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Topics - Phil

Pages: [1] 2
We had a similar thread a few years ago, thought it might be interesting to do it again. We all have differrent tastes but what photographers (stock or non stock) inspire you or whose images do you look at when you just feel like looking at some photos?

For me some of the old 'masters' Ansel etc

more modern

I still like Rarinda Prakarsa http://photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=2231437 some duds and heavily photoshopped but still some great images.
Gavin Gough - http://www.gavingough.com/ who is part of the visual peacemakers http://visualpeacemakers.org/
Did a one day workshop with Gavin in Bangkok, expensive but definitely worth it - quickly assessed where I was at, worked out ways to push me and certainly taught me a lot. His being a super nice guy comes through very quickly and people are at ease with him - with that connection I look at his images and can imagine being there and get inspired to jump on a plane, or at least go take some photos :)

Who inspires you? 

Yaymicro / my sales
« on: January 11, 2013, 08:56 »
just looked at yay and my all time sales total is ...


Really?  ::) ???
* I'm glad they didn't round it off!!   LOL

Shutterstock.com / $75 sensitive use?
« on: December 24, 2012, 09:11 »
anyone know of anything else apart from sensitive use that gives a $75 commission on SS?

Not complaining one bit but I have what appears to be a sensitive use licence on an illustration of chocolate :D

General Stock Discussion / actual rates
« on: April 15, 2011, 01:50 »
now I cant even remember why but I brought up bigstock and somehow hit buy credits.

Like fotolia they work on earning 50% of a $1 credit (I didnt work them out as we know gets down to 16% - although a touch higher for me on silver).

Anyway looking at their credit prices got me thinking about how much I am actually getting...

Bigstock 5 credit pack = AU$3.4 per credit (cant change currencies) but today au$3.4 = us$3.57

so $0.5 / $3.57 = 14% commission! (although best case = 49% on the 700 credit packs)
is this right????  BigStock the lowest?

So I looked some more SS credit packs depending on level between 19.1% and 33% (being on top level I get between 29%-33%)

123rf (like BigStock 50% of $1 credits) au1.66=us1.75 -  for me min rate 28% max 44.6% (for 1200 credit packs)

veer (35% of $1 credits) au 1.42= us$1.49 - so 23% min and max 42% (12000 credit pack cant imagine too many of them being sold)

is & dt work on actual price, I think canstock work on 50% of purchase price too, just a pity about their subs.

when BigStock biggest credit pack is 700, 123rf is 1200, ss although different is 220 I wonder how many massive (5000+) credit packs actually get sold. 

Off Topic / $10075 lent on Kiva
« on: February 25, 2011, 22:08 »
Just loaned another $100 and saw that it meant the 22 of us in the group have now lent over $10000 :)

oops hadn't refreshed, we've lent $10175 :)

Off Topic / Million Dollar Photo
« on: February 11, 2011, 17:41 »
Peter Lik sold a print for a million dollars


Adobe Stock / Fotolia cuts commissions again
« on: January 20, 2011, 04:48 »
like istock, yay! a boom year so we have to cut commissions.... what crap
emerald and above stay the same

Dear Fotolia Contributor,
2010 was another record year for the Fotolia community. We set new all-time highs for the number images in our collection, the number of members, and photographer royalty payouts. For 2011, we're implementing some changes in efforts to continue this trend.

Competition in the market is increasing, both amongst the photographers in the community, and amongst stock photography agencies. We've been monitoring the situation carefully, and have continued to increase our marketing spend in the number and frequency of ad campaigns. In addition, Fotolia continued its international leadership in new markets, with the opening of the Russian and Chinese web sites. With the increase in sales, the velocity of the rank changes has also accelerated. In order to sustain our continued efforts in marketing, we are making some changes to the royalty structures at the mid and lower tiers next week.

Fotolia continues to maintain photographer commissions at a significantly higher than those of our major competitors, and our increased efforts in marketing will result in an even higher velocity towards increased rankings.

Please note also that our new recency filter gives some priority to newer and fresher content, which means that the best new photographers with fresh content will have a better chance of rising to the higher ranks.

