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Topics - trabuco

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iStockPhoto.com / Keywords limited number ?
« on: March 24, 2021, 05:21 »

Do you still have a keywords limited number?  :o

General Stock Discussion / Deleting accounts/ports
« on: January 19, 2021, 04:31 »

What about a guide to deleting accounts and ports? I have read issues with this in several agencies. Maybe we can post our feedback in one topic to know well the problems in some agencies.


- Pond 5. Easy and fast.
- 123RF. Easy and fast. I had no pictures online in this one, just the account. Had deleted them before.
- Istock. Easy. Pictures selling for several months but I got all my royalties.

Maybe could be useful for those who want to become exclusive in one agency or for newbies as a warning before submitting to those companies.

Off Topic / Coup
« on: January 06, 2021, 15:10 »
No more Trump, I presume.


EDIT: 4 people dead now.

DepositPhotos / 0.14
« on: December 07, 2020, 10:55 »
Time to quit for me.

   $0.14   $0 (0%)   $0.14

Shutterstock.com / Missing keywords again
« on: May 21, 2020, 04:28 »

I have, again, missing kvs in my pictures.

Capital ones, as the main name of the monuments in English.

I'm sick of SS. Can't understand this agency.

Shutterstock.com / financial district rejections
« on: April 25, 2020, 00:42 »

New rejections from skyscrapers and financial district of la Defense. Whole batch of modern architecture from there, many of them unrecognizable reflections and things like that.

Content not suitable for licenses: We cannot incorporate this image into our commercial or editorial collection, or we no longer accept this type of content

The first time, I have these kind of pictures in mi port in all agencies as editorial. Not the Grande Arche, that always have been rejected on SS and BS, but pictures of skyscrapers, even with logos, always have been accepted on SS as editorial. The rejections are not only close-ups, cityscapes and panoramic ones too.

Anyone elese having this kind of problems with urban pictures?

Shutterstock.com / keywords missing
« on: January 23, 2020, 15:33 »

Some of my keywords are missing on SS.

Is it normal?

Newbie Discussion / editorial keywords on SS
« on: January 10, 2020, 01:52 »

I have a doubt.

Since the very first time I use to include "editorial use only" and "illustrative editorial" in all my editorial files on SS. I really can't remember why, maybe read about it when I registered... maybe some guidelines changed, don't know...

But I have realized that there are two types of pictures in this category.

My question is: Do you use these keywords in documentary editorial ones? Or just "editorial use only"? or none or another one?

Do you think it's a problem to have keyworded all of them as "illustrative editorial"?

Thank you for your answers.

Newbie Discussion / similar content as editorial? (SS)
« on: November 08, 2019, 06:59 »

I have a question. I have made two great shots of a international monument. It was a lucky picture, the hour, the sun, the light and the reflections.

So, I have two great pictures accepted in all agencies except SS... SS took just the horizontal caption and rejected the vertical for similar content.

My question is

Is a good option to try to sell the second one as editorial?
Or it is not a good option because I have a similar one as creative. I mean, don't want to devalue the creative one and don't know if the editorial licenses are always lower and would harm the sales of the first one.

Thanks for your answers.

Newbie Discussion / "Cityscape" KW
« on: November 04, 2019, 02:39 »

Non-native English speaker asking for help again.

When do you use the kw "cityscape"? In all your city captions? Just in the panoramic ones? Do you use the kw "landscape" for cities?

When you use the kw "city" do you add the kw "town" too? In Spanish the meaning of these words is different f.i. In Spain we use "city" for villages. When I upload a shot from a city I use to insert both, but maybe "city" is a better option.

Thank you for your answers.

General Stock Discussion / Instant reviews on SS and BS?
« on: October 25, 2019, 03:31 »
With random rejections?

F.i. noise ???? most of my pictures are from the shot, no noise from processed.

Seems to be AI.

Adobe Stock / Sacre Coeur Paris trademark violation?
« on: September 09, 2019, 03:18 »

Do you know whether there is any copyright restriction to the Basilique du Sacre Coeur building exterior or not?

Some of my pictures have been rejected with this reason, but only at Adobe Stock.


Newbie Discussion / external hard disks
« on: August 08, 2019, 01:47 »

I have some storage problems (and have seen that increase mi pc hard drives again and again is not a good option). Could you recommend me external hard drives for stock? I'm thinking in 6 TB and several years of use. This is important to me, my external units have worked for years and intense use with no problems (seagate and iomega, about ten years and hard work -one have started to make some noise) but I need a better one as my main drive and would keep the others as backup. I don't want a very expensive one, if possible.

Thank you.

Newbie Discussion / wooden letters with numbers
« on: July 16, 2019, 09:52 »

Do you know if wooden letters with numbers (scrabble type) have copyright? Can I use them to put text on a picture as creative?

iStockPhoto.com / kid goat
« on: July 11, 2019, 02:19 »
After revision some of my pictures of a newborn baby now have the keyword "Kid Goat".

Dreamstime.com / impossible to upload
« on: July 04, 2019, 01:59 »

ftp doesn't work anymore for me. DS doesn't show the uploaded files as unfinished.

Web browser uploading died months ago.

Anyone else?

