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Messages - AnneVictoire

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Amazingly, I have recently made a somewhat large commission on a sale from EyeEm's partner collection, even though I have not uploaded in ages, and actually started at some point deleting my images because of their troubles. And EyeEm paid almost immediately when I requested payment, so I'm thinking it is not dead yet.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobestock Review Time
« on: October 09, 2024, 08:12 »
I'm wondering - does Adobestock still want photos? Should I just stop submitting? Be nice if they communicated why they've suddenly stopped accepting my work, after many years of working together.
I was thinking the exact same thing this morning, wondering if it is still worth my while to upload any photo that is not editorial or model released, even though my commercial ones still sell on Adobe. Seems illogical.

3 / Re: Shutterstock is an embarassment
« on: May 31, 2024, 05:51 »
I have actually had quite a good month on SS in May, with two larger sales for photos. However, they have now started refusing model releases that are perfectly fine, in some cases accepting four releases for a family of four, then refusing the same releases for other images of the same family, crazy behaviour. Or accepting a photo of a 19th century church and refusing the presbytery next to it on intellectual property grounds. Not sure if the reviewers are human or not, the reviews are much faster but crazy now. Have any of you experienced this in the last few days? Is it worth it contacting them to have explanations?

4 / Re: Anybody getting reviews?
« on: March 21, 2024, 08:39 »
Same here, no reviews at all in several days. Slow sales too.

5 / Re: Yay my photo is used as a book cover
« on: March 20, 2024, 07:12 »
Yes Brasilnut it is true, but on the other hand your images on Arcangel can be sold several times for book covers as well.

No. 1: Now that I have done the work and reached a several-thousands images and a few videos portfolio, why would I want to stop getting any kind of income from that work? I have to say I'm not uploading model releases to SS anymore, that was too much work for the usual 10 cents sale. I sometimes upload a portrait in the editorial section, but that's it. However, I still get the occasional $20 to $150 sale, so I guess I'm sticking with SS for the near future.

SS is well aware of these pitiful results, as they lowered their payment threshold to $25. Enough said!

8 / Re: What a cool SS, how well he sells
« on: December 01, 2023, 11:48 »
No, I do all my work in English, being fairly bilingual. It is excellent for my knowledge of the language, especially when I have to learn names of animals, birds, trees, architectural vocabulary, etc. in English. When my English titles appear to me translated in French because all my computer environment is French, I don't think the translator tool does a good job, so I would rather do everything in English.

9 / Re: What a cool SS, how well he sells
« on: November 30, 2023, 14:25 »
Yes, you should add the exact location in the title and the keywords. That noted, I have found that my best-sellers from my hometown Quebec City are more the famous buildings or locations (such as the Montmorency Falls) or sometimes very quaint traditional French-Style houses in nearby Island of Orleans. Photos taken at dawn with tripod and in the best light help of course, at the peak of Fall or Winter conditions. That said, this morning's $108 on SS sale was purchased in the USA and it was not of a famous Quebec City building at all, so you never know.

10 / Re: What a cool SS, how well he sells
« on: November 30, 2023, 10:31 »
 Me too, best SS November month ever, just sold a SO image this morning for $108, for example, a rare event. Strangely, even though I have images from many remote countries such as Namibia, Nepal, Burma, etc., my best-sellers are all from my hometown, Quebec City, or Montreal or the Quebec province.

Adobe Stock / Re: review times??
« on: September 18, 2023, 13:25 »
Yes, Adobe does approve some photos that are not at the end of the queue, or editorial (these get reviewed pretty quickly). I'm not sure what the rationale is, as those recently approved were not more or less timely than the oldest uploads (more than a month after upload). Still, I am grateful whenever some are approved these days, rather than taking it for granted.

Adobe Stock / Re: review times??
« on: September 13, 2023, 15:46 »
Yep, two images "submitted last month" i.e. more than 28 days ago, when they announce moderation can take up to four weeks. They should correct this to say moderation can take more than four weeks. I have no A.I. illustrations and 72 photos waiting to be reviewed.

I do use Lightroom presets and especially like those aimed at portraits, but I have tested and used most of them and I do feel they are helpful and a shortcut during post-production. I have never purchased any presets.

I had my first two sales with Arcangel Images and got to see my photo on a book cover.

General Stock Discussion / Re: EyeEm - More than a warning!
« on: September 02, 2023, 07:37 »
I have been receiving Your Photography Is In Demand! Confirm Market Details to Start Selling messages from EyeEm in the past two days, with photos attached. Wondering if they are going back in business or some of their partners want to use my photos, without paying for them. Have any of you received similar messages?

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