Thanks for your continued support, and we look forward to a great 2011 together.


new rates (but I dont know the old)

Here is the price and royalty chart for non-exclusive files

Ranking    Contributor royalty (%)    
White    20    
Bronze    23    
Silver    25    
Gold         31
Emerald    37    
Sapphire    40    
Rubis    43    
Diamond    46    

123RF / maintenance on storage systems
« on: September 12, 2010, 15:46 »
for a week and a half now when hit upload button I get a message that they are doing maintenance on storage systems please check back in an hour or two. is everyone getting this or just me ?

Off Topic / joke of the 20/9
« on: September 19, 2009, 17:58 »
The Best " Out-Of-Office " E-Mail Auto-Replies:

1: I am currently out at a job interview and will reply to you if I fail to get the position .

2: I'm not really out of the office. I'm just ignoring you.

3: You are receiving this automatic notification because I am out of the office. If I was in, chances are you wouldn't have received anything at all.

4: Sorry to have missed you but I am at the doctors having my brain removed so that I may be promoted to management

5: I will be unable to delete all the unread, worthless emails you send me until I return from vacation on 4/18. Please be patient and your mail will be deleted in the order it was received.

6: Thank you for your email. Your credit card has been charged $5.99 for the first ten words and $1.99 for each additional word in your message.

7: The e-mail server is unable to verify your server connection and is unable to deliver this message. Please restart your computer and try sending again.'

( The beauty of this is that when you return, you can see how many in-duh-viduals did this over and over ).

8: Thank you for your message, which has been added to a queuing system. You are currently in 352nd place, and can expect to receive a reply in approximately 19 weeks.

9: Hi. I'm thinking about what you've just sent me. Please wait by your PC for my response.

10: Hi! I'm busy negotiating the salary for my new job. Don't bother to leave me any messages.

11: I've run away to join a different circus.


12: I will be out of the office for the next 2 weeks for medical reasons.

When I return, please refer to me as ' Loretta ' instead of ' Steve '

we actually had discussions about this the other day at work as one of people was away for 3 weeks and his message said he wont be checking email. everyone thought he was bragging that he can go 'cold turkey' without email :)

Off Topic / joke of the day 19/9
« on: September 19, 2009, 00:57 »

photography related :)

"SB Love" some very strange people in the world...


Off Topic / joke of the day 18/9 (lots of pictures)
« on: September 17, 2009, 19:10 »
Why pets bite people...

Off Topic / joke of the day 17/9
« on: September 16, 2009, 15:55 »

(Bunnings is a large hardware warehouse chain ?)

You will laugh - guaranteed! ENJOY!!
I went to Bunnings recently while not being altogether sure that course of action
was a wise one. You see, the previous evening I had prepared and consumed a
massive quantity of my patented 'you're definitely going to s**t yourself'
road-kill chilli. Tasty stuff, albeit hot to the point of being painful, which
comes with a written guarantee from me that if you eat it, the next day both of
your butt cheeks WILL fall off.

Here's the thing. I had awakened that morning, and even after two cups of coffee (and all of you know what I mean) nothing happened. No 'Watson's Movement 2'. Despite
habanera peppers swimming their way through my intestinal tract, I was unable to
create the usual morning symphony referred to by my dear wife as 'thunder and

Knowing that a time of reckoning HAD to come, yet not sure of just when, I bravely set off for Bunnings, my quest being paint and supplies to refinish the den.  
Upon entering the store at first all seemed normal. I selected a cart and began
pushing it about dropping items in for purchase. It wasn't until I was at the
opposite end of the store from the restrooms that the pain hit me.

Oh, don't look at me like you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm referring to that
'Uh, Oh, crap, gotta go' pain that always seems to hit us at the wrong time..
The thing is, this pain was different. The habaneras in the chilli from the
night before were staging a revolt.  

In a mad rush for freedom they bullied their way through the small intestines, forcing
their way into the large intestines, and before I could take one step in the
direction of the restrooms which would bring sweet relief, it happened. The
peppers fired a warning shot.

There I stood, alone in the paint and stain section, suddenly enveloped in a noxious
cloud the likes of which has never before been recorded. I was afraid to move
for fear that more of this vile odour might escape me.  

