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Topics - joyfnp

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I decided to take the plunge,
I asked my question on the forums and did not get a really responsive answer, so decided to ask it here. "they" did say it could take several weeks...why so long? are they checking to verify removal of content from other sites? Or truly deciding if they want my port as exclusive? both?


 I know, I know, it's really up to me, everyone's portfolio is different, but maybe my situation has a slight twist to it...even though my situation is small potatoes...I hope to be a bigger spud someday!  :)
 I have about 450 pics up on iStock, 241 downloads.  I suspect I will be eligible by the end of June, the way things are going.  Despite all the negatives voiced on this site, iStock is easily my best agency; 4 payouts in 2.5 years.
451 pics on Dreamstime about 260 downloads.  I tried exclusivity on Dreamstime for a bit but then the downloads dried up and went back to Indie.  Haven't uploaded anything in a year so that I could deactivate my portfolio when the time came. 3 payouts in 4 years.  I only had 3 downloads in May so am definitely not holding my breath on Dreamstime
218 pics on Shutterstock and have only made a payout once in 3 years, ~$65 in the bank after a large sale in last year of $14. And it's not for lack of trying to upload more, just kept getting the rejections.

I am definitely going to give iStock exclusiveness a try but I wonder about the timing of it.  Should I wait until I reach a payout on Shutterstock?
Another question I have always had: Is it worth it?  Will I reach a payout per month+ in the foreseeable future?  The enticement page says that I will see a difference in the number of downloads...Did those of you who are now exclusive / went exclusive with a similar size portfolio see a jump?

Check out the most downloaded people image on iStock: a photo of a beautiful slender woman on the beach in a bikini throwing her arms straight behind her back.  Supposedly uploaded 3 days ago by Yuri Arcurs and has already received a purple flame and 4.2 Trillion downloads....


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