Aproved, but I know that on the last W8BEN form I send it I have my Full name.

I already try to change with every combinations: on my tax profile my first name and last name only to correspond with my Profile account, or in my profile account submit my First and Second name on 1 field, and my third name and family name on 2 field. But they never aprove my Tax Profile, even after several emails send.

Anyone can help me? How do you fill the names to have things approved.


Can please someone find some similarities on this images?

The first one is mine, the second not. Maybe its not easy to prove but not that hard to. Do you think that the balloons are the same? I'm pretty sure that are and the user change the composition and colors in photoshop like I have done to. But i am he owner and have the raw file of the balloons to prove.
Even the shades and glare and colors of the balloons are the same.

Tell me what you think.




Yha I know Pepsi is the poor parent of CocaCola, and maybe they don't have enough money to buy images for advertising.

Do you think that 123rf will do something about this?
Or what can I do?


Cameras / Lenses / What is the best lens?
« on: April 08, 2008, 18:23 »
Hi :)

This month i want to buy a new lens, i was thinking in a 70-200 F2,8 L USM or the new 70-200 F4 IS USM.

I want opinions, whats the best?
The price is almost the same.

Thank you!

Off Topic / Finally my new Website is ALIVE
« on: February 27, 2008, 19:16 »
Hi people!

Finaly my new website is finished, i hope you go take a look and enjoy them.

I think the designer made a great job.

Please Let me now what you think about the Site!

Thank You

Erik Reis

General Stock Discussion / It’s that possible?
« on: January 21, 2008, 15:39 »
Just a small question!
I have a friend that wants to start selling illustrations in some Micro Stock websites.
And he want use some of images to create vectors of people silhouettes.

If I sign a property release, he can use my images to create vectors? It’s that possible?

Thank You! :)

Erik Reis
aka "IKO"

7 / How to Upload Model Releases to ALAMY?
« on: September 17, 2007, 17:32 »
Hi everybody!

I need some help, I now its late here where I live and I am a little tired or maybe I'm  a little blind.
I dont found a way to introduce model releases to Alamy website.

I search in all site i dont find any informations.

Thank you

Erik Reis  ???

8 / Im so happy!
« on: July 05, 2007, 17:02 »
I am the new featured photographer on Dreamstime...
And im already notice that my sales are better then ever.
 :) :D ;D

Thank you Dreamstime!

9 / Whats happen with StockXpert?
« on: June 07, 2007, 15:54 »
Today i try to upload a lot of new pictures to StockXpert, but they not assume the IPTC data, so i have to insert all my keywords manually. I use the AdobeBridge CS3 and i never had this problem?

Anyone have the same problem?

Pages: [1]


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