Slowly, oh so slowly, the pressure seemed to leave the lower part of my body, and I began to move up the aisle and out of it, just as a red aproned clerk turned the
corner and asked if I needed any help.

I don't know what made me do it, but I stopped to see what his reaction would be to the
malodorous effluvium that refused to dissipate.. Have you ever been torn in two
different directions emotionally? Here's what I mean, and I'm sure some of you
at least will be able to relate.  

I could've warned that poor clerk, but didn't. I simply watched as he walked into an
invisible, and apparently indestructible, wall of odour so terrible that all he
could do before gathering his senses and running, was to stand there blinking
and waving his arms about his head as though trying to ward off angry bees.
This, of course, made me feel terrible, but then made me laugh. .......BIG

Here's the thing. When you laugh, it's hard to keep things 'clamped down', if you know what I mean. With each new guffaw an explosive issue burst forth from my nether
region. Some were so loud and echoing that I was later told a few folks in other
aisles had ducked, fearing that someone was robbing the store and firing off a

Suddenly things were no longer funny. 'It' was coming, and I raced off through the store towards the restrooms, laying down a cloud the whole way, praying that I'd make
it before the grand mal assplosion took place.

Luck was on my side. Just in the nick of time I got to the john, began the inevitable 'Oh my God', floating above the toilet seat because my ass is burning SO BAD, purging.
One poor fellow walked in while I was in the middle of what is the true meaning
of 'Shock and Awe'. He made a gagging sound, and disgustedly said,
'Son-of-a-bitch!, did it smell that bad when you ate it?', then quickly left.

Once finished and I left the restroom, reacquired my partially filled cart intending
to carry on with my shopping when a store employee approached me and said, 'Sir,
you might want to step outside for a few minutes. It appears some prankster set
off a stink bomb in the store. The manager is going to run the vent fans on high
for a minute or two which ought to take care of the problem.'

My smirking of course set me off again, causing residual gases to escape me. The employee
took one sniff, jumped back pulling his shirt up to cover his nose and, pointing
at me in an accusing manner shouted, 'IT'S YOU!', then ran off returning moments
later with the manager. I was unceremoniously escorted from the premises and
asked none too kindly not to return  

Home again without my supplies, I realized that there was nothing to eat but leftover
chilli, so I consumed two more bowls. The next day I went to shop at Woolies . I
can't say anymore about that because we are in court over the whole matter.

*insult removed* claim they're going to have to repaint the store.

Off Topic / joke of the day (one for the girls)
« on: September 15, 2009, 22:36 »

While  the C-5 was turning over its engines, a female  crewman gave the G.I.s on board the usual
 information  regarding seat belts, emergency exits, etc.

Finally,  she said, 'Now sit back and enjoy your trip  while your captain, Judith Campbell, and  crew
 take  you safely toAfghanistan'

An old Sgt. sitting in the eighth row thought to  himself,
 'Did  I hear her right? Is the captain a woman? '

When  the attendant came by he said 'Did I understand  you right? Is the captain a woman?'
 'Yes,'!  said the attendant, 'In fact, this entire crew  is female.'

'My  God,' he said, 'I wish I had two double scotch  and sodas. I don't know what to think
 with  only women up there in the cockpit.'
'That's  another thing, Sergeant,' said the crew  member,
 'We  No Longer Call It The Cockpit'
  'It's  The Box Office.'  
Quote  of the day:
'Whatever  you give a woman, she will make greater. If you  give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you  give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you  give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.. If  you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.  She multiplies and enlarges what is given to  her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to  receive a ton of  crap.'

123RF / havent received june payment
« on: July 28, 2009, 18:32 »
Hi, I havent received june payment?, anyone else missed it? (misery likes company :)) or is just me being a loser on my own :)

Veer / how to rekeyword
« on: July 17, 2009, 20:48 »
hi, can someone tell me how I can rekeyword the images on veer (I actually felt like keyword, I must be ill :)) all my images are the transfers from snap.  There are some great ones :):):), 'rainbows' on image without one, 15 keywords on a door but not "door" or "doorway", pic of train without "train" etc etc LOL


Featurepics.com / featurepics moved up
« on: July 02, 2009, 07:41 »
I just noticed on the poll on the right that featurepics has moved up from the low earners to the up and coming and pushed crestock down

New Sites - General / pixmac - a new low $0.028 sale
« on: June 07, 2009, 07:09 »
Well I was opposed to Istocks original subs plan based on a percentage with no minimum amount because I couldnt accept a $0.05 (or lower) payment for an image... didnt realise I was already submitting to a similar system.

