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Topics - roboz
Pages: [1]
« on: August 26, 2019, 19:39 »
Hi everyone,
Just wondering if I missed something ... I am about to upload some older footage to Adobestock. Out of curiosity I searched their content and found already the clips online! With me as the author and the source Adobestock/Pond5.
I can't remember of any partnership between these two. And I can't remember agreeing to share my files on both sites.
I didn't contact Adobestock yet, thought maybe someone here can give me a clue.
Thanks in advance,
« on: July 04, 2019, 19:35 »
Hi everyone,
So far I called myself a lucky Shutterstock Contributor as my Clip Sales gained in general reasonable royalties. I had a few of the $1.50 sales, though, but now even that got 'topped'.
$0.60 for an HD clip of 29 seconds!
I sent a complaint to Contributor Support ... to be answered by a "fellow" contributor ...
"Hi, My name is [xxxx] and Im a fellow Shutterstock contributor for over 9 years and also an expert user. Im happy to look into this issue for you.
Shutterstock offers promotional deals or bulk packages from time to time. This sale is part of that program. Unfortunately, there is no way to opt out of these sales, but at least this will help to raise that footage in the search engine placement.
If you need more information, please let me know and I will reroute your request to Shutterstock agents for providing possible help."
I don't take the microstock business serious anymore, take the royalties as a welcome pocket money on top of my income, but still, this hurts, feels like a prank.
Btw: this "fellow" contributor posted only once in the Shutterstock Forum, back in 2010, I can't find his portfolio, if there is one, but he managed in the meantime to answer 9,510 of our questions and complaints ...
« on: October 06, 2017, 00:40 »
Hi everyone, I have noticed that my Royalty Statements haven't been updated since 01 August 2017. My attempt to contact the customer support failed, as I always get the annoying message: 'Oops! An unexpected error has occurred. The error may be transient but has been logged. If you continue to encounter problems, you can contact customer support.' Yeah, very funny  Anyone else with the same problem or any idea, how to contactthe support? Thx in advance Rob
« on: October 02, 2015, 02:01 »
I noticed this morning (Australian Time) that more than a hundred new entries in some Asian language appeared over night in the Discussion Forum. And it becomes more widespread while writing here. I have contacted Vince, but he might be still asleep. I noticed already yesterday, that my Footage Gallery was switched to Chinese or Korean or whatever, although I didn't touch that option. And furthermore, 2.5GB uploaded footage clips disappeared (but there might be another reason for it), not showing up in my Submission Folder. Something is going on in the background - and that is not good. Hope, Admin is waking up soon and sort it out quickly!
« on: September 02, 2013, 20:25 »
Hi Folks,
For several months now I can't display my Image Gallery Stats in order of purchase. All I get is a message telling me "None of your photos have been downloaded from a 25-A-Day subscription". But that is obviously not the topic here.
I have contacted support twice over the time (last contact 7th August). Twice I received the answer: "This is a known bug to us. We are working on it to solve it." Nothing happened, yet.
I wonder if it is really a general problem and more members have the same issue or am I the only one and SS doesn't bother to fix it. I couldn't find any discussion about it here at MSG, though.
The Image Gallery Stats are not essential but a nice feature, especially to see the trends in sales.
Regards, Rob
« on: May 06, 2013, 03:13 »
I know I would get you  No, but seriously: I was just uploading a new batch of images, two of them showing a woman in high heel shoes posing outdoors. One of the keywords is 'sexy'. You get more than a million results for the search 'sexy woman' on Shutterstock, some of them are mine. So it had worked before. And why shouldn't it, as long as it is an appropriate description!? But obviously not anymore! The system didn't make 'sexy' redundant, I had to delete the word before proceeding. Is this a new policy? And if, since when? And why? And even more interesting, are there more keywords we used to use and are now banned? Did you have similar experiences? Regards Rob
« on: January 20, 2013, 00:29 »
... when my images get no search results. I have no big portfolio at iStock, but still had my regular sales. After 3 weeks with only one sale I started wondering if something is wrong. So I made the test. One of my images ( http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-21810232-mature-woman-suffering-from-back-pain.php) had 9 views and 5 sales in the first three weeks after uploading in November. Two months later, nothing has changed. But no wonder, the image doesn't exist anymore, when I type in the relevant keywords "mature woman back pain" or "woman back pain". 32 respectively 82 images, but not mine. Not funny! And not happening at other agencies. Anyone else with same annoying experiences?
« on: October 24, 2012, 18:57 »
Hi Folks,
Over the last week or so my account balance is growing, but my number of downloads is still the same (in the overall statistic). Although one new file appears to have a download without a view. I won't complain as long as the money is coming in, but still, I don't understand why.
Anyone with an idea?
« on: October 10, 2012, 02:02 »
I don't really understand how that works:
Anytime my uploads are being reviewed almost simultaneously I get 100% acceptance. But I had now two batches (17 and 40 images) pending for some days. Result: 100% rejected. Reason: poor lighting/bad composition....
Images who are already accepted by SS or others. And images who are anything but bad composed or with poor lighting.
So, what do you reckon, are there work overloaded reviewer, ticking the same rejection box all over again? Or are we even talking about a non-human reviewer with random rejections? Nevertheless: things like that just shouldn't happen. For the benefit of contributor AND agency.
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