My thoughts about iStock! Tell your opinion what you think of these and how you feel? This are my feelings right now, I do not have very good things to say about iStock

, so if you are looking some positivity, DO NOT READ THIS!
I feel like these days iStock is mostly focused on that how much they can get money to themselves. They do not care lot of about the contributors opinions, they are focused on wrong things (interface, etc) and they do not admit any mistakes what they have done and say "we are sorry"!
First about the
redeemend credits...iStock decided to introduce redeemend credits because there is lots of contributors who don't have a time or interest to upload photos anymore. Maybe they (contributors) have a lot of downloads but monthly downloads have been drop because they haven't continued uploading. So iStock decided to take off that what they have earned through the downloads (ranking) before, then redeemend credits came and it was just because that way iStock can have more money.
iStock doesn't count G.I, ThinkStock and Image suscribtion sales in total year redeemen credits. Why? Now we have a situation that credit sales has been dropped a lot because of the new 1/3 credit pricing and the image suscribtion plans. Contributors can have less redeemend credits per year and royalty rates will drop.
Image suscription plans to us Exclusives. iStock still have that essential and signature imagesuscription plans. Essential imagesuscribtion plan blocks away exclusive contributors if the customers choose the essential imagesuscribtion plan. Not good for us (Exclusive). That 1/3 pricing is also unequal! It should be a same price for all photos. Customers do not care why some photos cost 3 credits and some others 1 credit. It is hard understand how much is the 1 or 3 credits if you are new in iStock. This makes it difficult to understand the pricing for the new customers and it is unfair for everyone.
If customers choose the imagesuscribtion monthly plan, iStock will get the entire money per month. The customers do not maybe use they entire downloads per month, so iStock will get the entire money per month but the contributors may not as credit sales.
Then I doesn't understand that
G.I / ThinkStock mirroring. Why iStock sell same photos in different (G.I,TS) places at different prices? Why we can't handle ourself which images we want to sell more expensive in getty and what images we want be in thinkstock and iStock. Okey we have that stupid check box "Nominate for Signature+ Collection" is that enough? No!
New payment system! iStock is keeping our money over month to themselves and takes the interest of the money to themselves what they should pay us as when we want them to. Once again, selfish and greedy thinking.
iStock website is realy slow and the new interface do not much help things. iStock is slower than any other stocksite what I know. iStock doesent have good contributor management page. Everything is here and there at sixes and sevens.
These days iStock accepted all kinds of poor photos in to their library. Where is the good quality check?
All the decisions what iStock has made have done things only worse. iStock is ghost town these days if we compire what was it like 2010. Could iStock start doing things right that things would go better! Sales have just fallen month by month! I'm tired of this bad situation and I am not going to spend my time any more to growth my portfolio. It is waste of time!
We should make a petition that iStock restore to prices back what was it like 2012...restore that small to xxxlarge pricing!!!