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Topics - stokfoto

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1 / Does the sale report disappear when refunded?
« on: October 18, 2012, 18:37 »
Received a refund notification from IS  but  as far as I know  (might be wrong though) even if the file was refunded  I should still be able to see this among my sale reports. Having checked my sales for the exact date  when the files had been purchased I haven't see it being reported there
Do you think the sale somehow might not have been  reported at all? ( a bug or something??) There is a week between the purchase and the refund btw. a

any ideas?


General - Stock Video / Video sales on IS??
« on: September 21, 2012, 08:22 »
I am an exclusive videographer  on IS and have more than 500 approved footages there, I know that is not a big port , but lately sales have been absolutely terrible  not even getting a single sale over a week or ten days. and even when I get sales somehow it all shrunk to small web size ,which doesn't bring much

I was wondering if it is only me affected by it, I notice footage prices a bit higher on IS now, especially SS and FT offering  subs, I don't know if this has a bad effect on  IS video sales. But these days I am seriously considering  dropping exclusivity ,lately it has been so disappointing,and it all started all of a sudden, things were fine until lately:(

Adobe Stock / How fast you can fall?
« on: June 09, 2012, 08:13 »
I am experiencing a dramatic decline  in sales on FT. i was wondering if it has something to do with one of these best match shifts again? my 7 day rank was usually around 600 to 700 but for last couple of months I guaranteed a good place below 5000 ,wow!!, all of a sudden customers decided not to my pics any more? I was wondering if it is only me?  BTW I've  got around 2K files there.

I think I lost some of my model relases do  you think soft copy would still be valid ,or had I better ask for new ones? it is not always possible thoguh

5 / I can't describe??????????
« on: April 05, 2010, 06:15 »
Lately I have been getting a lot of rejections from IS for the shoot description on model release not being good (or descriptive )enough .I am quite puzzled.What do you guy write in this section. I usually include the terms like stock photo session xx(number)  but they kept rejection these. As far as understood they want me to include exactly which photos are model released so probably they want me to include detailed info on every single shoot I do of the model. but what they are missing out is  that on the MR I am using it already indicates that all the photos  of the model taken on that date are released. do you have any tip on make the long story short a brief way to describe. because I usually do variety of subject at one session and including them one by one as part of the description is quite t time consuming and boring.

thanks for your input in advance

Canon / 5d mark ii new firmware update 2.0.3
« on: March 04, 2010, 13:11 »
Long anticipated update seems to have finally arrived:) includes 24 25 30fps :) no words on 60fps though

New cameras are said to  already come with the new firmware ;) so it should be released any time soon

7 / Has IS changed best match again?
« on: December 30, 2009, 11:38 »
I know it is not the perfect time  of year to judge but lately I only sale really old files of mine.I was wondering if they changed the best match algorithm somehow?  Any ideas?it that's so I am quite disappointed as I notice a certain decrease in sales but then again may be I should wait and see what will happen after holiday season

Thanks for your input in advance

8 / Santa,new year is it irrelevant?
« on: December 16, 2009, 17:39 »
lately I included the keyword "New year "  for some of my father xmas files .IS reviewers  found these irrelevant and removed  the kws. I wonder if they realise that Santa Claus is the  symbol of new year  for  many non-Christian countries?

Canon / cheap mount rings How risky is it???
« on: October 28, 2009, 11:22 »
I am thinking of  getting a tripod mount ring for my  canon 70 200 f4 IS lens. but the price range for the products in the market are so huge. canon brand rings are sold at  $149 at BHphoto  also there are cheap third party options  on ebay  of which prices about $30-50. but I found this  cheap third party which is roughly  only about $10.

I am not considering getting the canon one as I find it too expensive. but how risky do you think it would be to get the cheapest one. at the end of the day it just looks like a piece of simple metal to me but I might be wrong though. so I'd like to hear your opinions.

Thanks in advance

Canon / Firmware update for 5D mark II for 24- 25fps
« on: October 20, 2009, 16:14 »
isn't that just great news. Canon just announced that it would release  a new firmware update that will enable the 5d users to shoot at 24 0r 25 frame per second:))) Nice one Canon.Thank you so much!

here are the details

And of course they also announced the new 1D mark IV

and it will cost almost 5000 in the Uk? wow!

12 / Uploading issue????
« on: August 14, 2009, 20:31 »
Lately I am  experiencing a strange problem while uploading to IS. I was wondering if it was just me?
Some files take ages to upload and sometime they   don't even seem to be  uploaded at all. And then they suddenly appear among my unfinished files in edit page of IS? it drives me mad as it make the slow  uploading process even slower >:(

ETA: it's nothing to do with file size or my internet connection speed.But it might be because IS's servers might be busy don't know!

13 / Out of focus rejections on the rise?
« on: July 24, 2009, 07:07 »
It was long ago that I learned  not to be too concerned about rejections  and move on as it is a part of this business but the reason why opened that thread is  that lately I have been getting  rejections from SS for  some of  my images being out of focus,which is not true as all the files accepted everywhere else including IS. What I suspect is that may be some reviewers  might be checking the focus accuracy by using a software(rather than viewing at %100)  which I think could be very deceptive because for instance I  use DPP (Canon's bundle software( to process my raw files )and there you have the option to check the AF point used for the picture.But this information isn't always accurate.because I use the closest AF point to focus my targeted focus area then I lock the AF by pressing the shutter release half way down  then recompose and shoot. Let's say if I focused on the eyes but used the  AF point that is  closer to  the ear ,and when checked on  the software (like DPP)it will  show the focus point on the hair ,which is  misleading I think as it can only tell which AFpoint was used rather than  where the focus actually is

I was wondering if you had similar experience.

