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Topics - jamirae
Pages: [1]
« on: July 04, 2012, 19:00 »
anyone heard of these guys and/or have any experience with this site? http://www.imagebrief.com/I just got a tweet sent to me about it and was curious, but so far, it's just curiosity. I was wondering about how the licensing is handled, their intro video says that once a buyer picks an image, "a license is generated" but that's it. Not much details (that I can find) regarding the photographer side. maybe more if you actually sign up, but this is all I see http://www.imagebrief.com/photographers
« on: May 08, 2012, 16:01 »
anybody else get one of these invitations to complete a buyer survey? I haven't done the survey yet, but probably will later when I have 10-12 minutes to spare. Seems a little bit of "too little, too late" if you ask me. here's the text from the email: We <3 you (that's a heart emoticon in case no one's ever sent you one) and what you do with images.
Now maybe you've been going somewhere other than iStock for images; could you take 10-12 minutes, tell us what you see in these other companies and give us the chance to fix things between us?
We just want you to be happy and if that means we have to change, by gum, that's what we'll do. So please, tell us how we compare to others and we swear, this one's dedicated to you!
unique link to survey removed
Thanks for your participation! Love, The iStock Customer Research Team
« on: May 04, 2012, 12:06 »
have no idea how long this has happened since I dont visit iStock on a regular basis like I used to, but I noticed today that my canister has changed from a diamond (for 25,000+ downloads) down to a Gold. I know in the scheme of things it is meaningless except that it does indicate how "downloaded" your portfolio is.
didn't see a bug about this on the istock forum but thought I'd ask here - anyone else notice a change in your canister color?
maybe it's because they have decided to screw me again and now the canister is not total downloads but only photos? that would make sense, but I dont recall when that happened or an announcement about it.
just another demoralizing thing they do to contributors I suppose.
« on: January 31, 2012, 14:30 »
okay, maybe I'm missing something, I went to the polls page, and the last time I voted was sometime early January for my December numbers. So I went there to see what I had voted last month since tomorrow is Feb 1 and I wanted to see what I had put last month.
I see the page shows that I (supposedly) voted in a bunch of categories where I do not even have a portfolio (i.e. BigStock, CreStock, 123Rf, etc). I know I didn't vote in these, I only have accounts at a small handful of agencies. Plus.. the page says I can't vote again until March. Strange. Is anyone else seeing weird results like this? here's a screenshot of what I see:
« on: August 01, 2011, 15:25 »
Kiva is having a reach out promotion.. if you're not part of Kiva and the MicrostockGroup Kiva Teamp - get over and sign up now and you'll get $25 free to lend out! http://kiva.organd be sure to join the MSG Team! http://www.kiva.org/team/microstockgroup
« on: June 23, 2011, 22:43 »
So, I dropped my exclusivity at iStock last October but so far have only uploaded photos to the other sites. I've been trying to decide if it's worth it or not to upload my vectors (my maps are one of my most popular things in my iStock portfolio) to other sites. It seems the other sites with the subscriptions will be giving away my vectors and I'll be earning less than a dollar on them. I make better at iStock and am thinking about going exclusive for vectors only at iStock. has anyone done this? are some of the sites selling vectors for more and just selling the JPG versions for the cheap price?
(should I have posted this in the illustrations forum?)
« on: May 21, 2011, 17:42 »
okay, this is weird.
I have the iPhone app from21TORR and was just checking my downloads - it shows 5 downloads more than what I see on the iStock website. a few things to note: - I am not in the partner program - I checked subscriptions and delayed royalties, nothing.
the most recent two downloads show on the iphone app and the website. the next 5 after that (all from today) only show on the iphone app and not the website. then there are 2 more downloads for today that show up on the iphone app and the web.
is there something weird going on here or did I miss looking someplace?
and.. I just checked and a few of those 5 images show on the istock website as having zero downloads when this should be their first download.
« on: March 09, 2011, 17:13 »
In case you all missed it: http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=312142&page=1From RogerMexico (aka Andrew) A week from today we will be doing another lump removal of royalties attributed to verified fraudulent downloads that occurred in January and February 2011. Today we are sending out an email to everyone affected, detailing the downloads affected and the amounts that will be removed for each one. We will remove these royalties on March 16.
The bulk of the unauthorized downloads in question took place in January. Since then we have seen a significant reduction in fraud. The amount of royalties removed for February was only about 10% of January.
We know how difficult it is to find out that royalties were fraudulent a month after the fact. We do not plan to do another mass pull of royalties like this again.
« on: March 09, 2011, 12:29 »
is it just me or does it seem like there's a lot of micromanaging going on in the istock forums? http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=309072&page=14I can understand trying to keep people on topic but geez, locking the thread discussing Feb earnings because people started talking about recent earnings. Give me a break. this seems to be a trend -- no more "+1", total revamp of the Pimp thread, despite the overwhelming posts to keep it as it was.. etc.
« on: March 07, 2011, 11:00 »
saw this on the twitter last nite: "shutterstock, fotolio, istock and others have a huge competitor coming in vettaimages.com. were [sic] launching mobile and internet national adds [sic]" anyone hear about this? I wonder how well iStock will take this use of the term "vetta" -- do you think they have that copyrighted? also.. I hope they use better grammar (spelling) when they do run their advertisements (or "adds").
« on: January 03, 2011, 11:37 »
From the thread "And the Pay rise is..." -- I posted this there, but it probably is better as its own topic. Pixmac just made a pretty nice announcment about pay rises. They may not be iS or SS or whatever, but they way they're going it's a bright start 
I just read this and was wondering if anyone here is using Pixmac. I had not really paid much attention to them - they look more like a reseller of images from dreamstime and some other sites but you can also directly upload to them. Is anyone using them and have they been growing as it seems to indicate? I see from the monthly earnings survey that they are a low earner (or at least not reported much by MSG members). also.. MSG blog post about it is here http://blog.microstockgroup.com/major-press-release-from-pixmac-fairness-in-front/
« on: December 07, 2010, 23:22 »
okay, I cannot for the life of me get the FTP connection to work on Fotolia. I see that I have to use the special FTP login and combine the username with the password and all that, but no matter what combination I try, I keep getting an "bad login" or I/O error when I try to connect. is there some sort of port or passive/active connection that I need to set? I've looked through the FAQs on the site and all I see is clarification of which usernam/login and password I need to use. Which I've done.
I've tried changing my password, all lowercase.. yadada yada.. it's got to be something simple. anyone have any tips?
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Microstock Poll Results