Discusin en Espaol / Datos de los modelos
« on: June 08, 2019, 13:45 »
Hola hispanohablantes.

Pregunta: Sabis como usan las agencias los datos de los modelos?

He sacado unas fotos de un beb y a los padres les preocupa que los datos anden por ah. Para entendernos, que tecleen su nombre en google y aparezca el nio.

Imagino que esos datos no son accesibles al pblico no? O sea, que los tendr la agencia para facilitarlos al comprador en el caso de que los pida.

Si alguien conoce este tema os agradezco que me orientis no vaya a equivocarme. No creo que haya riesgos de privacidad, pero prefiero preguntar por si alguien lo sabe con certeza.


Shutterstock.com / problem with "new" rejections
« on: June 06, 2019, 06:28 »

I have a problem with SS. Most of my pictures were accepted with no problem. I have a 1200 port and they used to reject 1/50.

But now, with the same type of pictures, I have a lot more rejections, sometimes 6/10. I din't change anything and they use to reject my landscapes for "out of focus".

Anyone with the same problem?

Newbie Discussion / Release for babies
« on: May 17, 2019, 13:49 »

Do you know if SS model release is accepted for babies in the other agencies? I use to fill that one and send it to the rest of companies with adult people.

I'd like to use just one document with the parents.

Thank you very much.

Discusin en Espaol / Uso de "ancient" en las keywords.
« on: May 10, 2019, 05:58 »

Me gustara saber si usis "ancient" en las keywords y cmo.

Entiendo que se refiere ms bien a cosas vinculadas a la antigedad, pero por las veces que se sugiere parece un simple sinnimo de "antiguo".

informal very old:

He's got an ancient laptop.

No s si usarla como sinnimo de antiguo o no  >:(

Discusin en Espaol / cambio de palabras clave istock
« on: April 30, 2019, 08:33 »

Sigo metiendo algunas cosas en istock. Me ha pasado una cosa: me han devuelto una serie porque no les gustaron un par de palabras y, al hacerlo me han cambiado otras de las que yo haba insertado.

Esto es extrao porque en otras fotos similares no se reconocen esas palabras nuevas, que me han metido ellos, dentro del vocabulario controlado de istock.

A lo que voy: me han quedado las imgenes con esas palabras que yo no introduje y que ahora salen en rojo en la plantilla cuando las uso en otras imgenes, as que ahora las reeemplazo por otras que s aparecen.

Pero veo que no puedo modificar las que ya estn online.

Por ejemplo "gothic" la ma, se transform en "gothic style". Y cuando pas no sala en rojo, as que mand y ahora est online. Y lo cambiaron ellos, no yo. Sin embargo ahora no me aparece "gothic style" en el vocabulario controlado.

Alguien sabe de qu va esto?  ?????????

Entiendo que tengo archivos online con palabras que istock no reconoce a pesar de que me las han metido ellos.

Menuda gracia.

Discusin en Espaol / fechas envo istock
« on: April 27, 2019, 02:35 »

Una pregunta para los que estis en istock: qu hacis con el campo de la fecha si hacis un envo mltiple de diferentes fechas? es posible enviar en el mismo paquete imgenes tomadas en das distintos?

Como os dije me march de all pero he hecho otra cuenta para ver si le puedo sacar partido a algunas imgenes que hago en paquetes mltiples y que son muy similares. Procurando no hacerme la competencia a m mismo con las otras agencias.

Discusin en Espaol / palabras clave complejas?
« on: April 13, 2019, 01:59 »

Os voy a preguntar algo en Espaol porque en ingls me va a ser complicado hacerme entender.

Mi pregunta es si creis que es prctico usar palabras clave complejas en lugar de una sola palabra, es decir "Eiffel Tower" en lugar de "eiffel,tower"
o "Santiago de Compostela" en lugar de "santiago,compostela".

Lo pregunto porque empec metiendo palabras individuales pero cada vez uso ms las palabras complejas y tengo la sensacin de que acabo haciendo una especie de autospam. Adems supongo que cuantas ms metes menos relevantes son, as que no s si es realmente prctico. Es decir, si haces esto con varias de las palabras y usas 50 al final te salen muchas ms y las importantes pierden relevancia, entiendo.

Otra pregunta: duplicis las palabras en otros idiomas? Por ejemplo "tour" y "torre" o "place" y "square"?

Nunca s cmo etiquetar bien en esos casos. No veo diferencias de ventas entre unas imgenes y otras adems usando una forma u otra.

Yo me inclino por usar 50 palabras individuales, sin complicarlas ni multiplicarlas, pero no s si esto es un error. Me resulta mucho ms cmodo y voy mucho ms al grano, a las relevantes.

Gracias por vuestras opiniones.

Newbie Discussion / brands as keywords
« on: April 03, 2019, 04:12 »

Do you know if brands can be used as keywords in creative content? f.i. "les paul" and "gibson" in a les paul type guitar without logos?

Thank you.

General Stock Discussion / The Getty debt
« on: March 19, 2019, 05:13 »
Searching for advices to manage a portfolio on Getty (thinking to come back or not, every day in microstock is a party) have found this:


Have you read it? Could you give me your impressions? I really don't know how american companies deal with this issues, but sounds really bad.

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