PS: it can't be an optical quality issue as I am using L glasses on my 5d m2 and usually shoot on tripod

Canon / best lens repairs service in London??
« on: June 29, 2009, 09:54 »
my beloved 17 40 seems to have some problems:(
  A while ago I  accidentally knocked  my lens on the door while  the camera was hanging from my shoulder with the strap. just after that when I tried to focus  it didn't work  I un-mounted it and mounted it back  then it seemed to be working  but   after using the lens yesterday I noticed all the images came out blurry .I did a quick test at home using a tripod  and the results were absolutely disappointing.   any ideas what might have  happened and I would like to get it checked but unfortunately it is no longer under warranty. I was wondering if you have  any suggestion on where I should get it fixed in London.   in some forums they recommend  lehmanns and fixation  does any of you have any experience with them? or would it be wiser to send it to a canon repair service?  I hope it is not going to be too expensive to get it done.

thank you very much for your responses in advance?

15 / can't see the security code????
« on: June 23, 2009, 21:42 »
I have tried to log in to SS but I can't see the security code neither on  firefox nor on IE.I was wondering if it's just me or do you experience the same.?

General Stock Discussion / TAX in the UK??
« on: April 11, 2009, 18:51 »
Can anyone please tell  me what is the tax process is like for (micro) stock photography earnings.I am about to set up a business in the UK as self-employed  and I would like to know how I could prove my microstock  earnings. I use paypal as payment  method and the money will be transferred to a UK bank. Would  it be enough to send the  print outs of my pay-out reports  and paypal transaction print outs to tax people?? ?

I have checked an older thread here but I am not sure if got the answer there.!-(/

thank you  very much for your help in advance

Canon / Canon EOS 500D / REBEL T1i
« on: March 25, 2009, 04:45 »
it comes with full HD video feature and 15.1 MP
more details are here.

Cameras / Lenses / another firmware upgrade for 5d mark ii?
« on: March 05, 2009, 13:35 »
according to there are rumors going around that canon would release another firmware upgrade for 5d mark ii in first week of april. and there are also expectations canon would add more manual controls over the video feature. if true ,wouldn't that  be sweeeet! .

btw : I finally  got my 5d m2  today and the battery is charging, I can't wait to give it a go:)

Computer Hardware / best low budget LCD for photo editing ?
« on: March 01, 2009, 07:36 »
I am currenlty looking for an LCD screen to attach to my laptop and use for photo retouching. my budget is around usd 300 ,I'd like to know if you have any suggestions. size isn't of paramount importance  for now so I can do with 19" to 22"

thank you very much for your help in advance. I am going to buy it in the UK so I'd appreciate it if you could post a URL too I did   googled  it but unfortunately I couldn't find what i am looking for

20 / do you set restriction?
« on: February 17, 2009, 07:58 »
I was wondering if you set "editorial use only" restriction on  your photos that hasn't model release or property release ? obviously while I am preparing an  image for sale (after approval) I clearly indicate that I don't have the releases but   what I wonder is if that is it a must or is it optional to set editorial use only restriction because since the restriction is  not automatically applied and user has to set it manually it kind of looks optional. I have been choosing the restriction option for such files but would it limit chances of sales? and what risks would involve if I didn't set the restriction on files that would normally require  model or property release.

Thank you very much for your input in advance.

21 / IS new look,do you like it?
« on: February 05, 2009, 16:53 »
Just checked IS and noticed some changes especially with zoom thumbs has a black border. I am not sure if I like it or just seems strange to my eyes.I guess I'll have to get used to it?

hold on a minute,it's gotta be something to do with best match 2.0 too.Now I am nervous:(

22 / Site upgrade
« on: January 15, 2009, 19:09 »
you might have already noticed this statement on your  StockXpert  profile page:
quoted from StockXpert :

We'll be upgrading our site on Thursday, Jan. 22nd beginning at 9:00 PM EST. Images will not be available for download for a few hours. We hope this advance notice will help you plan your projects accordingly.

I wonder if there is going to be a major change and if this is related to getty takeover?

Canon / Canon solves " black dot " issue on 5d mark ii
« on: January 09, 2009, 11:37 »
those who already own the camera should know this by now but Canon has released updated firmware for canon 5d mark ii to fix the black dot issue and banding problem. according to what I read , those who updated firmware to the latest version are happy with the result. new firmware can be downloaded here
I haven't got the camera yet so I couldn't try myself:(

eta:oh well ,there are also some people who are not happy with the solution and they think canon brought white dots instead of the black one with the firmware upgrade and they believe it was the hardware causing the problem not the software  I don't know???????????????????

General Stock Discussion / is the holiday season over,yet?
« on: January 07, 2009, 05:51 »
my sales have been significantly slow since  mid dec 2008 and it continues till now  as expected . I hope  sales will start to pick up  soon since the first week of jan is over. I would like to know how your experience  is  and expectations on when sale would get back to normal?


General - Stock Video / RM Stock footage
« on: December 19, 2008, 13:10 »
I am looking for stock video sites that sells  stock videos  with RM license .I am not talking about the big guys like getty but things like Pond5 if I am not wrong pond5  only sells RF?
 your advice  will be much appreciated too.thank you in advance

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