iStockPhoto.com / Are photos from behind and silhouettes editorial?
« on: November 13, 2023, 13:34 »
I have not been submitting new content to Getty Images since winter. Shutterstock accepts photos from behind and silhouette photo as ordinary, not editorial..
I remember that Getty last required model releases to street or beach photos when I took pictures from behind, when you cannot see a face.
I wonder how is it now at Getty, I have many new photos from my travels taken on streets which Shutterstock accepts as ordinary photo. Just do not want to resubmit - it is still much work
I have not been submitting new content to Getty Images since winter. Shutterstock accepts photos from behind and silhouette photo as ordinary, not editorial..
I remember that Getty last required model releases to street or beach photos when I took pictures from behind, when you cannot see a face.
I wonder how is it now at Getty, I have many new photos from my travels taken on streets which Shutterstock accepts as ordinary photo. Just do not want to resubmit - it is still much work