I started a couple of months ago with pixmac, then there was the issue with the competition on heroturko but I think to myself mistakes happen (shouldnt with a professional business, but I accept that they do)

Anyway I just went had a look and I see that I have 7.32 credits with them.

So I look at the break down

0000110389     2009-06-05 10:17:34  Image sell 0.047 cr.  Image: 0012475965   0.1 MPix     2010-06-05 10:17:34
0000097613    2009-05-22 04:43:10    Image sell    1.99 cr.    Image: 0013088495    0.5 MPix    2010-05-22 04:43:10
0000091809    2009-05-18 08:30:04    Image sell    0.089 cr.    Image: 0012398535    0.5 MPix    2010-05-18 08:30:04
0000088035    2009-05-13 00:47:33    Image sell    0.028 cr.    Image: 0012434443    0.1 MPix    2010-05-13 00:47:33
0000080227    2009-05-05 07:18:49    Image sell    0.198 cr.    Image: 0012398579    2 MPix    2010-05-01 07:18:49
0000044499    2009-03-24 16:37:07    Image sell    4.97 cr.    Image: 0012445189    30 MPix    2010-03-20 16:37:07

actually took me a bit to realise what I was seeing, I receive $0.047, $0.089 and a whole $0.028 cents for a sale. (so a little over 1700 $0.028 sales and you reach payout). They offer subs packages at $0.06 a credit and the artist gets 50%, oh well serves my right for looking into things properly.

but then it gets even more interesting...

I open up the images sold, and one of them shows downloads = 2, but its only listed once in my sales listing??? (ironically it is the image with the 2 cent sale) 

and then I search images, find one of mine and open it. User clearviewstock downloads =2 (doesnt include subs??) my 2 "bestsellers" aren't any of those that have sold?? 1 of them is actually an image they rejected (for poor lighting they are the only site inc ss, is etc to reject it, but I'm long over rejections).  So I go to manage my images and delete all the rejected images and now I am clearviewstock downloads =1

I think it is time that my portfolio was deleted


Mostphotos.com / euro vs usd
« on: May 11, 2009, 19:05 »

my webpage (which I still haven't had time to fix) sort of points to mostphotos (I had envisaged I would set up lightbox type things, which I still haven't had time to do properly :)). Anyway I've just a comment that someone went from my page to mostphotos and saw euros and basically went its not in USD its too hard and closed it.  This is the 2nd comment like this I've had (this one asked me for somewhere else), but they've taken the trouble to tell me, so maybe more didn't. 

Obvisously not a big deal for people in countries that use Euros, but do you think it is issue only being shown euros? should they change to say 25Euro / USD$35

(and those of us that use neither suffer :))


Shutterstock.com / woohoo woohoo I gotta raise
« on: April 13, 2009, 23:17 »
didn't even realise I was close, as I dont follow SS closely anymore (my sales are about 1/3rd of what they used to be) but in my inbox is

Congratulations! You have reached $10000 or more in all time Shutterstock earnings and your Standard License payout rate has been increased to $0.38 per download.

Best Regards,


very cool when you are not expecting it :)


Pixmac / pixmac competition on heroturko
« on: April 07, 2009, 08:56 »
i went to have a look at heroturko

(see this thread if you dont know who they are)

and found a competition with pixmac


Everyday we will giveaway $10 Pixmac Credits to 10 user.
What is Pixmac?
Pixmac is a young dynamic microstock agency, operating on the microstock market quite recently. Based in Prague, the heart of Europe, Pixmac has grown rapidly since its start up in August 2008 and aims to rank among the leading microstock agencies operating worldwide.

Pixmac reaches more than 3 000 000 pictures. The content makes a unique collection a broad range of pictures of different subjects. Price of images starts from $1. If you buy subscription the price of image is $0.06!

