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Topics - Aaron Booth

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Dissolve / Dissolve price update
« on: July 29, 2015, 13:04 »
Hey there, if you're a non-exclusive contributor to Dissolve, then you'll be receiving an email from us today about a price update. Posting it here as well, let me know if you have any questions.



Hi to all our non-exclusive contributors,
We take pride in the amazing experience our customers have with Dissolve from collection quality to customer service to competitive and consistent pricing. So when content at Dissolve is available at a lower price elsewhere, we match that price.
This week, well be adjusting pricing on HD clips in affected collections to match pricing found elsewhere (to a minimum of $49). For example, if the minimum price of your HD collection is $79 on another site, it will be priced at $79 on Dissolve.
If you have any questions about this change, please contact products (at) dissolve.com. And if you start licensing your footage elsewhere at a lower price, let us know so we can ensure your collection on Dissolve is priced for the marketplace.
Dissolve products team

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