Moreover, offering free keywording for contributors, Pixmac aims to have professionally keyworded pictures enabling to provide for its customers not only high volume but especially easy search and relevant search result.

This month Pixmac launched editorial content. If you need the most actual photos of famous singers, actors or others celebrities visit Celebrity section at Pixmac and download pictures from $2 for your blog, postcard, print, etc. Every day Pixmac has more than 10.000 new photos!

Advantages of Pixmac ;

    * User-friendly interface
    * Pixmac is really fast
    * Pixmac is the cheapest microstock image bank
    * Free keywording

 Everyday we will giveaway $10 Pixmac Credits to 10 user.
Everyday we will post a new Pixmac image/vector to heroturko.com into this post. Than you have to go to pixmac.com and find the image/vector.

I asked pixmac if this is correct and got in reply

yes, it is legitimate competition organised by Heroturko together with Pixmac. Feel free to take part!

Personally I'm amazed at the logic of teaming up with a pirate site (and asked for them to close my account)??????????  I'm sure every image gotten with the 'free' credits will be straight back onto heroturko to be 'shared'.


I knocked up a website


comments are very welcome,

it's still in building / sorting out stage so some images etc will change, 
I know that lightroom made some of my images a touch bright, I dont know why but I can fix this.
1 image of a bird hasn't uploaded properly.
the buy page (kicks over to mostphotos) is going to be redone once I decide what to do with it (I dont expect much / anything to really come from the website, its more for when people say 'can i have a look at your photos')

but what I cant work out is that it wont work in internet explorer, firefox and safari are happy just not IE.  If anyone can see why it would be great.


iStockPhoto.com / iptc workaround
« on: December 17, 2008, 00:03 »
i started a new thread to make it more visible :)

ok, after more than a month of it not reading iptc I thought I'd look in the IS forum (yep, I move pretty darn quick when there is a problem LOL)

anyways someone has posted that they upload their images, go to the pending and see no description etc then they go to the forum and here's the killer... when they go back to the pending list all the keywords etc are there for each image??? 

I tried it and really works! :)

(feel like I should be writing now pass this on to 7.3 other people in the next 44 seconds and will have good luck etc etc).

anyway its dumb but it works :)


Off Topic / just got au$1.40 on transfer
« on: October 08, 2008, 04:05 »
just got au$1.40 on transfer, which is about 20% on last week and 40% on 2 months ago, so if it sits at this I got a 40% pay rise!!

(thought I'd post in case anyone here has money sitting in paypal and didn't realise the rate)

General Stock Discussion / future of stock
« on: July 19, 2008, 20:38 »
had a conversion a week or so ago with a guy who claims he has over 10000 stock images and has never paid for an image, just collecting the freebies on the internet from micro and free stock sites.

he mentioned


and reckons this is the future of stock - a share of the advertising revenue...

said quality isn't great as yet, but it is usually "good enough" (I remember that argument in relation to  istock a few years ago  ;))

what do you think, will this be the new micrstock? people who get constant rejections, get told overabundant category etc etc will they turn to this and destroy the micro's???

General Stock Discussion / finding your images
« on: July 01, 2008, 06:04 »

I was sent a copy of the international journal for high energy physics as they used a pic of a gecko of mine (my eldest daughter rather proudly told her science teacher she was in the journal, then showed the pic of gecko on the tip of a finger :) (she should have said her finger is in the journal :)

and I subscribe to a kids science magazine, and last issue my youngest came running in yelling that it is my pic in the magazine which was cool (another lizard pic)

and then I did some searching for my images and found a nice landscape pic of australian rainforest being used in a discussion about amazon rainforest.  pic of grape vines in the barossa being used to advertise french wine :)

and then saw this thread on shutterstock


so then I got thinking book publishers were paying $300++ each for images a few years ago. now they get them for $0.25c but book prices haven't dropped at all... at least the ones I seem to buy seem to have gone up??

this made me not so happy and I realised that my commission on the total sales of that lizard pic across 10-14 sites doesn't even cover the cost of a single issue of the magazine....

think I should stop looking for my pics :( 

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